I am sure the drug companies love all of these side effects because then they can give the victim more drugs to treat the side effects of the PPIs, which then cause more side effects, which leads to even more drugs given. Money, money, money, and more money.

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Yep, creating lifelong customers of the medical industrial complex.

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That’s it in a nutshell.

This is what “Medicine” is based on. Bullshit, lies, deceit, phony “trials” etc etc

The 3 pillars/columns that keep “Medicine” $ going $ i.e. cause/create every disease known to man:

• Meds, 95% of them including OTC poison.

• Vaccines. All of them, not just the Big Boogey Man, C-19 vax

• Chemo / Radiation

All the above are uber deleterious to a humans CNS. Once they cause weakness/disease/suffering/slaughtering & even killing from the above 3, then “Medicine” moves in (yet again) to $$ treat the diseases $$ that “Medicine” caused. Often long lasting ‘diseases’ / illness. The longer the better for $$ “Medicine” $$.

It’s hard to believe. It’s sick. It’s evil. Yet?, it’s true. Once the masses understand this (a gazillion years from now, maybe), then we can move forward.

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Unfortunately, by the time masses figure it out we will be long dead. You are right that the medical system is evil. Putting profit over human lives is evil. The medical system is legalized criminality. These criminals do not hide from the police because they own the police.

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When I was in high school, I learnt that acid plus carbonate reacts to form salt plus water plus carbon dioxide.

Thus HCl + NaCO3 = H2O + CO2 + NaCl.

I always use this for indigestion. 1 teaspoon of BiCarb soda in water, one does only.

The reaction give temporay relief, and allows my stomach to go back to normal acid production.

No nasty co effects, no weird chems in my body, and dirt cheap too.

The only issue the gas, you gotta get that burping right.

I have seen many, many people suffer under PPI meds for days on end with their digestive issues, and yet they refuse to try BiCarb cos their Doctors advise against it. They live in pain for hours/days while a safe and effective treatment is in their Pantry.

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