Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Robyn Chuter

Wow. I must get out more, had I known, I'd have tried to make the trek to attend. For some reason your post about this isn't appearing on the mobile app, unless it's me.

And yes, it is actually ridiculous that I can buy pack of fags but need a "prescription" to get some vapes. Not that I smoke, but now I almost feel like taking it up. I mean, WTF . Why not chocolate or alcohol or monster while we're at it.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

He was in your neck of the woods, by the looks of it.

And yes, while I don't advocate smoking (see my post on centenarians today!!!!) it is beyond ridiculous that our grubberment restricts access to vapes but you can buy all the booze and fags you want (not to mention, take your 23rd booster).

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Jun 28Liked by Robyn Chuter

D grade ( being very generous) vs A grade. This is how you do it publicly, humiliate the dills, poke fun at them, turn the questions back on them, make jokes, very simple. Robyn, I'm missing your chats with Mitch.😃

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Mitch has decided to wind up the poddie so he can focus on the FOI project, but we are doing a last show together soon.

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Jun 28Liked by Robyn Chuter

I'm still keen to assist.😃

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You bet.

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Couldn't get past the "tens of millions". Too embarrassing.

Ironically, mass shootings are all staged ... and they let us know as they always do Revelation-of-the-Method style. https://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/revelation-method-predictive-programming-and-prime-directive

Can you imagine any real parent of a young child behaving like Robbie Parker the day after the tragic death of their six year-old? Directly from CNN - notice that even the commenters on this mainstream YouTube video do not believe him - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4rwdriJpkc

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It's well worth your while to grit your teeth and push through the nonsense, just to watch Tucker destroy them.

I have no doubt that many of the mass shootings are inside jobs in some way, shape or form, whether they're Manchurian candidates, CIA operatives gone rogue, or whatever.

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Jun 28Liked by Robyn Chuter

I love the man. Strong, balanced, articulate and funny! It would be just fine to start each day listening to Tucker v the press.

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I would love that too but it might be bad for Tucker's blood pressure 🤣 .

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Jun 30Liked by Robyn Chuter

They saved the best for last, bringing to mind a quote from nineteen eighty-four:

"It was always the women and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and noser-outs of unorthodoxy".

And from el gato malo's substack yesterday:

"Scientific fact: a dog gets more factual information from sniffing another dog's butt than a human does from watching mainstream media".

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Wasn't she just the exemplar of the Head Girl? Eugyppius has written about her subspecies in his typically brilliant fashion: https://www.eugyppius.com/p/once-more-on-renowned-fool-emily

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Jun 28Liked by Robyn Chuter

Just loved that!

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Me neither Robyn. It made me cringe at the level of 'questions' these so-called journalists asked. Wonder if the 'vax' has already diminished an already low IQ, certainly cognitive capacity was lacking.

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You've raised an interesting point that I ponder very often: were people ALWAYS this stupid before, but I just didn't notice; or have they become more stupid since the scamdemic?

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Jun 28Liked by Robyn Chuter

I think the word that applies here is manifest. People aren’t more stupid, just that things like Trump and the scamdemic have manifested the stupidity. I still see people wearing masks in their cars, alone. And if you’re looking to government to fix things, well, do I need to say it?

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Loss of capacity to critically think, to problem solve. Looking externally, not internally. The Govt are not going to fix anything.

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I have noticed a decline the past 10-20 yrs, in cognitive capacity, ability to critically think, to problem solve - change in education and technology. Google, group think.

Definitely seen a decline in past 4 yrs of people's ability to respond in the moment, driving etc.

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That fits well with my observations. The loss of basic mathematical abilities is very striking. I've noticed a vastly diminished vocabulary too - many people seem not to be familiar with words (basic vocabulary words, not jargon) that used to be commonly used. Appalling ignorance of even quite recent history, let alone events of the more distant past. And definitely, decline in critical thinking capacity.

Mark Crispin Miller's bone-chilling 'Died Suddenly' email compilations provide ample examples of vaxxidents in the post-COVID shot era.

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Agree Robyn, loss of basic mathematical abilities and vastly diminished vocabulary. The lack of knowledge of history, its impact on societal cohesion is very concerning. Erase the past, dumbing down and creating meritocracy has occurred in Western nations in particular. I have not see "Died Suddenly" but I must. The next 6mths will be very telling and the next 2 yrs navigating the astrological shifts. Be like the bamboo, shift with the wind, but ground your feet.

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Mark Crispin Miller has been extensively cataloguing the deaths and mysterious illnesses on his substack: https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/. The Died Suddenly doco is a bit sensationalistic and veers away from established facts a bit too much for my liking.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Robyn Chuter

The movie "Idiocracy" really is a documentary.

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I watched it for the first time during the scamdemic, and reached that conclusion.

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Jun 28Liked by Robyn Chuter

Maybe he should runfor POTUS

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He would get a lot of votes if he ever stood! But he would have a hard time getting the Republican nomination, given how much he trash-talks them :).

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We need a complete take down of our false two party government! Our country is beyond reform in my opinion. We need a revolution to eradicated the evil corporate-government relationships that now control the USA.

The SCOTUS ruling on 1A this week should be at the center of every news story but I would guess that only 10% or less of Americans even know or care. Ultimately we need more people awake and paying attention if the beacon of freedom that is the United States is going to survive!

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It's hard for me to see how the US gets out of its current predicament without revolution, not that I'm enthusiastic about the idea of one, because they always involve bloodshed. Between the Missouri v Biden case being tossed out of SCOTUS on the ridiculous grounds of 'lack of standing' (which BTW has been used by our High Court to dismiss several COVID jab cases) and the pathetic spectacle of a demented old criminal free-associating his way through the debate with Trump, the US has ceased to even vaguely resemble the nation that the Founding Fathers envisaged.

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Perhaps you should have paid more attention to "conspiracy theories" specifically "Q" focused and you would be less pessimistic. "Devolution" explains much.

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Jun 28Liked by Robyn Chuter

Independents now are the key to POTUS but not enough of them may be enobled enough to lend full support. It's why the entrenched duopoly and their corporations win no matter who runs.

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I would like to see an independent candidate take the presidency but your corrupt slimebag media block the public from even knowing an independent is running - just look at what they're doing to RFK Jr.

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I think after the next the following election will be a real chance for Independants like Tucker, or Elon, or...

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