Nov 20, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

Perhaps the last sentence could read, ‘Eat more plants that are free from glyphosate, atrazine and paraquat.’

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

How does one find out what their gut composition is ? Pathology test ? Or are there home test kits ?

“where our gut microbiota ferment them” - is flatulence a sign of a healthy or unhealthy gut or “depends” ? I seem to recall that the Kalahari bushmen in the Gods Must be Crazy were avid “farters” but I dunno if that was done for exaggeration

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

Interesting read, thank you.

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So satisfying to read a continuation of the questions from part 5 - many thanks. More fascinating microbiome studies on mice (though I suspect some mice were harmed or at least made depressed) from this great book (https://www.booktopia.com.au/gut-giulia-enders/book/9781771643764.html)

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Yes, you cherrypick what suits you. Meat is the only calorie and energy dense food that can provide what a human needs. Ketones are superior fuel. End of story. Keep dreaming and being irresponsible with your writing.

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That is only half truth. We evolved from the primates due to huge intake of meat. Ask any anthropologist. It's only around 10.000 years ago that we started cultivating grains and veggies and with that we introduced bone and teeth diseases. This is ridiculous. Facts don't care about your feelings.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

Definitely, my bet is that herbicides and pesticides cause lots of leaky gut, among other things. For plant food advocates, a carnivore diet seems very effective for some, as evidenced by Dr. Shawn Baker. Also, the globalists are pushing to reduce meat consumption, this is a big red flag. If meat is bad for us then it would continue to be heavily promoted. The tobacco plant (God provided tobacco plants, not cigarrettes) is a classic example, our bodies have receptors for natural molecules produced by tobacco plants, same for cannabis. Along with opium, these plants are our best medicines, therefore, almost all access to them is prohibited and prevented. Meat is now being demonised everywhere, so it must have positive value for us.

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This shows misunderstanding of a microbiome. There is a big difference between lacking a certain bacteria and not needing it, due to a specific diet. If you lack Bifidobacteria and consume milk products, you are in trouble. If there is no sugars to consume, you are ok. Most research on keto and carnivore diet, that is used as a reference, doesn't really target those diets, but just some of their elements.

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