I feel it is becoming increasingly difficult to attribute what is happening solely to stupidity. At some higher level it appears manufactured and intentional, any level below that can be explained by various factors, wilful blindness, we turn a blind eye in order to feel safe, to avoid conflict, to reduce anxiety and to protect prestige. From Margaret Heffernan, "by challenging our biases, encouraging debate, discouraging conformity, and not backing away from difficult or complicated problems – we can be more mindful of what's going on around us and be proactive instead of reactive."

Denis Rancourt has also done some great work along the lines of Dr Wilson Sy



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Denis Rancourt's work is astonishing. I summarised his paper on all-cause mortality in Australia in https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/the-great-australian-die-off, and in Europe and the US in https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/if-the-covid-19-injections-work-why, and his article on the uselessness of masks in https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/new-study-shows-face-masks-are-dangerous. He came into the convid ear already battle-hardened from his dust-ups with the University of Ottawa.

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I always appreciate the depth and scope of your articles/arguments.

I see a lot of people, myself included, overcoming the assumption that humans are basically good, our systems are basically working, psychopaths are rare, we would never conduct genocide in the modern age, science, stats, data is even remotely trustworthy etc. etc. This is a good thing. Definitely malevolence.....

However, it's important to note how easy it is to obfuscate this issue, or to note how it may seem simple, but actually be more complex. Consider a single study providing evidence of dramatically variable batches: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pfizer-biontech-covid-vaccine-placebo/

Was/is this:

- 'good actors minimising the genocide from within the apparatus'? - yay humanity

- evidence of incompetence in manufacturing being the major cause of the deaths? ( I suggest no, see people like Mike Yeadon dismissing that possibility very convincingly (https://expose-news.com/2022/01/10/mike-yeadon-covid-injections-are-toxic/))

- Part of the plan of general general war on reality and understanding?

- Partly failed malevolence? (they would have preferred to kill more, but human error actually led to less deaths)

- Part of some harder to decipher plan from those who conspired?

- Evidence of even more targetted killings? (eg. the deadlier batches went to certain demographics for a reason)

- Yet another study biased by money or corrupted data?

- A foreward thinking escape clause from Crimes Against Humanity trials?

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You've provided an excellent example of how brain-achingly complex even one single issue within this giant clusterf*ck can be.

I've become more and more convinced that the only sensible approach to adopt is to avoid committing to an opinion about anything that's going on, and anyone involved in it, until there is sufficient weight of evidence to make a judgment... and even then, evidence that subsequently emerges may force a change of opinion.

We have access to only a tiny fraction of the information we need to form rational judgments. That's why I deliberately read and listen to people with a diverse range of viewpoints.

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Further to my previous comment, I just read Aliens Cause Global Warming By Michael Crichton


Every point made in this article can be applied to Covid, here are a few.

Politicians justify unethical practices as a means to an end they believe to be a greater good.

“The science is terrible but—perhaps the psychology is good.”

Once you abandon strict adherence to what science tells us, once you

start arranging the truth in a press conference, then anything is possible.

I believe the lesson was that with a catchy name, a strong policy position and an aggressive media campaign, nobody will dare to criticize the science, and in short order, a terminally weak thesis will be established as fact. After that, any criticism becomes beside the point. The war is already over without a shot being fired.

As the Covid pandemic draws to a close, the connection between hard scientific fact and public

policy has become increasingly elastic. In part this was possible because of the complacency of the

scientific profession; in part because of the lack of good science education among the public; in

part, because of the rise of specialized advocacy groups which have been enormously effective in

getting publicity and shaping policy; and in great part because of the decline of the media as an

independent assessor of fact.

What is clear, however, is that on this issue, science and policy have become inextricably mixed

to the point where it will be difficult, if not impossible, to separate them out. Is it possible for an

outside observer to ask serious questions about the safety and effectiveness of covid 19 vaccines.

In recent years, it has been claimed that science is just another form of raw power, tricked out in special claims for truth-seeking and objectivity that really have no basis in fact. Science, we are told, is no better than any other undertaking. These ideas anger many scientists, and they anger me. But recent events have made me wonder if they are correct.

It is important for those “in power” to maintain the false notion that government, media, education, and other leading social institutions are “socially neutral” and thus beyond the controlling reach of corporate, state-capitalist ideology and interests. As Schiller explained, “for manipulation to be most effective, evidence of its presence should be non-existent…It is essential, therefore, that people are manipulated to believe in the neutrality of their key social institutions” (Schiller 1973, p.11).

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Absolutely! I wrote about this in my very first article on Substack, The Death of Science? https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/the-death-of-science. I quoted an article by Matthew Crawford:

"Crawford points out that the only science we are ever likely to hear about, at least from mainstream sources, is 'politicised science' – that is, science produced by individuals and institutions who have abandoned their proud insistence on scepticism and falsifiability and have instead allowed themselves and the products of their labours to be used as an instrument of power by claiming to reliably interpret reality and to provide certainty.

As Crawford succinctly puts it,

'To serve the role assigned it, science must become something more like religion.'”

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Having watched, Hancock, given a platform via the UK Covid Inquiry, and with opportunity, it is best not to waste it.

With a certain degree of morbid banality, he claims apology.

Off course with the caveat , that " we should have acted sooner and enforced measures more stringently". We made mistakes.

Then with the psychopathic indulgence of a true criminal, offered a meek, but loaded apology to

family of those injured by the disease , not his or his fellows of conspiracy.

The release, of the Telegraph emails and other correspondence, are interesting, when related to

intent, and the mindset, almost child like in excitement, seeking reassurances and support,

" we need to really scare them" " yes, yes, when can we go with the variant "

It would appear, that , the top down quotant, and the identity of which , we , in all likelihood will never

know, were keeping the peddle to the mettle, so to speak.

It is clear, the co- ordination, on a global scale, of all facets of this supposed Pandemic, to finite detail, and adaptation to different countries, in the time scale and distribution of legislation and regulations

of policy, is one of intelligence. Men rea intent.

The actions and implementation are also the same, the records and purchases of equipment and the

disposition of same . For example, the Pre- order of" Madazolam " and the distribution of documentation and protocols, to aged care homes and NHS Institutions, is well documented.

Again intelligence, and attention to detail is apparent.

The structure of management, media liaisons , the propaganda machinery and the fright night mentality,

the NLP , nudging and the think tank SAGE and the deployment of Military Communications specialists,

UK Brigade 77 , Israel , IDF , to run tactical Communications monitoring, Australia, Signals , one can

clearly perceive the intent.

To claim malevolence of intent, is a broad stroke, BUT; if it walks , talks, and looks like a duck, well

what can I say, Deliberate, Uniform, Coherent, Knowledge, of Actions of Critical Targeting.

Intelligence. Forward and infrastructure planning, Preparedness.. not for Preparedness of a

Pandemic, but to install it as an operation on a global scale, which to most is cognitively challenging.

There is nothing stupid in this from the point of view of the top down implementation of the operation.

Stupid, does come into it though, but in my humble view , it is a wilful and cognisant act , of the

nature of humanity, on the fight or flight , paralysis of the ability to act rationally was denied in many

circumstances, by the sheer deployment of information, 24/7 bombardment of media and emergency,

which degenerated to violence and arbitrary humiliation of people, who in their hearts wanted to help,

this is the psy- op, and the generation of anger and frustration of those who did not follow the perceived

" for the common good " and the disgusting campaigns against people in our communities.

There is nothing stupid here, it is as cold blooded , as the tabletop pundits of Event 201,

I call them the arm wavers and the " we " people, it's about what " we " say it is, ' we ' are the experts,

and we know.

Dealing with cold blooded caricatures, murders, they don't see themselves as that, the thought process

is more akin to a methodology of problem solving of business, of numbers, acceptable limits , it is

clear the thinking follows a different direction, the insidious thing here is , that these actors , have also been programmed, conditioned to think in a certain way, developed, selected and cultivated as to live in

another reality, where right and wrong are not seen as such, the sooner we realise this the better, the sooner the need to take back , the rampant power grab, not to react, to meekly acquiesce, that would be stupidity.

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" Dealing with cold blooded caricatures, murders, they don't see themselves as that, the thought process is more akin to a methodology of problem solving of business, of numbers, acceptable limits" - exactly this. The banality of evil, just as Hannah Arendt described.

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Excellent insights and informed analysis Robyn. It is becoming increasingly difficult to see this other than an intentional 'depopulation' agenda. It also seems to be 'western' governed democracies who are driving a bigger agenda which is more than covid related. What concerned me at the outset was how critical thinking disappeared and people accepted the narrative that had been agreed to by the powers that be. All part of Pluto in Capricorn (power of the elite, the big corporates, etc) which is at its 'end', as we shift into Pluto in Aquarius January 2024

I am heartened to see people now questioning, pushing back and forming collectives. Focus on what we want to co-create!

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I too am seeing more and more people become willing to consider the previously unthinkable. That's the first, vital step, after which we have to start taking action, just as you say, to build the kind of world we want to live in... and leave to our children and grandchildren.

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At this rate, the welfare bill for the Age Pension will drop to nothing. I guess that's one way of funding the NDIS

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Very good point!

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Malice, murder, money, murder, malice!!

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Easy! Cold blooded murderers are at the top of pretty well everything, and run large departments of cowed, useful idiots and trusting, critically unthinking, citizens who mean well and can’t imagine in their worst nightmares a society firmly in the grip of psychopaths. And behind these human vermin, cold dark forces of evil hell-bent on destroying and corrupting Gods amazing and beautiful creation. Gods wrath is being stored up for a great and terrible day of reckoning. The Bible calls it The Day of the Lord God Almighty. As heart breaking as these past years have been, and as much as I’ve been threatened, demonized and ground down, it comforts me to know God will soon put right this listing ship we call planet Earth. Come Lord Jesus! 🙏🏻

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You've put your finger right on one of the key problems we're facing: most people can't imagine how other human beings could act with such callous disregard for other humans.

But psychopaths have always walked among us, and every society has had to figure out how to deal with them - or fall into decay because they haven't.

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