
Thank you so much for the time it took to research and write this article. Very informative and so aligned with what I suspected. Since the symptoms of hypothyroidism are quite ubiquitous amongst many adults, it’s easy to see why medicine throws a pill at it to feel like something is being done. The harder work is do all the things you suggest, ie healthy living, sleeping, eating and loving.

You’re an amazing resource and we’re lucky to have you helping us to understand the complexity of our health.

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Apr 27Liked by Robyn Chuter

Since moving to the Shoalhaven region in NSW in 2015 it has horrified me to meet so many women mostly between mid 30's to may be late 40's who have had their thyroid destroyed by radiation then forced onto Synthoid as a substitute for then rest of their lives. My sample is by no means representative and as an older male most women are not going to blab to me about their Thyroid condition. My blood boils though when I do hear this story as some medico's are making a fortune doing this to these women and I seriously doubt that it is either required or an effective treatment for whatever prompted the women to seek medical advice in the first place. There is a LOT of accounting to be done one way or another, someday and somewhere.

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Apr 27Liked by Robyn Chuter

Referring to last week’s post regarding iodine, what are your thoughts on putting iodine(such as lugol’s) on your skin(back of the hand or forearm), letting it sit for a while to see if it leaves a stain? If it does you have sufficient iodine. If not you’re deficient. I remember you saying iodine levels vary day to day.

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Apr 30Liked by Robyn Chuter

Thank you I will get onto it asap😊

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Apr 27Liked by Robyn Chuter

an incredibly interesting article Robyn. Noted about Functional Medicine folks being very keen on testing and treating. It is a standard baseline test in the Bredesen Protocol, so will keep this article in mind and suggest participants read it and discuss with the doctor overseeing the protocol. However, Dr Bredesen is always mentioning to get the basics of health (diet, exercise, sleep etc) fixed first before going down any other treatment rabbit holes.

I'm sure our wonderful, independent regulatory bodies would have this in the centre of their radar though and will be jumping on any overprescribing with much vigour. haha !

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Apr 27Liked by Robyn Chuter

This subject has always been so confusing to me. I have left side swollen thyroid, I can feel and see it.

Apparently no sign in bloods( dr says)

He said when it gets bad we will just give you the meds.

I have the fatigue and weight issue. Currently working on dr Brooke Goldners hyper nourish protocol. I’m curious as to what you think is better, the lid one supplement or dulse flakes daily.

Why would your thyroid be swollen. What’s the best course of action!

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It stands to reason that a synthetic hormone would be dangerous. No surprise there. Has anybody done a study on use of bioidentical thyroid hormones?

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Hi Robyn,

I have a friend who had her thyroid destroyed because she had hyperthyroidism. She had to swallow some radioactive chemical. So I am interested in the over active thyroid.

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