Masks DO WORK. They are very effective. They effectively work as a pandemic symbol and cause so much harm! By working as a pandemic symbol, they help to keep the anxiety and stress levels in the population up! Anxiety and stress suppress the immune system and thus lead to severe harm. And of course, they also have negative cardiovascular effects and may even increase cancer, according to another review that I had read.

I wore a mask twice in 2020 and thereafter NEVER again. I never went to places anymore where masks were "required". One of these two times that I wore a mask was when I visited a book store.

I will never forget this traumatic moment in my life. I did not want to wear the mask, it was difficult to breathe through it and I felt it as an attack against my body and also as a humiliation. So I was not wearing the mask "correctly" in the store, it was not covering my nose. While I was looking at a book, within a very short time, an employee of this store approached me and said I HAVE TO cover my nose with the mask! She was standing in front of me, watching me. So this "forced me" to grab my face with the hands. I had touched things like books (which may be contaminated with pathogens) but I had no possibility to wash my hands before touching my face! Maybe this sounds like a banal story. But I am trembling on the inside as I am writing this because this memory is truly traumatic for me.

It is the severe attack against my bodily autonomy and the humiliation that is so hurtful for me. Like I am dirty or dangerous, like I am carrying a deadly virus and I am threat to other people.... Like I have no value as a human any more. I am just a potential danger.

And I am not allowed to breathe fresh air. I have to inhale my own exhalations.... I feel this as bodily harm.

You are just no longer any valuable human. If you do not prevent yourself from breathing correctly, by wearing a pandemic symbol, then people will only feel hate for you. They will feel you are a threat to them.... Due to the extreme propaganda that the elites initiated in the media.

I WISH I had left and told this lady that she can just F herself and that I will never buy in this store any more. Instead of this, I followed this "command". I am aware that the employees of these stores only follow their orders. However, this is no excuse. You are responsible for your behaviour and just because your boss tells you to do harm to other people, this still does not mean you have the right to do that.

Also, the videos showing that the police put masks into the faces of some people who did not want to wear them are just traumatic. This is bodily harm. They do not know what they are doing. This behaviour causes severe emotional stress and trauma and sickness.

May God forgive all these people who just have no idea how extremely harmful their behaviour was.

They all say that not wearing a mask is dangerous for other people around you. HOWEVER, I think by wearing a mask you literally hurt other people and make them sick. This is because the mask is a powerful negative symbol. It permanently reminds everyone who will see you with this mask that there is a deadly pandemic. This causes stress in people and stress leads to immune suppression, inflammatory processes, an increased intestinal permeability, magnesium loss etc. etc. etc. All this makes SICK. So by wearing a mask, you are literally doing harm to people. You make them sick. And now that we see there is no evidence that they reduce any risks, this means they only do harm. So...... I just don´t know what to say. This topic is too much for me.

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Yes, yes, yes and yes to everything you wrote. You are absolutely spot on. I refused to wear a mask at any stage of the scamdemic because I recognised from the get-go that these are symbols of subjugation and slavery. They do both physical and psychological harm to their wearers, and great spiritual harm to the entire society.

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Subjugation and slavery, exactly! This is and was my feeling as well. For that reason it was and is extremely painful for me to see all these people with masks. I have to admit that this was very well planned! These people knew how it works, they knew how to manipulate the masses.

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They are part of a global network of organisations that have been honing their understanding of how to manipulate people's minds and covertly influence their behaviour for well over a century.

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All the things you mention in here, Max, is why I didn't tend to go places when masks were 'mandatory' (god I hate that word!). When people were mask-mad, I stayed home as much as possible when I wasn't at work (where I did NOT wear a mask and neither did one of my workmates). I did boot-collect shopping for 6 months. It was a horrible, horrible time. I had full-on anxiety from seeing people in masks. I got heart palpitations. I couldn't bear to see all these caged animals around me!! You're very right - these wackos wearing masks DO harm people!!! The stress they caused to normal, healthy, thinking people was HUGE! Not to mention their nasty behaviour on top of their mask-wearing. I even had to take a month off work in there (July 2021) to deal with the stress (along with grieving for my very old kitty cat who died that same month).

I still try not to talk to/engage with people who are wearing masks. I am short with them and answer their questions as briefly as possible then move on. If a checkout operator is wearing a mask, I'll pick a different line to buy my groceries at. It's like if I see someone wearing a mask, I'll try to avoid having ANY interaction whatsoever with them. One day I am sure I'll just ignore anything anyone says in a mask, or probably just ignore the masked person entirely, like they just don't exist. Someone that stupid is not worth worrying about.

So I guess I've come full circle, and when I see someone in a mask now, I just think "what an absolute twit" - I don't get anxiety or heart palpitations from it anymore. However, if everyone went back to wearing masks again, I think my symptoms might just come back again. Society demands conformity, even if it's for an outrageously stupid idea! Makes high heels look quite sane compared to mask wearing - but all fads are stupid, really, when you think about it. Masks are no different there, except they cover the face, and you can't see who you're talking to, so it brings up the concept of anonymity, which wrecks the personal nature of interaction.

Masks are VERY damaging. As are the people who wear them.

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I never thought Australians would submit to masking. Yet another thing I was sadly wrong about.

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Factors like fast food consumption, mainstream media consumption, toxins in the food and in the environment, nutrient deficiences, the modern medical system with most people giving the responsibilty for their health to their doctors and the resulting lack of critical thinking abilities caused most people to become sheep. Even in Australia, unfortunately.

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Yes, it has been a multi-pronged assault over many decades.

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You have no idea how well I can understand you. I am very sorry for all your pain and all the symptoms this worldwide operation caused you. You are not alone.

-If mask wearing was actually about protecting health,

-If I would see that the same "health agencies" that support masks also promote early treatment protocols with proven effective treatments,

-If they would deliver packages with such treatments to all homes, so all people can treat early,

-If I would see that they provide health recommendations to the public with regard to how they can improve their diet (including supplementation of some vitamins and herbs) to support immune health to prevent severe infections,

-If would see that they stopped the vaccines as soon as the harms were obvious (or better: if I would see that they refused to give authorization to the vaccines because the trials had already shown more harm than good),

-And if I would see real studies which show that mask wearing actually reduces severe health events and all cause mortality in the population and does not cause physical or psychological harm,

THEN I would be happy to wear a mask to make a good contribution!

HOWEVER, since the opposite of all this happened and still happens, it is clear that the whole thing is not about health.

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You're right. It was NEVER about health. It was always about power and money.

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Robyn S, I have a question. You are a Chiropractor, right? I wrote a health book (also including the covid topic) that we are goinf to publish soon. I would like to have some reviews or "quotable lines in endorsement" (just 1 to 3 sentences) that we can print on the back cover, for example. Are you interested in reading my book and, if you like it, write such a short review for it?

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I'm on sabbatical now, but yes, I'm still a registered Chiropractor.

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I can do that, Max. So long as it's not 1000 pages long or anything (!). I've got a bit on my plate right now but would love to help out if I can. If you can give me a bit more of an idea about the book, too, that would also be good.

Of course you've got to hope I LIKE the book ha ha ;-) But of course who would print a review on the back that says "This is the worst book ever. Cut your toenails, stare into space or wash the dishes. Anything would be better than reading this book!" :-D

Don't worry, I'm sure your book is quite fine! I just have a GSOH.

Email me: drrobyn1978@gmail.com and I can give you my physical address - or just send me an e-copy if that's easier!

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Thanks! I will write you.

HAHA amazing! This would be a very interesting review! Maybe something like that would be even better because it would create more curiosity in potential readers.

Or it might also help a lot to have reviews from people like Billy G or Tony F, when they would write something like: "DO NOT READ THIS BOOK! The information in this book is top secret and no one should know about it!"

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Hi Robyn S,

I am one of these "wackos" and "absolute twit" you refer to. Harsh words 😟. I am following the science the best I can and making decisions from there. Hence why I continue to follow Robyn Chuter even though I disagree with some of her information; surrounding yourself with people that agree doesn't help improve yourself. Some recent, preliminary study info I have heard has me wearing 2 masks at the shops, N95+cloth. It may not be accurate, but why not? 1 extra mask, 1 second on, 1 second off, not an inconvenience at all but with potential upside.

Masks are only helpful in enclosed environments. Outside we can enjoy seeing each other's faces for better interactions 😃. Improving ventilation infrastructure would go a long way to help prevent the spread of diseases; may even remove the need for masks indoors. I am not seeing that reform yet, but I am hopeful our government does drive that forward very soon.

I do understand your anxiety but from the opposite side. When I am sharing an enclosed space with people and they are without a mask, I do feel my anxiety rising. I do feel they are being careless for ones around them. I try to remove myself from those situations quickly though. We continue to avoid indoor settings and so far, we're covid-19 free.

Either way, I do feel compassion for what you've been through 🙁. Anxiety is not good for anyone. Here's hoping that nasty thing stays away for you 🤞

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I appreciate your willingness to expose yourself to information that contradicts your belief system. May I know what 'preliminary study info' you've seen that suggests that wearing 2 masks might be protective?

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Hi Robyn,

Thank you.

I heard of this about a year ago on Dr Peter Attia's podcast "The Drive". He doesn't do (well wasn't anyway) many episodes on Covid, so there's only a few episodes to narrow down on. He had a few guests on and one shared this early research. I haven't followed it up.

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So you're choosing to wear a mask based on an oral report of a study which you haven't read? And you choose to ignore the conclusions of a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (considered the most reliable form of scientific evidence), conducted by Cochrane, which is considered the gold standard of evidence-based medicine? I'm flummoxed by this. It does not appear to me that your behaviour is guided by rational decision-making.

In addition, you are critical of people who don't wear masks, judging them to be "careless for ones around them". I presume this means that you believe that people who are not sick can somehow make you sick - that is, you are still clinging to the notion that asymptomatic transmission of SARS-CoV-2 occurs, and can result in COVID-19. This has long since been disproven, as I discussed in two previous articles, https://empowertotalhealth.com.au/asymptomatic-carriers-of-sars-cov-2-what-is-the-evidence/, and https://empowertotalhealth.com.au/how-junk-science-is-keeping-the-myth-of-asymptomatic-transmission-of-sars-cov-2-alive/.

It's up to you how you live your life, of course, but I do find it somewhat ironic that you are passing judgment on other people for not clinging to irrational beliefs, as you do.

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Oh Robyn. You’re “flummoxed” with my decisions, calling me irrational and assuming I am ignoring the underpinning of your article? Steady on Robyn. It feels like you took my message as a personal attack simply because it didn’t agree with your stance. I hope we can have a mature and objective discussion without emotions playing a role.

Now, onto the contents of your message.

- “So you're choosing to wear a mask based on an oral report of a study which you haven't read?”

No, not true. Sorry for not making myself more clear about timeframes and leading you to mixing two separate points together. I have been wearing a mask in indoor, public settings for 3+ years now based on advice public from health experts, personal research, reading/listening on the topic and some logic.

I did, however, choose to add a second mask (if I am spending a longer time indoors, in a public setting) more recently based on information from a study that was delivered to me orally. My logic was an extra mask….I can’t see any negatives (besides very minor inconvenience) but with a possible upside.

- “And you choose to ignore the conclusions of a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (considered the most reliable form of scientific evidence), conducted by Cochrane...”

Timing issue here too. This recent Cochrane meta-analysis came out in the recent weeks. I have been wearing a mask for 3+ years. Therefore, I could not have ignored this meta-analysis as the meta-analysis did not exist. Further, leading a busy life like most of us, I have not even read the summary of this meta-analysis yet. All I know about it is your article (quickly and need a re-read), Dr Norman Swans’ few minute synopsis on it in the latest Chronacast and this article that popped up in my feed, that I’ve only gleaned so far, titled “Yes, masks reduce the risk of spreading COVID, despite a review saying they don’t” (https://theconversation.com/yes-masks-reduce-the-risk-of-spreading-covid-despite-a-review-saying-they-dont-198992). Either way, I hope you’re not suggesting people base their decisions on information from any one source or study/meta-study instead of from many sources. All studies have the chance of being flawed, either intentionally (driven by money) or unintentionally (an oversight or error). Drawing from many sources, I think you’ll agree, is rational decision making whatever the individual’s conclusion.

Also, to clarify, ignoring advice and considering advice but not acting on it are two different behaviours. I understand they can be difficult to discern at times.

- “I presume this means that you believe that people who are not sick can somehow make you sick”.

I think you’re confusing two aspects here. I don’t at all think this. Anyone not sick cannot pass on any illness (what illness would it even be?). People who are asymptomatic are people with a disease, but they do not show any symptoms of the disease. At least according to Collins dictionary. I have only heard asymptomatic (with COVID-19 in this case) people can transmit SARS-CoV-2 and nothing to the contrary. Only the infection rate has been up for debate. But thanks for links to your articles on this topic. I’ll take a read.

- You believe I am irrational. To expand, you’re telling me I have a loss of mental coherence, not thinking clearly and not basing decisions on logical thinking. I do find that insulting. Following the advice from health experts would be a definition of rational thinking. Not necessarily always the best decisions in all circumstances, but certainly not irrational.

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I oscillate between anger and pity when I see people wearing masks. Anger because they are perpetuating the degradation of community, and because of all that you said, Max. Pity because they have been so deceived and are willing to subject themselves to people who likely couldn't care less about them.

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You took the words right out of my mouth. This morning, I saw an elderly woman limping alone along the footpath, wearing her mask in 35 degree heat and humidity. I felt so sad for her. How uncomfortable she must have been; how difficult must it be to breathe with a thick piece of cloth across your face; how scared she must be to still think that she needs to do this! I felt more angry at all the people (politicians, 'health' officials, presstitutes) who have misled her into believing that she should be doing this, than at her.

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I see that that hotbed of Covid hysterics, The Conversation, have been out of the blocks faster than Usain Bolt and have, sounding all academic and objective and the like, panned the Cochrane Review for being methodologically flawed (https://theconversation.com/yes-masks-reduce-the-risk-of-spreading-covid-despite-a-review-saying-they-dont-198992).

I didn’t read all their poor apologetics for the mask after checking the disclosure statements of the lead author, Professor(!) C Raina MacIntyre, who “receives funding from mask manufacturer Detmold” and who “is on an advisory board for mask manufacturer Ascend” (the other authors, mask and vaxx fanatics all, are also on the Covid gray train).

I did check out their conclusion, however, which is as awful as can be expected: “there is strong and consistent evidence for the effectiveness of masks and (even more so) respirators in protecting against respiratory infections. Masks are an important protection against serious infections”.

Masks are even more necessary, they add, because “current COVID vaccines protect against death and hospitalisation [factually wrong, by the way – see NSW hospital data by vaxx status, a data series which has ben suspended for obvious reasons], but do not prevent infection due to waning vaccine immunity and substantial immune escape from new variants”.

Thanks, academic experts! We now have a useless injectable whose very uselessness (not to mention danger) requires a useless (and harmful) mask to counter its very uselessness. Who put these clowns in charge?

I feel a Substack article coming on!

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I think it's absolutely hilarious that a bunch of academics-for-hire are criticising Cochrane for their methodology. Now go and get on with that Substack article ;-).

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MacIntyre also works at the Kirby Institute. I remember reading in The Age a while back that it received funding from at least one, maybe even two or three of the usual suspects: Pfizer, Moderna, BMGF. The Doherty institute was similarly blessed.

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IMOP has produced a detailed listing of conflicts of interest in Australian vaccination policies, here: https://imoparty.com/Conflicts-of-Interest-in-Vaccination-Policies.

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Thanks for posting that link. I remember it was part of your post on ATAGI about a year ago, and needs to be given a regular outing as far as I'm concerned.

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Absolutely!! Post it on [anti]social media, email it to all and sundry, print it out and stick it on the back of toilet doors... do whatever you need to do to get more eyes on this crucial information.

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A Sense of Place Magazine republished it today on their Substack, with a small number of comments at the end. Dare we hope for more.

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Whenever I see someone in a mask now, I KNOW they are jabbed to the max. Most definitely they are people to steer clear of at all costs!

FWIW, I NEVER wore a mask the whole plandemic. I don't own one. I won't wear one. I even asked all my patients to take them off - and they all complied! I think I just inherently knew they were a dumb idea from the outset.

Whenever people would ask me "Do you have a mask?" I'd just briefly smile, and say "I don't wear one" - most people didn't know what to do at that point.

Masks have places in but a few fields. Dentistry is a good example: to stop bits of tooth etc hitting you when you're drilling! But remember the good old days, when the dentist took the mask off to talk with you afterwards?! Not anymore...the sad state of 'health' in this country...

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I had a couple of different responses to the question "Do you have a mask?" depending on context. When I was still regularly flying, I told the flight attendants that I had an exemption (because I didn't want to get thrown off the flight!). None of them ever asked to see it. Pretty much everywhere else, my response was "No, I don't engage in biosecurity theatre." That generally rendered my questioner gobsmacked enough to leave me the hell alone :).

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The Babylon Bee strikes again.


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Love it!!!

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I'm waiting for not wearing masks to be mandated. Mask wearers will not be able to participate in most social activities and risk fines for affecting the health and well-being of the non mask wearer. People wearing masks whilst driving will go direct to an asylum purpose built for morons and the mask wearing elderly will be reprogrammed to allow enjoyment of life.

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There will need to be 12 Step programs for recovering mask addicts ;-).

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So true 👍

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Anyone who lives with cats knows just how contrary they can be. However, they know all about a well-fitted mask.

Looks like he, or maybe she, is getting ready for Carnevale. Probably only going for the sex.


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Saying i told you so is not worthy of hate. It is often mildly pleasing. Hearing it, on the other hand..... :)

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It does roll so trippingly off the tongue :).

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Dear God, please show all the covid marshalls and face diaper wearers this article, and help them to awaken from delerium.

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It would take more than God, I'm afraid ;-).

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Can't enjoy Big Bang Theory now, can I?

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Sorry about that, Chief!

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Another piece of predictive programming, although I never watched any of it.


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Faaaaaaaaark! These people have no shame whatsoever.

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What! Psychopaths feeling shame? I'd like to see that.

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Good point!

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A fascinating post by Dr Ana Mihalcea, which also touches on predictive programming.


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Feb 10, 2023
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It's easier to fool a man than to persuade him he's been fooled. There's no end to useful Mark Twain quotes ;-).

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