Took a Gander at Eric Russell's story, enjoyed it immensely.

How apt, and in these times of expertisum! where questions are not allowed, and the credibility of sources are wistful commentary, lacking substance or reference, more akin to propaganda of


In the light of overwhelming evidence, the prejudice to contract and commercial law continues.

With the likes of the TGA subservient to the will of the funding cheques, who bend the knee, and

deny all oath, to hide a mitigate with scurrilous language to offer any responsibility or any

dignity to the harms being caused, is the height of indifference, a cardinal sin , a witness to a

reprobate soul.

It would appear that the TGA in its interpretation of self interest, applies the standard of

" on the balance of probabilities " as a mantra, to coalesce a deference of language, where it

assumes that the mindless plebs cannot read the doublespeak, but in reality it's a glaring admission

of guilt, whereupon the truth will stand on its own, and does not need a glossary of terms, and

unfathomable logic , to hide behind. Like the Gands , the rank and file ideology will not stand

the real test of Freedom: " I won't "

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All that's needed is for enough people to refuse to put up with anymore, and it's all over, red Rover. It's happened before. One of my favourite things to watch when I'm feeling pessimistic is the video of Ceaucescu's last speech: https://worldhistorycommons.org/video-ceausescus-last-speech-december-1989. No one would have dreamed that 48 hours later, his reign would be over and he and his wife would be attempting to flee Romania.

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You might find this video even more to your liking.


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I completely understand how the Romanians revelled in the deaths of the Ceaucescus, after the misery they inflicted on the population for so long, but I still find the idea of capital punishment morally repugnant. I'm always reminded of Gandalf's response to Frodo when Frodo says that Gollum deserves to die: "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement." On the other hand, if the Ceaucescus had not been executed, there would always have been a risk of them spurring a counterrevolution. And of course, their continued maintenance in prison would be at the expense of the long-suffering Romanians.

By the way, it appears that J.R.R. Tolkien was an anarchist: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/j-r-r-tolkien-from-a-letter-to-christopher-tolkien. (I believe his reference to executing those who refused to stop referring to 'the State' was in jest, but who knows ;-)?)

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Nice to meet you Robyn. My first read. So good.

Your comment on pets is interesting. My sister who has been a 'conspiracy researcher' for 20+ years recently needed to put their cat on meds for AIDS. I found that odd. She replied, 'It turns out that perhaps 80% of cats have AIDS.' 'Really. How?' 'It is an easy way for pharma to make money: induce AIDS into the pet world and you have a steady customer.'

Things that make me go 'Hmmmmm.'

Thank you for your detailed research. These kinds of overt displays of the globalists' arrogance and condescension affirm that their plan will not succeed. They have constructed plans with foundation of money-built hubris that blinds themselves to their arrogant stupidity, their delusion. It will be uncomfortable for us for a while as their massiveness collapses them and around us.

And they have blessed us with an opportunity to wake up and take from them our power of choice, our power to say "No" and to take responsibility for having allowed this to grow quietly while we were busy living our lives pretending that the many small losses of autonomy weren't a serious problem.

Fascinating times.

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Welcome Guy!

I have had suspicions about animal overvaccination for many years. If you speak to older vets, they will tell you that they never saw so many animals with autoimmune disorders, skin problems and cancer when they first started their practices. Now these conditions are so common, they're the bread and butter of veterinary practices.

I agree with your assessment that we're in for tumultuous times in the medium term, but in the longer term there is a genuine opportunity for humanity to rise up to its full potential - if enough people are sufficiently brave to take responsibility for themselves.

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Nice piece.

My involvement with the WHO was when I was working in the Commonwealth Department of Health (sometime around the Late Cretaceous period) and got to attend as the Australian rep to the WHO Pacific Region Conference on a Health Accounts Framework and associated expenditure classification systems. Yes, it sounds a dull as it turned out to be and I didn't even get to go somewhere exotic in the Pacific (it was held at MacQuarie University). Oh, for those days when the WHO was just a boring international bureaucracy that couldn't do much harm rather than the vaxx fiends of today who will continue to harm people because they are too proud/inept/evil to admit that they got it wrong on the vaxxes.

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Now now Phil, Macquarie Uni is an extremely exotic location, in one of the most salubrious parts of Sydney!!!! You should be grateful.

Seriously though, from what I learned of the WHO during my health science degree, there was a period of time (early 1980s to mid 1990s, I think) when it was run by very well-motivated people who promoted primary health care and respect for indigenous medical traditions. Now it's just an arm of the vaccine-pharmaceutical industrial complex.

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Love all your work Robyn- but this one is the BEST (that I have seen) yet. Bless you, and thank you.

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Thank you so much, Mia! You have no idea how much this means to me.

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Perhaps 'visit' is more appropriate:-)

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They can visit me any time they like!

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If extra-terrestrials invade Earth I hope they are Gands.....

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But then they wouldn't invade ;-).

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Just missed the part where Pfizer called their own 'vaccine' a military prototype exempt from all quality control, regulatory oversight and liability:

Robert Kennedy Jr Interviews Sasha Latypova (59 mins)


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This doesn't matter from WHO's point of view - anything marketed as a 'vaccine' is ipso facto Safe and Effective (TM).

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Of course. But once you know the sordid details of what the US DoD did to push this bioweapon 'vaccine' on the entire world, it hardens your soul against vaccination forever (in addition to all the death & suffering).

The WHO can summon as many propaganda, mind-control and PR panels as they like. I will *never* inject a DoD 'prototype manufacturing capability' product into my body. *EVER*!

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A great, prescient quote by Bertrand Russell. I've taken the liberty, then, of posting a 34-second, video comment by Russell himself, complete with a slight loss of philosophical cool at the end. I don't know the exact filming date, but it could possibly have been made around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis when Russell was around 90 years old. He died in1970, three months short of his 98th birthday.


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... and here we are, on the brink again.

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