Recommended by Robyn Chuter
Salient posts on the "Green Leap Forward" - the social and economic drive to rapidly change the world's energy consumption with analysis into the potential unintended consequences and negative downstream effects of such rapid changes.
Incisive commentary on the dangerous fraud being perpetrated in the name of 'greening the planet'.
Revealing truth in an effort to help people to stop living in fear
Jessica shares her own journey of awakening to the sobering reality that (almost) everything she thought she knew was a lie, with both steely resolve to uncover the truth, and compassion for those who struggle to cope with how disturbing it is.
Unconditionally available information. For free. Now. And always.
Jessica is the coolest nerd-girl around. How many people do you know who can explain complex biology and mathematics in terms that ordinary people can understand, and lace it with humour that helps you maintain your sanity in the midst of COVID craziness?