The Federal Government, has just inked a deal with the South Australian Government, in a land swap and re- purposing Defense

Department Land.

One of these is Keswick Barracks, a 13 hectare site, which is approx: 3 kilometres from the City Centre, on a principal arterial

road , Anzac Highway.

The promissory coagulation of housing and other wonders to be built on this site, not withstanding the already considerable infrastructure

that is already in place, substantial brick and mortar buildings.

A curiosity is " who" is going to build what, as building and in particular substantial projects are at a standstill here and elsewhere around the

the country, with the industry over inflated, chronic financial distress with builders going to the wall.

Then we have the RBA, responding, like a good little lap dog , to the IMF : International Monetary Fund : report card : for more austerity and

and cuts in funding, to health ,education, disability support, and employment? Oh yes . The RBA ( private bank) put up the rates. Good dog Nigel:

The up coming tabling of the RBA report will be interesting, with recommendations to change the Banks legislative framework, so it can

avoid its charter , in which , it can become a National Bank independent of the IMF or the Bank of International Settlements.

My point is, with migration tinderbox, being inflated by World events and irrational emotional dysfunction, and an intellectual and rational

environment, in which , taking into consideration all factors( latest by word) in decision making, being seriously flawed by perceived economic

advantages, and so called " well meaning indices " making a solution the problem, creating, socio- economic enclaves, and the perpetuating

poverty, and social isolation, and in a world we have now, not good, inclusion, social equality are just lip service quotes , for media grandstanding.

The reality, is far from this, as we see the festering wounds , played out in our streets, the solutions , require far more commitment than policy

binders, now we can see the nature of the Beast, the game that is being played against us, and that's all of us.

The Kalergi plan, Coldenhove - Kalergi, pan- Europa, to destroy European Peoples, like the Frankfurt Schools, or the Chatam House groups,

The them and the they have been at this for a very long time, Secret Societies, Club of Rome , Fabians, all have solutions for the world,

creating the violence, the religious zealots, mindless causes and endless killing, if we do not understand our history, we will repeat it.

Witness today. Endless killing, while the world watches, 2.5 Rwandans were butchered and the World watched, Yemen , a humanitarian

Disaster, Hatia, Cambodia, no, nothing new, it still the same show, using us as it's pawns . Stop the killing.

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Yes, these people have a limited playbook. The repeat the same divide-and-rule tactics, over and over again. The rest of us need to learn to stop falling for it!

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Very good. First time I've listened/watched a whole episode.

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Glad we didn't put you to sleep :).

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Israeli Apache helicopters were shooting up everyone, Israeli & Hamas.

I too thought that there had been no reaction but it seems that there was. Maybe not really fast but not 6 hours later either. Of course that could have been deliberate as well, a higher kill count for the justification.

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Yes, the Apaches wreaked havoc, but they weren't dispatched for several hours, while the usual response time for these craft is minutes.

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