All the corruption, censorship and injustice going on now is something we are not used to being so personally impacted by in places like Australia, the US and The UK. It's been fairly sophisticated and hidden from view until Covid, using devices like stacked parliamentary inquiries, industry lobbyists, hidden political donations and stacking various regulatory authorities with political appointees. The impact on us as individuals wasn't so noticeable. Now it's suddenly impacting on many of us individually, very directly, with mandates, vaxx passports, loss of employment, travel restrictions, lockdowns, loss of friendships etc with the insane public health response to Covid.

The Covid cultists think there is nothing wrong of course as they don't see what all the fuss is about. Residents of Western Australia, Victoria and New Zealand in particular, now have an inkling of what it must be like to live under totalitarian regimes, like North Korea, China, Myanmar, etc where show trials, one party rule and corruption have been entrenched for decades and human rights are unknown.

Why should we expect to never experience the injustice that Palestinians, the Rohingya and millions of Indigenous peoples all over the world have and continue to experience? Life's not fair and never was for so many. Accepting this reality might be helpful in reducing our pained response to the current situation.

If we believe life must be fair, free of injustice, corruption and oppression, its going to continue being painful. The Covid situation sucks, but so does being born with brain damage, being a victim of an accident we didn't cause, being abused by people who had total power over us as children and all the other unfair things that life dishes out. I'm finding that letting go of this belief and accepting life can be very unfair is helpful.

I'm so lucky though and perhaps it easy for me to see things this way; I work for myself, business has done well in Covid, I discovered Ivermectin exists and used it to beat my recent Covid illness in 36 hours. I now know most GP's are useless, brainwashed idiots and I wont take much notice of them ever again. I now know medical journals are often just big pharma advertising spaces, that many studies are rigged and the sickness system is all about money, not health. The world is full of psychopaths in positions of power. What wonderful discoveries to make - thank you Covid and thank you Robyn for being one of the few beacons of truth is this mad time. I came so close to getting these poison shots and am forever thankful Robyn was so emphatic in saying she would only take them after she was killed first. Mmmm! that got the message through!

The greatest gift of all for those of us so lucky to be reading the articles by Robyn, Drs Peter McCollough, Robert Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche, Pierre Kory, Paul Marik and the other brave truth tellers out there is we didn't take the shots. I feel very fortunate indeed. Somehow, I'll navigate my way through this insanity.

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The sad thing is that most people don’t seem to care and are happy lining up to show their papers.

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I know, it is so disappointing to me. I can't understand that mindset.

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Couldn't agree more. Life has been very safe and comfortable for us here in Australia, for generations. We've been aware of the immense amount of suffering that is just part of everyday life for millions of people who live in abject poverty, but it seemed so far away from us. We've seen images of the horrors of war - including wars which our own servicemen and women have fought in - but once again, they were far away and most of the people affected didn't look like us, so it was easy to just shrug out shoulders and put the thought of it out of our minds.

Now the fetid corruption at every level of government and global governance is being laid bare. The suffering is finally coming to our shores - and I don't mean to be negative, but I have very little doubt that it's going to get waaaaay worse.

On the other hand, I'm seeing an incredible upswelling of community-mindedness as a product of this abrupt loss of trust in the state, for example the huge response by ordinary people to the Lismore floods, and the formation of home education, health care and food co-ops in my local area. That's the silver lining to this dark cloud. We've been living as spoiled children for too long, and now we have to grow up and be fully responsible adults. That's a tough thing to do, but it's also vital for us to become all we can be.

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I am angry also. For different reasons. What I would like to know is, when are those people who so blatantly abused others who were refusing to participate in this experiment, who are now experiencing these terrible injuries as a result of their own choice to participate going to acknowledge their bad behaviour and apologise to those very people whose assistance they are now seeking to help them through something which they have obviously discovered will now be with them not only for the rest of their lives but if they are of childbearing age will most likely affect their children also.

When are they truly going to wake up to themselves and take responsibility for being part of the machine that made this terrible societal situation come to pass.

I am finding their many bleatings unbearably adding to the mountain of difficulty that we are already dealing with. I don’t know if anyone else shares this feeling but I am not feeling particularly empathetic to anyone who has chosen to tread the popular path beaten by our politicians and multinational medical institutions.

This does not mean I do not wish to assist or help them in anything that they need. It is only that I would like to have my personal emotions acknowledged so that when it arises I can move forward in any ongoing relationships without feeling that I’m always going to be the one who is the dissident that stays on the outer rim of society while they still enjoy the benefits of participation regardless of their ill health.

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It's an extraordinarily difficult needle to thread. So many people have been shunned, abused, hectored and defamed by their own family and friends, who then expect sympathy if they suffer injury. I don't have a pat answer to your important question, but I do believe that we need to work to create the society we want to live in. The one we inhabit now is wracked by intolerance and resentment, and that has brought us to the current pass. Having said that, I honestly don't know if I would personally be able to forgive someone who had abused me for the stance I've taken, but now wanted my help. I haven't been in this situation.

If you have a spiritual tradition to draw on, I'm sure it will prove helpful for you, and if you don't, now might be a good time to find one that is meaningful for you.

I hope that other readers will have some more helpful advice for you.

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Thank you Robyn, I struggle with this immensely - and no less because of my spiritual choices. I also need to check my own expectations to put aside all of the stuff about that which I would find detestable. I want to be able to be empathetic regardless. Most of these people are truly in a closed world where they have not allowed themselves to be able to be open to any other paradigms.

We do need to build an entire new world for ourselves that leaves no one behind. Possibly smaller (or larger) communities that overlap where it works might be an idea. I look forward to others' ideas around this issue.

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The future is decentralised, for sure - small communities that are self-organising and voluntaryist, and that interact with other communities in mutually beneficial ways.

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Have you seen Craig Paardekooper's work? https://howbadismybatch.com

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Yes, I have. I'm following with great interest but also keeping Mathew Crawford's concerns about batch toxicity in mind: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/understanding-batch-lot-toxicity

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Keep ringing that bell:

- Spread the truth, inform others

- expose liars and their bad works

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100% agree. I've taken on Mathias Desmet's advice that the only way to prevent the atrocities that threaten us is to keep speaking the truth, loudly and coherently. Most will ignore it but a few will listen, and those few may reach another few, and gradually we pull the 40% who are uncommitted to the dominant narrative but are just going along with it, over to our side.

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Amen, Robyn - the world is a better place with awake people like you. March on!

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Is Phillip for real? Can we get a refund on all the money we as tax payers spent on his mis-education? What person in their right mind would go to this cretin for medical assistance? He should be held up as the 'poster boy' for totalitarian medicine.

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I'm afraid Phillip is very real, and sadly representative. I feel sorry for any patient misguided enough to have him as their doctor. And yes, I would like a refund of all of my taxes that not only pay for the 'education' of people like him, but continue to pay his salary through the Medicare levy. And while we're at it, how about a refund for the portion of my taxes that went toward buying COVID shots, then marketing them, and now compensating people injured by them and providing disability payments for them, possibly forever. Something else - I want a refund of my taxes that are going to fund neonazis in Ukraine. And teaching school children that paedophilia is normal. And buying warships from the Yanks. Come to think of it, just give me back all the money I've had to cough up to this useless, corrupt government, and all the useless, corrupt governments that preceded it, and I'll invest it in people and projects that I actually want to fund.

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I concur.

I listened to an interview with Spike Cohen, who I believe is a former libertarian candidate for president.

His byline: Government sucks.

For what it's worth, my first vote is going to Lib Dems, feel free to remove this sentence.

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Read all policy platforms very carefully. Some candidates are talking a good game but when you dig into their written policies, they actually favour jab mandates.

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The Lib-Dems have some worthy policies on the whole Covid idiocy but they support the 'right' of private businesses to impose conditions of entry for customers and conditions of employment for staff. So that potentially means vaxx passports, vaxx mandates and masks for all if the business feels so inclined to advertise that they are 'Covid Safe' (one of my most hated phrases of the virus madness). Treat the Lib-Dems with electoral caution.

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100% agree. And that means treating UAP with caution as they've done a preference deal with the Lib Dems.

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More on Lib Dems:

1. They supported No Jab No Pay in 2015. See from page 8554/046 of hansard below (David Leyonhjelm).


2. They supported No Jab No School in 2017.

"Liberal Democratic Party Senator David Leyonhjelm, who also has candidates in the WA election, said his party would make immunisation a requirement to attend state school in the state. "No exemption will be allowed for conscientious objectors," he said."


3. They supported WA No Jab No Play in 2019, with amendments. See various pages of Hansard below (Aaron Stonehouse).


4. Aaron Stonehouse is now working for Mark McGowan as a research officer (since he lost his seat in 2021).


4. They (David Limbrick) supported Health Victorian Services Amendment (Mandatory Vaccination of Healthcare Workers) Bill 2020.


I'm uncompromisingly pro-medical freedom and will only be giving my vote to parties that support the right of each individual to choose what goes into their body.

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Should be a great resource over time to provide practical assistance to the jab-injured.

On the (non)treatment of the insufficiently jabbed, I was expelled from my regular dentist for being vaxx-free, whilst a friend (who is fully jabbed (for now)) reports that to get a colonoscopy you must be fully-jabbed (with a vaxx that doesn't work), present two negative PCRs (from a bogus test that doesn't work) and wear the goofy mask (which doesn't work). Cry? Laugh? Cry? Laugh? I'm at a loss!

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May I ask over which orifice one is required to wear the mask whilst having a colonoscopy? Perhaps gastroenterologists could offer a value-add - get your anal swab for COVID while having your colonoscopy! I can really see this taking off.

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Put simply answer they the elites want population reduction, by any means, hence the lack of accountability in both the medical field and government, they knew it was a poison pen they were using, they the TGA who are funded by companies like Pfizer have fiddled with books and down played adverse reactions, our governments have paid to look the other way by big pharma for decades, ATAGI who controls what doctors think are also funded by ..... Pfizer ... go do some background work on both the TGA and ATAGI. Dr John Skerritt is the National Manager of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Did any of you know he has a bachelor’s degree in science, majoring in "agriculture"? Skerritt is not a medical doctor and has never treated any patients. He has no clinical experience with COVID-19. Skerritt obtained a PhD in Pharmacology, but for the next 20 years, he focused his research and writings on wheat. An expert on wheat is approving vaccines and making decisions on COVID-19 treatments for Australians. Before being appointed as the TGA head in 2012, Skerritt was Deputy Secretary of Primary Industries, Victoria. Yes, agriculture again. Seriously this the ridiculous nature of government departments people with ZERO medical knowledge making medical decisions while being paid off by Pfizer, Pfizer that company that fined $4.5 billion for doing exactly what their doing right now....

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Yep, ATAGI, TGA and all the other agencies are captured - see https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/lies-damned-lies-and-atagi-statements-67c?s=w

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Thank you again Robyn for your hard work. Am I to believe what I see around me? The only people I know to have or have experienced covid infection are, bar one, vaccinated. How blind do you have to be to not see?

Making a medical appointment recently I had to supply a copy of my vaccination certificate. Unable to offer that, I was told I needed a PCR test. A covid vaccinated person did not have to be tested. Go figure the logic on that decision

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Complete insanity. They don't even bother to deny anymore that jabbed people can become infected and spread the virus to others, and yet they continue to discriminate against the unjabbed. Frankly, I wouldn't patronise a medical practice that engaged in this farce.

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I didn't!! Now to find a real specialist mmmm

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Yep, it’s disgusting. So my wife would need to fly to the UK in order to visit her dad in NZ as both Air NZ and Qantas deny unvaccinated passengers internationally.

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Just incredible.

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Families separated, friendships fractured, lives sabotaged, sane people treated like idiots.. .. Next???

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It's all part of the plan - divide and conquer.

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There is going to be an autopsy on Shane Warne done in Thailand so let's hope the findings are made public. There have been reports that he had a booster shot to go to Thailand but this could be false.

The finding of the autopsy done on 44 year old Tassie business man Ian Reed who died of a stroke after his first AZ shot were released last week by the coroner Simon Cooper, front page of the Mercury newspaper, confirming it was the AZ shot that caused his stroke. He left a wife and four kids, so tragic.

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I hope the Thai authorities are not going to be leaned on to hush up their findings if it turns out Warne's death was jab-related.

Mr Reed's death is tragic on every level. A 44 year old man has negligible risk of serious illness from COVID-19 (especially if he receives early treatment), but this poor fellow is now dead, his wife is a widow and his children are fatherless because he was deceived, cajoled or blackmailed into taking an experimental medical treatment that he didn't need and couldn't benefit from. And how many stories like this AREN'T being told by our lying corporate media?

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This is really interesting. I've just about lost faith in the medical system, they have never been able to diagnose what's wrong with me so I have pretty much given up on them.

From what I have seen, which admittedly isn't a lot, is that they excel at prescribing statins, high bp meds and diabetes meds. Easy diagnosis = easy "solution".

I think aspirin is a wonder drug, the only thing I pop if I'm feeling a bit off.

Good to know that tea is also a source, I will increase my uptake :)

Many years ago I read about a study that postulated that low dose aspirin could prevent breast cancer. I never followed it up, but I imagine big pharma wouldn't be too happy with it being true.

I'm now of the view that vaccines of any kind are iffy, such has been the bombardment of "safe and effective" that I have now sought out alternative views that I would have previously regarded as nutty. The earth was flat for a long time (who knows, maybe it really is) until it wasn't. I now believe that carbs / sugar are the real culprit instead of saturated fat. That dogma has been so effectively inculcated in me that I automatically reach for skim / low fat options and I have to consciously reach for the full fat options.

I suspect the western diet and sedentary lifestyle is probably the root of many ailments - this is not to deprecate the serious conditions that affect people which are not self inflicted. Shame that more research cannot be devoted to those.

Instead, NovoNordisk now have a 'fat' pill.

Disclosure: I love my chocolate, coffee. If people choose to smoke, that's their choice.

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The Western diet and sedentary lifestyle are indeed major contributory factors to the vast majority of chronic illnesses including type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and some of the most common deadly cancers including colorectal and prostate. I have an extensive library of articles about this on my website https://empowertotalhealth.com.au/article-library/. Don't get sucked into the "saturated fat vs sugar" debate - that's a false dichotomy. It's dietary patterns that cause chronic illness, not individual components of foods. Diets high in processed foods are high in both refined carbohydrates AND junk fats. And they're low in protective factors including fibre and other microbiota-accessible carbohydrates, phytochemials and micronutrients.

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I was hardly on point :) It is absolutely outrageous and disgusting that doctors have been gagged.

I always thought that one of two things would cause the narrative to crack: either a court case in the US or 10000 angry mums after the children get hurt.

The TGA website in absolute crock (deliberate ? , you can't even download the data and it is soooo slow) but when a 5 year old suffers vaginal bleeding , (Ref: Case 711430 I would have pasted a screenshot, but I don't it's possible.)

a) why on earth isn't what passes for media calling this out as opposed to having a program about how to deal with unvaccinated people at Christmas and;

b) why the TGA haven't called a stop to it is beyond belief ;

I'd like to hope that the poor mother is angry and demanding a response from her MP/ Also if he or she is anything like my local one, does not have a backbone at all.

Anyhow, here is something hopeful if it's true:


Anecdotally, I also heard the judge in the TGA case was obstructive. Hardly a good sign.

I will try and dial in to hear you on Voices4Choices, I have the reminder in my calendar but usually manage to forget. Very impressed that Grant Kenny and Barton Lynch are there.

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A very clever young man has contacted me to let me know he's found a way to download data from the TGA website - see https://itsjustathought.substack.com/p/tga-workload-explodes-1000-in-just?.

As for the media, they're bought and paid for by the same pharmaceutical-industrial complex that owns doctors.

Voices for Choices are gathering in more and more household names, as people gradually find the courage to speak up against the narrative. Hope to see you on Monday!

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As usual, I completely forgot. And my last opportunity for while too. I imagine someone has completely backed up the tga reports, in case they ever vanish.

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Shane Warne dies of a suspected heart attach. Mmm.

Don't get me wrong, this is a tragedy. Some of the comments in the UK Telegraph:

"Another sportsman dying young of heart attack, we don't know why ( we do really )"

"Investigation and research is needed to see if there is a link between the recent spate of cardiac deaths in young male athletes."

"I hope there will be an inquest. We need to know if this tragic early death was related to the jabs"

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Watch the corporate media spin this. Warne apparently had COVID last year (after getting both his shots) so they will claim that he suffered heart damage from COVID. And that may well be true, but what will not be investigated is whether the excessive antibody response triggered by the shots exacerbates the heart damage caused by contracting the infection. I wrote about the hyperinflammatory response generated by antibody-antigen complexes in https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/lets-talk-about-sin-baby.

It will be interesting to see a) if an autopsy is carried out on Warne's body and b) if it is, how honest the pathologist is prepared to be in delivering his/her findings.

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The pathologist may not even have the level of expertise to determine if the vaccine was the main cause of death.

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Absolutely true. There's no smoking gun that screams "vaccine death!!!" And pathologists are also under considerable pressure to not disrupt the official narrative.

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Mar 3, 2022
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I'm all out of tolerance for people who remain within the psychopathic system and defend its abuses. Frankly, I don't care how many years these health care workers studied for, or how big their mortgages are, or how devastated they would be to have to walk away from careers they love. Plenty of other people have had to do that in order to remain in integrity with themselves. The fact is, their silence and compliance is inflicting untold harm on their patients. They've betrayed the oaths they swore, to serve the interests of their patients above all else. Much respect to you for refusing to go along with this betrayal.

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Yes, I agree.

The legal profession hasn't covered itself with glory either.

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My ex-lawyer husband is ashamed of his former colleagues.

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