Brilliant work as always, Robyn! It's criminal that they're deliberately ignoring this.

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Yes, it's criminal. Will there be criminal prosecutions though, given the rank corruption from top to bottom? I wish I felt more optimistic about this.

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I agree, I think this is optimistic. Previously I would have been sure that the gross incompetence and blatant corruption would have been addressed promptly and those responsible properly held to account. But now, I honestly don't know what to think!

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

Now what's that important line in Simon & Garfunkel's song, "The Boxer"?

"A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest"...

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And thus has it always been. It's one of the principal weaknesses of us fallible humans, for all of our astonishing brain capacity.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

Excellent post Robyn, it's the best summary I have seen regarding the escalating deaths in Australia. A 9 sigma level event is obscene, it should be the number 1 topic for everyone in govt and media. The fact that it isn't tells us a whole lot about their agendas. Time to start knotting ropes I reckon!

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Thank you, that means a lot to me. There have been many articles written on the excess mortality, but I hadn't seen one that incorporated Denis Rancourt's team's stunning report.

The involvement of those in government is, IMHO, a mixture of malice and incompetence. But without the media's complicity in this psyop, it never would have worked. They have blood on their hands.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

When the government no longer defends the institution of Australia Day and encourages people to be ashamed of being of Australian, there is no chance of an enquiry. What's next ? Vilify those who celebrate Christmas - anything to foster disunity.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023Author

It's the old divide and conquer strategy, first codified by the Romans although I'm sure it predates them.

I have strong feelings about the notion of national pride. I've always felt (at least before the scamdemic began) more privileged than proud to be an Australian - that is, I was pretty damn lucky to have been born into a country that respected human rights, had a great climate, was blessed with abundant natural resources that facilitated high GDP etc etc etc. But how could I feel proud of any of that? Pride is a feeling that I have when I have done something good, and likewise shame is a feeling I have when I've done something bad. I didn't mistreat indigenous Australians, therefore I don't have any shame about it. I also didn't contribute to the natural resources of this country or to any of the events that shaped its history, therefore I don't have any pride about it.

Having said all that, I do appreciate that there is value in cultural traditions that bind people together, reinforcing their commitment to care for and defend each other. I'm increasingly doubting that the nation state is the right-sized unit for that mutual aid and commitment. I think localisation is the way of the future - get to know the people in your neighbourhood, and build a culture of mutual aid, care and respect at that level.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

It's all so sad..

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It is almost unbearably sad. To be honest, I've been holding off on writing this article not just because I wanted to be really sure of the data before I made a statement on it, but also because I know that all of my readers have either had at least one of these experimental injections, or loves someone who has. Knowing that every single one of these people could be at risk of 'dying suddenly' is horrifically painful.

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It is somewhat ironic that we started with this propagandistic fraud of the media ( plus killing the old people and using the flu stats) and will, as I predicted, end up with a real "pandemic" from the poisonous injections. And they will buy it all over again in 2025, as Gates has planed. So so sad..

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It will be harder to sell the public on the 'deadly virus' trope again; just look at how quickly the monkeypox and RSV scams died on their rear ends. Of course, there will always be some suckers who fall for it again, but not the majority, as with the COVID scam.

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Can you tell me where the info is for the planned next phase in 2025? I have been keeping up with a lot but missed that. Although we can guess that Albo meeting up with Gates would suggest something is going to go on while Albo is still in power.

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Yes I do remember now seeing something about that, they want to kill more children the evil b'stards. But many of those who got vaccinated recently will die early or suffer long term illness. It does seem to be that there a different batches. Neighbour had 4 did not even get covid, her daughter aged 50 died supposedly from covid and lack of treatment in hospital and had 3 doses.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Author

There's dramatic variation between batches, but also because the transfection agent comes in multidose vials, one person could get virtually a double dose while another could get almost none, from the very same vial, depending on whether the vial was a) shaken before the dose is withdrawn and b) used up within a certain time after defrosting. Sorry to hear about your neighbour's daughter. These tragedies are happening all across the country, every day.

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Absolutely awesome work. The October data from ABS looks like the trend is worsening again. ie. Excess deaths are not going down when they should be dropping of the normal annual pattern is followed. https://open.substack.com/pub/supersally/p/australia-abs-limited-mortality-data?utm_source=direct&r=l1r7e&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Isn't it interesting that the ABS is only issuing limited reports?

This whole thing is like watching a horror movie, in slow motion. It makes me feel sick to my stomach that there are so many useful idiots within government, the public service (including ABS), the media, and the 'health' system, who absolutely know what's going on but are just keeping their heads down so they can hang onto their precious jobs.

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Apparently, the limited report was planned. Back to normal programming in February.

Yes, train wreck or plane crash in slow motion. All on the plane are just waiting to die. For some it dawns before they hit. Others will go blissfully unaware of their pending doom mere seconds away.

The souls of those perpetuating this will never rest easy.

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I wonder how many of them have souls. Seriously. I understand that a lot of people who participated in this genocide were 'just doing their jobs', and others genuinely believed they were doing good in the world. But what about those who planned it? What about those at the top of the bureaucratic heap, who had to have known what they were doing? Are they evil? Are they psychopaths? Are they being bribed, or blackmailed? I have questions!!!!!!

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

Thanks Robyn for keeping up with the stats. Of course this was a planned event. Lock down in 2020 so they can stress people which causes the immune system to weaken and less interaction with other people does this too. People ate a lot of comfort food and did not visit a doctor. Then when the vaccine came they started to lift restrictions and so can now blame the excess deaths on people now interacting and spreading it, oh that's right wasn't it supposed to protect you! So now they turn to other excuses to cover up their planned genocide. And was 2017 the year they changed to flu vax to a more deadly one? I read that Italy got a really bad bunch of flu vax, heavly vaccinate area was were they said the pandemic spread badly. What scares me now is that Billy Boy has just met up with Albo to plan the next phase of their "future pandemic/vaccine roll-out" no doubt. My thoughts are it will happen while Albo is still in power. Please watch this: https://plandemicseries.com/unity/

and check out stopworldcontrol.com too.

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Yes, there was a flu vaccine campaign in northern Italy just before the COVID 'pandemic' began, and there was also a compulsory vaccination campaign in China that began in November 2019, as I recall.

The whole idea that a prime minister could meet with an unelected technocrat off the record, without the public knowing what was discussed, is completely appalling. We do not have a functioning representative democracy.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

You're very welcome, I have shared the post around also.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

In April or May 2020, a person called Billy G. appeared on German TV, announcing that: "WE WILL VACCINATE 7 BILLION PEOPLE!"

And I was just thinking: OMG

And when I heard they are planning to administer a completely new vaccine technology, I already knew what would happen. And many others as well.

I am sure the vaccines are responsible for many of the deaths. And even if a certain amount of these excess deaths were due to long term cardiovascular effects of covid (there are some studies showing that people who had covid, especially severe covid, had a higher risk of cardiovascular events some months later) then this is still due to the vaccines! In an indirect way! Fareed and Tyson who treated thousands of patients early, saw no (or very low) relevant long covid in these patients. So, early treatment likely reduces and prevents the long term damage that an infection may cause! And early treatment protocols have been denied and suppressed because they can only give the emergency use authorization if no effective treatment is available.

So yes, the vaccine kills directly and it (or the vaccine promoters) is also responsible for most of the covid deaths which could have been prevented with early treatment and it is responsible for many of the long term covid deaths which might in part be responsible for the excess mortality as well.

So if you add all these deaths together.... you will have MILLIONS, many millions of direct and indirect vaccine deaths. All these deaths were unneccessary....

Besides the excess mortality, we are seeing a severe decline in birth rates, suggesting that the vaccines may have caused infertility. This is a big worry for me. I would like to create a family. So I would like to ask you for your estimate, Robyn: What percentage of women between 25 and 50 has become infertile due to the vaccines? And do you believe it is long lasting?

Do you recommend that an unvaccinated man who wants to create a family should look for an unvaccinated woman? Asking this question makes me sad. I think this is discrimination. By excluding women due to their vaccination status, I am actually discriminating them. And I hate this. I don´t want to discriminate. But what should I do?

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I saw that interview with the college drop-out who ripped off other people's IP and used it to build his empire by violating anti-trust laws too. And I was just as disturbed as you, particularly since I already knew what he had done to African and Indian people (especially women and children) with his precious vaccines.

You are 100% right about the denial of early treatment (in order to pave the way for EUAs for the experimental gene therapies) having contributed to the COVID death toll. I don't know if we'll ever be able to get an accurate death count that takes into account the effect of lockdowns, denial of early effective treatment, use of ineffective and dangerous treatments (ventilators, remdesivir), and then the jabs.

As for how many women of reproductive age who have been rendered infertile, it's too early to tell. There has been such variability in the manufacturing process and administration of the injections, that some people will have received virtually no active ingredients while others got the equivalent of a double or triple dose.

However, I am advising my unjabbed clients who wish to start a family to look for unjabbed partners. I feel really sad about this, as 1) I don't want to be discriminatory either, and 2) I hope that effective treatments will be found. But since we don't know how long it will take to develop such treatments, nor how effective they will be, I think it's best to err on the side of caution. I hope that I will be able to change this recommendation in the future.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

Not a coincidence that we are seeing more adverts fo IVF and now a show on nine is about to start about women going through IVF? All part of the plan to end natural birth. I do not blame those who ask about someones vaccination status before conceiving. Glad I am past that age.

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It's straight out of Brave New World!

I'd hate to be on the dating market now. It's fraught with hazards of every description.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

Robyn, I heard that Billy was involded in a vaccination campaign in Africa where they added a substance to vaccines that made women infertile. Has this been verified? I mean can we be sure that this actually happened? They tried to make women infertile by adding substances to vaccines?

So this is extremely disturbing. You have this person Billy who was (supposedly) involved in such an infertiliy-inducing campaign. He also states that he is concerned about the population overgrowth of our planet. Then he is also one of the leaders or promoters of a worldwide vaccination program against covid, with a new technology that has shown in studies to affect the organs which are critical for reproduction (scientists warned about the possibility that these vaccines may cause fertility problems since early on). Then, some months after huge parts of the world have been vaccinated, you see a significant decline in birth rates. So.... now I am wondering and wondering.... What do you think?

As for Remdesivir, I am still not sure what to think. I am hearing from various experts that it is dangerous and increases the risk of death. On the other hand, I see the studies which show a benefit. Especially early treatment studies with Remdesivir have shown strong benefits. Are all these studies incorrect? I would not exclude this possibilty.

Thank you for sharing your advice with me. Regarding men, this may be easier to cure. We could try treatments like Astaxanthin and many other natural substances that have shown in studies to increase fertiliy in men and subsequently increase birth rates.

"Aim: To evaluate the treatment of male infertility with a strong natural antioxidant, in addition to conventional treatment.

Methods: Using a double blind, randomized trial design, 30 men with infertility of ≥12 months and female partners with no demonstrable cause of infertility received conventional treatment according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), and either a strong antioxidant Astaxanthin 16 mg/day (AstaCarox®, AstaReal AB, Gustavsberg, Sweden) or placebo for 3 months. The effects of treatment on semen parameters, reactive oxygen species (ROS), zona-free hamster oocyte test, serum hormones including testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and Inhibin B, and spontaneous or intrauterine insemination (IUI)-induced pregnancies were evaluated.

Results: ROS and Inhibin B decreased significantly and sperm linear velocity increased in the Astaxanthin group (n= 11), but not in the placebo group (n= 19). The results of the zona-free hamster oocyte test tended to improve in the Astaxanthin group in contrast with the placebo group, though not reaching statistical significance. The total and per cycle pregnancy rates among the placebo cases (10.5 % and 3.6 %) were lower compared with 54.5 % and 23.1 % respectively in the Astaxanthin group (P= 0.028; P= 0.036).

Conclusion: Although the present study suggests a positive effect of Astaxanthin on sperm parameters and fertility, the results need to be confirmed in a larger trial before recommending Astaxanthin for the complementary treatment of infertile men."

Comhaire FH, El Garem Y, Mahmoud A, Eertmans F, Schoonjans F. Combined conventional/antioxidant "Astaxanthin" treatment for male infertility: a double blind, randomized trial. Asian J Androl. 2005 Sep;7(3):257-62.

However, for women this could be a bigger problem. If the vaccines caused an auto immune reaction in the ovaries which led to the destrucion of the ova, then I do not know how this can be corrected.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

Gates is a eugenic, in the family, see his fathers history and wants to help mining companies clear land of useless eaters. Africa resisted using the recent vax and faired well with getting covid. Using vaccination as an excuse to help poor people instead of housing, clean water and nutritionaly food is criminal.

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James Corbett's documentary on Bill Gates is an excellent starting point for understanding Gates' intentions: https://www.corbettreport.com/who-is-bill-gates-full-documentary-2020/

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The WHO's involvement in distributing anti-fertility vaccines is now well-established (see https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/infertility-a-diabolical-agenda-chd-wakefield-documentary-who-vaccines-global-population-cola/). WHO's activities in this regard long predate Gates coming on board as a major donor, but he has been heavily involved in pushing long-acting contraceptive implants like Norplant, to women in developing countries.

The C19 Early data on remdesivir are unimpressive - only 4 small studies on early treatment, with wide variance in benefit: https://c19early.org/s

Re fertility, there are certainly ways to improve it through nutrition and lifestyle, but if the injections trigger an autoimmune reaction that destroys germ cells (which is one possibility I've read of), I'm just not confident that the interventions that work on regular cases of infertility would suffice. I hope I'm wrong.

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Anthony Williams talks about fertility and the connection with nutrition and toxic overload. In his books he explains how to detox the heavy metals.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

21 Jan 2023 I did a walkabout - I am no Abo, though! - and was shocked to see his wife Sue wheeled Des (in his 70s) out to get something.

He lost his right foot above the angle in Oct 2022 due to blood clots. He was on blood thinners for another op but had to come off it. Then the clots formed!

I asked him what did his "quacks" tell him. He evaded by saying he had not seen his surgeon yet.

I sensed we both knew the cause but they won't admit it and I did not say it.

I did NOT ask him how many doses he has had. He told me he had TWO by Nov 2021 when they let us out.

Back in Nov 2021, he was the guy who asked me why would govts lie to us!

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Heartbreaking. So many people betrayed by those they trusted - governments, doctors, and the media.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

Because they caused it......

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Gates did a recent "desktop" on the next plandemic - https://yournews.com/2022/12/12/2471623/bill-gates-johns-hopkins/ - Interestingly Hopkins was a biliary hospital.. of course..

I did not research it as it's all fake - I just don't care personally - though I know I will have to content with all the Karens and the Criminals in "Govt"...

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Oh I hope so.. But just in my small group - nothing changed.. And with the current WHO pandemic Statues being formed and the CDBC's - we have never been so under attack - this is ww3 - the quiet war with silent weapons -as promised..

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

See my post above and the links. There is a film coming up about UN too on Saturday, please share the link: https://stopworldcontrol.com/unevent

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I know what they are are doing..

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We're under relentless attack, that's for sure.

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deletedJan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter
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The insurance industry is in a real bind. They are going to have to increase premiums in order to remain profitable. Their actuaries are able to predict life expectancy with a very high degree of accuracy based on things like BMI, smoking status and cardiovascular risk factors, so it would take them no time at all to incorporate jab status into their models. But if they impose higher premiums on jabbed people, they will bring down the wrath of the government on their industry. What to do??????

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