Absolutely brilliant post! Several profound insights into the current state of medico-political affairs, and an interesting proposition for how we got here (which is a question I find I am asking myself everyday lately!). I especially enjoyed the scathing review of Ms Hoogeveen's observations regarding 'believing bullshit from scientists Vs bullshit from spiritual gurus' (seriously, wtf?!),

but I think I threw up in my mouth a little on reading that the 'Fauci candle' is a real thing (and costs more than $20 - thanks, but no thanks!). Thank you so much for sharing your carefully considered thoughts, Robyn. It really is a relief to know not everyone has been swept up in this madness and that there is still hope yet that we may find our way back to some semblance of sanity. :)

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

Robyn, thanks for another fantastic article that gives another perspective in which to view what is happening from. Most people seem to be coming from the position of the science is settled and won't even consider questioning it. I sent this quote to my "leadership" team at work.

The mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than to your convictions. The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts. It’s to revise old views to incorporate new facts. Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend. Nothing!

There seems to be a mental block where they just cannot fathom there are different opinions or different interpretations of the science.

You can see the Milgrim Experiment in action when a response from emplyer is -

We are not in a position to choose to not follow the Order. We are simply following our legal obligation to comply with the contents of the Order, and have made a lawful and reasonable direction to employees that they must be vaccinated in order to attend sites.

As if they can't possibly do anything else except follow orders. A lot of them are good people to.

I hadn't seen the CS Lewis video either, but came across one of his quotes a while back that sums up good people following the science -

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

Robyn, Thank you for this article!!!! We as a human race have lost our direction in the World.

We are being taken over by the Spider Web of groups who are out to destroy us!

Take a look at my country Canada and the Trudeau Communist Government, it was a Healthy Protest. Trudeau would not even talk to them! " SEND IN THE THUGS GRAB THEIR MONEY"

People remember this! The government works for us! We don't work for them! Our taxes pay their wages!!

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

Excellent post, Robyn. I read it aloud to my husband while he was driving. Made for great drive time discussion. My favourite scientist is Dr Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory. It's all about facts

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

Thanks Robyn, another great post, it helps me to understand why people so readily bow to the medical-political coalition and swallow their ridiculous narrative hook, line and sinker. There is never a need to kiss the ring of science experts or religious Gurus, but how do we channel our religious instinct?

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Not Ture i think. We ALL have a Spiritual aspect to existence that is unique and ours while Religion is the practice of what might be considered Spiritual and is by nature external to the living man or living woman. The two are not the same at all.

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Humans are naturally spiritual beings - religions are only a collective socialization of the limited communal aspects of spirituality. Religions as a means to share spiritual sensations are a potential social hijack possibility as a charismatic and forceful individual can dominate and perhaps control the collective thinking.

We should NEVER confuse the two.

Spiritual is private and innate while Religion is the codification into a community narrative of what may be shared of our spirituality. Western communities first lost their spiritual connection to all things and grasp religion to fill the void which it never can do - thus were we who fell for this controlled by those who dominated religion in whatever form we were told to accept. Thats why religion is forced upon people. A distortion of science it now appears is religion and it now is forced upon us all. A nice inquisition anyone? Racks, torture and a burning at the stake perhaps?

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