I'm actually from the Chesty Bonds era - I remember them well. It was also a time when you didn't have to worry about being a bad 'fat-shamer' if you looked askance on the obese. Now, 'inclusion' means we can't tell the truth about what obesity is doing to health and 'plus-size' models have to be celebrated instead of pitied.

Nice to know that the research literature shows that it is literally smart to lose the excess pudginess by looking after your brain health in a real, physio-biological way.

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If I were a paranoid conspiracy theorist, I might speculate that there were forces that actively promote obesity as one of the many strategies for dumbing down the population and making them physically and mentally incapable of revolting against their neofeudal masters. But that would be batsh*t crazy.

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Very interesting!

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It sure is. And disturbing!

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Goodbye Bonds, in on the fix, never again. https://www.bonds.com.au/covid-19

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Oh sheesh. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮. Imagine Chesty Bonds wearing a god-damned mask!

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Correct, just another rabbit hole.

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Unfortunately,they're all in on it Robyn. National Cabinet Documents will reveal everyone. https://www.afr.com/companies/retail/bonds-owner-rushing-4-million-masks-to-australia-20200802-p55htu

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Big effing surprise - leading shareholder of Hanesbrands, owner of Bonds, is Vanguard: https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/HANESBRANDS-INC-31267/company/

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I started an intermittent fasting plan during Covid. It’s 12 hours eating & 12 fasting. Every day. Forever .. it’s been 2 years & Im down 52 lbs… I have chronic health issues & exercising is hard for me .. it’s free .. you got nothing to lose to try 😃

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Congratulations on your fantastic results! It's very health-promoting to go at least 12 hours overnight without eating - strictly speaking, this is time restricted eating rather than intermittent fasting per se. Everyone should be leaving a good 3 hours between finishing eating and going to bed, and then insulin sensitivity isn't that great for the first 2 hours after waking up. Assuming around 8 hours in bed, that's 13 hours without eating. My overnight fast is typically around 14 hours because I prefer to exercise on an empty stomach, so breakfast is roughly 3 hours after I get up.

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This was very interesting. But there's no Effing way I am adopting a 'plant-based' diet. I'll go with the Alzheimers, thank you. A day without meat is like a day without sunshine. Now, what was I talking about?

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Hey, we're all pro-choice here. Informed choice that is.

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Yep, that's the goal!

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I provide information, you decide what to do with it.

But I genuinely am curious about the factors that influence people's dietary choices. When you say "A day without meat is like a day without sunshine", what do you mean? Is it that you don't experience enjoyment of other foods, or that you don't feel well of satisfied without eating meat, or some other factor?

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Myelin is made from fat. It is the insulation around all nerve cells, especially the brain. It makes up the white matter of the brain.

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Absolutely! And that is why oligodendrocytes and astrocytes have such a high capacity for de novo synthesis of cholesterol, phosphatidylcholines, medium and long chain fatty acids (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7226731/).

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And your point being?

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Vegans need to be vigilant for signs of autoimmunity and nutritional deficiencies. God made us with incisors for a reason.

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Did you notice that this study also flagged other diets proposed for MS for their risk of nutrient deficiencies? It also does not provide support for your implication that a vegan diet increases the risk of autoimmunity.

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Large incisors are found in many herbivorous animals, including the hippopotamus. They are clearly not an indicator of dietary adaptation to meat-eating.

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