I used to say "I'm not an antivaxxer but..." I now say "I used to be neutral about vaccines but after reading RFK's book The Real Anthony Fauci I'm a total antivaxxer- they're all dangerous and useless"

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They're yet another example of an idea that sounded great in theory (train the immune system to fight a disease without actually getting it) but not so great in practice.

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Canadians still can't travel on planes or trains within our own country, or anywhere else. I've met quite a few who are "escaping," moving to Mexico.

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It's absolutely shocking. Bret Weinstein interviewed Brian Peckford on his podcast just recently (https://youtu.be/6jpP35aBX4A). I hope his legal action against the Canadian Federal government over these insane travel restrictions is successful.

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i hope so too! there's also an "official" government petition, if you have any canadian friends or subscribers, to call for an investigation into how the situation was handled overall. https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-3871&fbclid=IwAR0Y1WszDzwhFrWxdC0bLlLV2TmVk1WM9wft_3ypgkEmMmwTjbr9iavE6GY

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When it comes to me and my family, we're firmly opposed to vaccination, for the exact reasons you've mentioned here. We've looked at the papers, we've looked at the statistics, and came to the exact same conclusion - most 'vaccine effectiveness' is determined purely through changing definitions of what constitutes a clinical presentation of that specific disease.

Having said that, if someone wishes to make the choice the other way then that is their decision and although I may present them the information otherwise I'm not going to accuse them of all sorts of unsavoury things simply for making a choice.

That and we know from personal experience that many Medical Practioners won't even consider that someone could have a 'vaccine preventable disease', even if they present with classic symptoms of that disease.

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That's how I reached my position on vaccines - reading the scientific literature!

To your last point, my daughter got whooping cough from a fully-vaccinated child. This kid was coughing for weeks and weeks, infecting half my daughter's class (all of whom were vaccinated, except for my daughter), until finally the GP swabbed her and found she had whooping cough. Of course, up until that point, the GP had completely dismissed the possibility that she may have had whooping cough because she was vaxxed.

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In our case the classic presentation of the disease was the child of someone who worked for my wife at the time, that child had all the classic measles symptoms, but because they'd been injected the GP refused to consider it could be measles

We are also pretty sure our kids picked up rubella from a vaccinated child at a birthday party, but we were already wary of the testing process so didn't get that confirmed (and we didn't want to deal with the garbage we would have to go through if it was confirmed)

We've (mainly my wife) also been looking into influenza recently, and discovered that when they started using PCR tests as the "gold standard" test, suddenly rates increased significantly, as did pressure to get the annual flu vaccines.

I'm convinced they've been building to an event like this for a minimum of 10 years, probably closer to 25-30.

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Definitely at least 20 years - just take a look at the Dark Winter simulation held in June 2001 - a few short months before the post-September 11 anthrax attacks. The key people behind Dark Winter, such as Robert Kadlec (who was pivotal in the Trump administration's [mis]management of COVID), had been writing articles that talked up the threat of biological warfare for years before that.

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Apr 26, 2022Edited
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This is a conversation that really needs to be had outside the confines of a comment section, but I'd really encourage you to read Rene Dubos masterwork, Man Adapting (https://archive.org/details/manadapting00dubo/page/172/mode/2up). The germ theory/terrain theory schism is an artificial construct that is being deployed as a divide-and-conquer strategy.

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"Stop playing their game."


We need to play them at their game. On the occasions that libs dared to call me that, I asked them to define it and prove it! That shut their mouths!

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Well done! My favourite response is "'Antivaxxer' is a thought-stopper used only by intellectually bankrupt people, who don't have the capacity to engage in reasoned debate." That tends to work pretty well :).

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Dual NZ/Oz citizen here. I can't come back to Australia without doing a $1,500 week in 'isolation'. Two weeks if I fly into Palaszczuk land.

And then it's maybe debatable if I can leave again (I have done so a few times in the last few years as has my wife, once, who has only Oz citizenship).

On the other side of the equation I could go for a holiday to Mexico with no problems getting back into NZ. But that's not the case for my wife.

And agree with regards to anti-vaxxer and in my experience if you embrace such a position then you can start slurring the other side with being vaxxers. And they shut up real fast.

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Absolute insanity. I guess that clever little virus can distinguish between people of different nationalities.

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It has changed now. Air NZ has condescended to allow unvaxed to fly from 01 May, Oz gruberment lets us out too . A friend spent a week in hotel Q ... he is still waiting for the bill. Apparently this is common

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I never agreed to mine at Auckland airport so they have no way of charging me. In hindsight I should have just walked I think.

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Dolores Cahill has had great success in helping people bust out of quarantine by confronting guards with the fact that they're breaking the law and can be held personally liable.

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Thanks, that might come in handy.

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And as I understand it both Qantas and Air New Zealand demand vaccinations as well.

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I think Jestar is also.

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Jetstar is Qantas with a different logo :-P

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They're claiming that they're removing the AU exit injection requirements from the 18th, but I don't trust the buggers

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Agreed - They are all poison.

Actually how could we ever think poisonings our beautiful bodies could ever be a route to better health - I have to admit - I was just asleep. But you see this - they tip the food table, tell the young ones C02 will kill the planet - they reverse most things - Black is white - good is evil etc

Hmm.. where do we see this in the old cults?

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We've all been asleep on some issues. Once awake though, we can't fall asleep again! I freely confess that I was sucked in by the anthropogenic climate change narrative. I never looked into the issue because I was busy learning everything I could about my own field (health science) in order to be a more effective practitioner. But once I started approaching climate change as I would any dispute issue without my own field - by reading both sides of the argument and comparing how well each side addressed the criticisms of the the other - it quickly became apparent that "climate science" is pretty damn dodgy.

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After watching the covid horror show, it is not like I’m just anti-vaccine, but I’m almost becoming anti-medicine. It is not like I’lll never inject myself or my children with these craps again, I don’t want to her the word “vaccine” ever again.

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I'm hearing this a lot. People who never questioned the childhood vaccination schedule, or the annual flu shot, or pretty much anything their doctor ever prescribed them, are now asking "If they lied to me about this, what else are they lying about?"

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In the not so distant future the word “vaccine” will have a very strong negative connotation, like the words nazism, pedophilia or nigger. If this elite of parasites is still around they will need to change the name to convince anyone to be injected with this crap

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I agree. Even people who were fully on board with the 'old' vaccines are being turned off the whole notion of vaccination in droves now.

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Have you ever played the game 'What Injectable Is That?" You have to wonder what else has been added to the Covid ingredients. For example, an unprecedented dose of stupidity , intolerance, moronicism and despotism must have been added to the doses given to Biden, Johnson, Scomo . I wonder what they've popped into the booster as an Easter surprise. Perhaps a thousand dollar bonus for turning up to work as a close covid contact and the probable chance of infecting others whilst others isolate for seven days in fear of fines and muted jail terms? God help us all this Easter!!

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Based on the mental decline I've seen in my workmates since they've had the covid injectables there's definitely something in them that causes damage

The stupdity, intolerance, moronicism and despotism was always in Biden, Johnson and Scomo (and we can add Albo and despot Dan here as well), it's just that this opportunity was manufactured to give them the opportunity to demonstrate just how bought they were

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Yes, the strings above the puppets are now very obvious, aren't they?

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They are.

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Very obvious - at least to those of us who aren't brainwashed

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Sounds like a fun game!

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Evidentally ' brain fog' is a covid side effect. Along with 200 billion others like breathing, talking and staying alive. It appears officially listed medical problems include all side effects of all corona viruses that have ever been noted plus a few extra in case they've missed any. 😉

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A big read and I confess to have skimmed it. I am slowly coming to the conclusion that almost all vaccines are a con ... mainly through my occasional listens to Dr Sam Bailey, author of Virus Mania.

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Saul Alinsky opined, "Control the language, you control the people." This dogma has been used effectively by the corporate globalist technofascists marching under the Rainbow swastika and WaterMelon banners for years. For example, 'climate change' (the UNFCCC definitions, definitely not COD; UN defined, "Civil Society, an intentional confabulation on 'civilized'.

The 'anti-vaxx' label was solidly installed and utilized even before the jabbing en masse. The strategy was planned to include controlling the language, and isolating and demonizing the non-compliant. In any event, any discourse begins purely and simply with ethics and historical precedent. So just where did the screeching virulent, "my body, my choice," brigade suddenly evaporate to?

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Now it's "your body, their choice".

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Yes, though I believe that corpus has very short legs!

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btw - I love your work Robyn..

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Thank you - I appreciate your support!

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Another important and informative post, a ton of thanks again Robyn. Are you familiar with the phenomenal vaccine research by Greg Beattie? You can view graphs of historical Australian mortality rates and vaccine interventions on his website, they show that diseases such as Scarlett fever disappeared from Australia without any vaccines. I highly recommend his book called ‘Fooling Ourselves’ to better understand vaccines and their use in Australia. https://vaccinationdilemma.com/ (I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I believe people should be free to take as many vaccines as they wish:)

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Greg Beattie has done amazing work. Suzanne Humphries' book 'Dissolving Illusions' presents similar graphs, from the US and UK.

I'm a staunch advocate of medical choice, but only if the conditions for informed consent have been met.

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Did 'Scarlett' fever disappear from Australia? Gone with the wind, perhaps?

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Maybe, but after all, tomorrow is another day!

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Yep, that's certainly an enduring line, Robyn. I recognised it straight away. So how come brainy, science girls have all the dialogue from old hopelessly romantic movies at their fingertips? Is there a scientific explanation for it? Maybe we'll get to do Casablanca next.

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No, I don't care a hill of beans for old movies ;-).

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Well...it's as if someone had said: "Round up the usual old movie buff suspects." And there you were among them. Who would have thought?

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Yes, of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, you walked into mine.

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However, frankly, I don't give a damn.

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That must be the only enduring, stand-out line in the movie. I can't think of another. Well done, Barry!

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You used that filthy lib word....

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I used that comeback line many times in the early days of the CV vax rollout when so many people were accusing me of being an A-V'er. It seems to stop the brain-washed in their tracks.....

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Brilliant researc writing and reading. Yes yes and yes. Happy Easter

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Thank you, and hope you had a happy Easter too!

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After watching the covid horror show, it is not like I’m just anti-vaccine, but I’m almost becoming anti-medicine. It is not like I’lll never inject myself or my children with these craps again, I don’t want to her the word “vaccine” ever again.

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Apr 26, 2022Edited
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Couldn't agree more that the scarcity myth is being propounded by the eugenicist predator class to persuade the proles that they need to submit to population reduction in order to 'save the planet' or 'prevent environmental catastrophe' or some such vapid slogan.

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Apr 26, 2022Edited
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Apr 26, 2022Edited
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This is a conversation that really needs to be had outside the confines of a comment section, but I'd really encourage you to read Rene Dubos masterwork, Man Adapting (https://archive.org/details/manadapting00dubo/page/172/mode/2up). The germ theory/terrain theory schism is an artificial construct that is being deployed as a divide-and-conquer strategy.

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Apr 28, 2022Edited
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As I said, read Man Adapting. It puts paid to this rather silly false dichotomy.

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Apr 28, 2022Edited
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If you're not prepared to consider perspectives besides your own, there's no point in continuing to engage. We learn by challenging ourselves, not by only looking at evidence that confirms our own biases.

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Apr 28, 2022Edited
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Have you by any chance heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?

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