Splendid, if depressing, essay, Robyn.

Yes, the medical profession has been a huge disappointment. A major part of it is the state-backed bullying by AHPRA of individual practitioners to ensure they don’t step out of line but part of it, also, is that medical practitioners, like the rest of humanity, just went nuts out of manufactured fear of Covid – from shouty signs on practice entrances, to standing six feet from receptionists and having to yell (through a goofy mask, of course), to say your name and the doctor you are seeing (and some of the receptionists are relishing their power by imperiously demanding that masks be worn, and don’t you dare rest your elbows on the receptionists’ furniture), to the practices that have instructed their reception staff to ask, in a loud voice so everyone can hear, whether you have had your Covid vaxx (whatever happened to medical privacy!) to refusing entrance to the unvaxxed (I was evicted from my dentist of twelve years for being an Untermencshen).

The obese, cigarette-smoking GP was a sign that the halo-shrouded status of the doctor was up for debate, and Covid hysteria and authoritarianism amongst medicos is yet more evidence.

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I totally agree - and on top of that, doctors really bought into the idea that vaccines were going to save everyone from the terrible scourge of COVID, and they were going to be agents of that salvation. It's very difficult to back away from that.

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In case you aren’t aware of this and you know someone, this came across one of my channels:

Hi everyone,

Dr Gerry Brady of the Covid Medical Network is seeking out vaccine injured Australians who are willing to submit a testimonial, either in writing, recording, or live - for an event on March 23. 

This will be chaired by Senator Malcolm Roberts. The event is a cross-party parliamentary review, presenting data, evidence and testimony re: the vax and its dangers.

• Attendees: MPs, CHOs and health officers, TGA, AMA, AHPRA

Should anyone decline to attend, CMN are encouraging they send a representative; and acknowledge that a 'no show' will reflect poorly back on them. 

As I understand it, this is more of a review arranged by a parliamentarian, rather than a full-blown investigation.

Experts speaking: 

• Pierre Khoury

• Bryan Tyson

• Ian Brighthope

• Peter McCullough (to confirm)

The goal is to get as many officials’ and decision-makers' eyes on the emerging, verifiable evidence that these injectables are harming/killing people, and to ensure MPs and CHOs can no longer justify this absolute destruction of Australian lives.

If you or someone you know is willing to participate, please email your contact details with a brief summary to:


Please circulate this far and wide - we want as many victims highlighted as possible!

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Thanks, have shared this on my networks.

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Great post again Robyn. It's quite amazing how quickly GPs flipped their physician's pledge and even doubled down in light of the mounting vax harm evidence. No longer a guiding light in society, seems most doctors chose to wallow in the swamp alongside their unelected govt bureaucrat self-acclaimed deities. I hope that QHPA deploys in SA real soon....

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They're working with United Health Australia. State branches coming soon!

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I've struggled to explain what was so wrong about GPs' role in this - but you've hit the nail on the head Robyn - thank you! Public health policies for the collective vs a doctor treating the individual - that distinction has disappeared during the pandemic. Clearly the state doesn't trust that treating individuals will serve the collective....that the pandemic lens is the most important lens and avoiding covid is the only kind of health that matters.

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It goes beyond that, I think. The state couldn't give a rat's furry behind about individuals. It's only ever interested in consolidating and expanding its own power, and what better way to do this than to declare a 'state of emergency' over a supposed health threat. Giorgio Agamben has been writing about how governments abuse 'states of exception' for years. Supposedly democratic Western nations now live in a permanent state of emergency; only the nature of the supposed emergency varies, from Islamic terrorists to natural disasters to the manufactured COVID crisis, and of course, the 'climate crisis'.

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Excellent essay Robyn

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Thank you! Please share widely.

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Thanks so much for your efforts Robyn. You truly have the gift of a great writer: to crystalise, then eloquently express concepts.

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Thank you, I appreciate the feedback. I wanted to write novels when I was a child, but life has led me down a very different path. Truth is much stranger than fiction, these days. In fact everything we thought was fiction - Orwell, Huxley, Bradbury, Heller - is coming true.

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Funny you should say that, but early last year when I was frustrated with the madness, I wrote a spoof of Animal Farm (link is below if you wish to read it). I'm not a writer, yet this really made me feel better, in the same vein as JP sears' videos. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pser5Gxko39lNP3dxd4miiqDPuVzEmXvV9tM5nd1VN4/edit

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This was a treat to read! Hope you've continued to write. It's a great outlet.

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Well done

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Hi Robyn. How do you think things got to this point in Australia? I mean, doctors didn’t lose their freedom all of a sudden, it surely must have been a slow process going on for the past few decades. How come Australian society and politicians could have thought it would be a good idea to centralize medicine in the hands of a few agencies comprised of unelected bureaucrats? Did no one see something like this coming? It is just astonishing, imho. Look at the situation Australia faces now. It is a controlled democide and yet the few doctors who are awake and try to do something, like William Bay, instantly lose their license due to faceless bureaucrat-doctors who probably haven’t seen a patient in decades. It is just amazing how Aussies allowed the situation to get this far. Maybe they went to far on the “good medicine for everyone” propaganda, and are now facing the consequences of this form of communism?

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Oh yes, it's a long, slow process. Medicare was a huge part of it. Before Medicare, doctors were far more independent, and they had to be reasonably good to survive the competitive environment. Now GPs are heavily subsidised by Medicare. They can be (and a great many of them are) terribly mediocre, and still make a good living. It's the old trade-off that leads to a predictable outcome: those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither, and will lose both.

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Great work Robyn! The health profession was something which I had considered joining - until the covd came along and it really shattered what I thought the health profession was about - helping and saving peoples lives. Everything that the "health" profession is doing now, is totally against my beliefs. Very sad to see this happening.😥

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Don't give up on becoming a health care professional - the world needs people like you who want to make a positive difference in people's lives! QHPA and other organisations are working on developing completely parallel systems of education, accreditation and practice that will put the power back into the hands of practitioners and the people they feel called to serve.

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Thank you Robyn! 😊

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Mar 12, 2022
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QHPA has some very exciting initiatives underway. You might be interested in the medical co-op model, in which members pay a low monthly cost which gives them access to RNs and GPs whom "the system" has jettisoned.

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