It's quite depressing.

As Brett Weinstein recently pointed out, what's different about "this" is that there is almost no-where to run to, unlike say in WW2 where the horror was localised. This is pretty bad coming from a man who lives in the USA. I know this is not quite true, but when you hear and know of people leaving Australia for Mexico, you know there is something wrong.

As I said a few weeks ago at our little rally, "leaders" can use fear to manipulate us or "hope" to inspire us.

Sadly, there are not many in the latter camp.

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There really is nowhere to run. According to Hrvoje Morić, Mexico has COVID passports and is expanding their use (see https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1698-james-corbett-lays-out-the-biosecurity-agenda/). We stand and fight, wherever we are in the world, or free humanity falls. It's that stark.

True leaders never use fear to manipulate people; only despots and tyrants stoop that low.

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Here are some glimmers of hope:


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The trucker protest is strategically and tactically brilliant. It's awe-inspiring - and hope-inspiring - and god only knows we all need some hope right now.

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Inspirational. Its heartening to see. Canberra next

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Christian. I heard of one man who foresaw WW2 coming to Europe and determined to not be involved left to a remote place where newspapers took a week to arrive so the events were all over - no need to worry as it was all over. The only problem was the remote place he chose was the Pacific island of Truk ,site of the biggest naval battle of the war I believe. There is never anywhere to run and why should we run except from immediate physical harm? More often than we realise it is necessary to make a stand.

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That's my inclination too, these are the only protests I have ever attended, plenty pisses me off but the mandates were the proverbial straw.

That said, if they come after my daughter then we will leave. (15) We are not going to home school her, she's a super sporty kid.

She's fortunate to have been born in England.

Anyhow, I hope it doesn't come to that.

Fortunately or unfortunately, on Saturday there was no sign that the Australian people were prepared to storm parliament. We are more larrikins than revolutionaries I think.

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Something Wrong in the 'State of Denmark'? I'm 4th Gen Australian, & going by THE Monkeys Running/ Ruining, THE Country, & I thought about how much of 'US' have been Consistently, 'On sold' to 'Outsiders', I'd go to Mexico as Well! Not Too much surprises about our Lot, seeing as they ARE a U.S. Corporation (CIK 0000805157).

What I really want to know is, HOW do these Australian Chief Medical Officers,

"Acquire their Positions'? - AND, Keep them? Is there a Special facility called Medical Idiot factory? As for folks wondering about the 'Mass Psychosis factor', go for a quick waltz thru 'The quotes of Adolph Hitler'. Love him or hate him (SBS seems to have a 'Focal' Love affair going with all things Nazi- May be something in 'Historic Deception Stratagems', & current 'Game Play'), The 'Man' was very Observant on 'Mob Manipulation & Media Ops'!

Good work Young Robyn! Wellness - John D.

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John, Hitler & Co were only the selected executives chosen to do the job for the Super Elites who remained in place when the dust settled - still in control with a new bunch of handmaidens to do their job in 'The New Germany'. Same deal here so of course they chose a mouthpiece who could rev up the willing helpers and whip the crowds to a frenzy. Australian CMO's, just the same, no ethics just greed and a willingness to do whatever they are told or expected to do no matter what.

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Yes, Hitler's rise to power was funded by Wall St and the captains of American industry, as Antony Sutton has extensively documented. And they continued their financial backing right through WWII.

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Ford, GM, GE and Standard Oil, (JP Morgan at al controlled Co's) all invested in Germany with the Nazis, same thing in Russia as a 'Communist State and after their man Lenin was shipped in to take control. Later it was found that 1/3 of the biggest state horde of gold simply disappeared - I wonder where to? BTW apparently $280 billion of Aussie gold was 'leased' to someone and who knows where it is now or if it will ever return.

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Somebody knows, but they ain't tellin' us.

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There is America, but only certain states and it’s not easy to migrate there anyway if you are an Aussie. I still think the US is the best position of Al the Western nations in terms of not bending the knee (certain states at least).

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Florida, Texas and South Dakota have been excellent. I fear the US is headed for civil war though, within the next few years. And of course there's the hyperinflation that all the money-printing by the Fed has caused.

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Yes and they have Pluto return astrologically on their chart which will be a massive turning point - talk about destruction or awakening!!? Their choice.

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Not to mention the social wars going on in terms of race relations and such.

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Yes, these are the fuel for the fire of civil war. I hope that states like Texas and Florida are able to secede peacefully, as is provided for under the US Constitution, but look what happened last time states attempted to secede.

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At least 70% of all food and drink in the US has something derived from Corn/Maize which is 95%+ GMO. Soft drink is high Fructose sweetened or using artificial sweeteners linked to cancers. Beef is grain fed, ie mostly corn again and GMO sprayed with Roundup, life expectancy is dropping 40+% taking at least two medications daily, with a national obesity problem and overall 3 x health expenditure of any developed nation and 37th out of the top economies on health outcomes. The bottom 50% of the population own maybe 10% of total wealth or similar numbers with as much as 30% functional illiteracy. Great place to visit with spectacular country and some wonderful people, visited hundreds of times all over - BUT live there? NAH, definitely a No. Suggest you look elsewhere.

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The US population has been assaulted by its own criminal governments, in cahoots with Big Food, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture and Big Finance, for over a century. They're dumbed down, sick and fat, and have been trained to hate themselves by the Woke religion. Yet there survives in their national character, a spark of the spirit of liberty that inspired the Founding Fathers. They may just surprise us yet.

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Thanks Marvin...I will do! Just deleted the COVID Tracer App..

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Way to go, Anna! No one ever complied their way out of tyranny.

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Great heavens, how draconian will this get before the populace 'wakes' up. I for one have stopped scanning in, wear mask only in supermarket and don't read the MSM. Denmark, Sweden are saying enough is enough....Keep up the information Robyn.

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I'm happy to say I have NEVER worn a mask (including on planes, when I was still flying domestically on a regular basis), and never scanned in. I refuse to go along with mindless, pointless biosecurity theatre, and I let anyone who asks me why I'm not complying, know why I'm not. Once I've explained my reasons, more often than not I get an embarrassed, mumbled apology along the lines of "it's just our policy..." to which I reply, "Well, it's a stupid, nonsensical policy that's not backed by any science, so I'm not following it." And then I generally get unusually good customer service :).

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Well done Robyn. I admire your spirit and commitment. My Spinal Kinesiologist who I saw today is doing the same (albeit he succumbed to the Pfizer jab back in July so he could travel - NZ! ) At least Jetstar here do not require vaccine pass. There are so many poor souls working who have had to abide by these nonsensical supposed biosecurity rules. Who is really running this show? W.E.F.?

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WEF has positioned itself to be the primary organisation that implements the plan by seeding governments and corporations with its minions, but it didn't develop the plan. Catherine Austin Fitts calls the ones pulling the shots 'Mr Global'. Very few people really know who Mr Global is/are. We only get to see the puppet show put on by the likes of WEF.

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Aha. Yes I have watched Catherine Austin Fitts a couple of times. Now super curious as to the ones pulling the shots, "Mr Global". It is some puppet show they are orchestrating. Phillip Lindsay, Esoteric Astrologer highlights this a couple of times in his last few monthlies. Certainly infiltrated a few governments and corporations.

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Anna, not to be harsh but did they HAVE to comply. There are countless examples throughout our history of people who did NOT comply. They paid a price but can walk with their head held high for all their lives. There are many who refuse to wear a mask, refuse to sign in and refuse to get Jabbed because they were told to. Its called knowing your Dominion and respecting your autonomy perhaps the most empowering and valuable element of life on earth.

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Peter not being harsh at all. I have stopped scanning in and not been jabbed. Just wore a mask mainly for my own protection (against dust and pollen mainly!) I own my Dominion and respect my autonomy, now to drop the mask which is irritating my lips .

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Look at Federal Bios-Security Act 2015, S60, and S61, requires a Biosecutiry order signed by a judge issued to a specific individual and delivered by a Biosecurity officer designated and authorized. Not for police or State health officers to do and S109 of the Constitution mean Federal over rides State when they overlap. In NSW Health Act S112, only authorizes Police to request you state (not show) your name and address - nothing more, no fines, no orders, nix zip zero. Be humble be polite get the name and station.

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Yes, all this applies to coerced/mandated testing - it's in breach of Federal law. However in this case, residents were invited to participate in testing by the Gold Coast Public Health Unit. If they'd turned up at my house, I would have told them to take a hike!

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Stop wearing the mask EVERYWHERE and that includes the Supermarket, I am one of the few not wearing a mask in the supermarkets or anywhere else for that matter. It is your right not to wear a mask and no one has ever challenged me. Enough is Enough, Peaceful Mass Non-Compliance is what is needed now and that includes Masks in Supermarkets

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Will do Marvin. I wore it mainly for my own protection not to follow rules per se. But will drop it altogether...

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A mask doesn't protect you or anyone else. There is absolutely no evidence that either cloth or surgical masks stop viral transmission, and even N95 masks offer limited protection, and only when properly fitted and only for 20 minutes!

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Will dump using them too. I can use the 3M ones for sanding and water blasting.

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It's like blinkers have also been embedded in these injections . Having a logical, science based discussion with a "vaccinated " person re injection effectiveness/protection is not a happening event. A big dose of brainwashing appears to have rendered many both blind and deaf to logical thought. Yes Robyn, it's all farcical and tragic! Excellent reporting.

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I think there's a lot in what Mathias Desmet has been saying about the role that rituals play in mass formation. The more absurd, irrational and pointless the ritual, the more important it becomes to those in the mass. The ritual simply cannot be questioned because it's the price of entry that they willingly paid.

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So true. Thank heavens it's a club that we didn't join. Still, tragic to see this play out, especially when using anxiety as it crux.

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what is it about common sense that is so off-putting for so many?!!

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It's the Goebbels formula: tell a big enough lie, tell it often enough, and most people will believe it. Even if they don't believe it, most will go along with it if they perceive that the majority of others believe it. We're living in the Asch Conformity Experiments, gone global.

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Commonsense ISN'T. That's what upsets those who have none.

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Wonderful account of the continued deceit and fraud by govt's on the people.

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We can never trust them, or any of the institutions they've spawned, again.

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True, and it us up to all of us to embrace the astrological shifts that are happening, to create a more humane, equitable society or allow the powers that be to retain control.

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A comprehensive dissection, as always, Robyn. Covid Craziness is a target-rich environment, of course, but I did not realise just how rich a target the Gold Coast 'public health' lunacy was.

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Oh, there's a deep vein to be tapped there, Phil! You'll be surprised to learn, I'm sure, that the 3 ABC journos (whom I tagged on Twatter) haven't responded to my article. What a shame.

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Good move Anna. Go with confidence in your decision which is yours and yours alone. This is not about rights that others give us as only we can 'give' our right away, it is inherent in us simply because we exist on earth.

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Thank you Robyn. How Draconian does it have to become before people realise how farcical this all is. The W.E.F agenda is well and truly infiltrating otherwise sound minds. The use of fear, and the subsequent compliance is mindblowing....At least Denmark and Sweden are awakening I think..

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Thanks for your relentless efforts at exposing the insanity Robyn .

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You're welcome. Pay it forward by sharing this article, including with your MP, whether you're in Queensland or not - similar acts of (taxpayer-funded) insanity are occurring all over the country.

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Robyn its time you threw your hat in the ring. Beat these bastards at the ballot box. Got my vote for sure. Ps come to north qld.

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Thanks for your vote of confidence in me, Ali! I don't believe there's a political solution to the dire situation we're in, although of course I support the right of any action to take any action that they choose, to push back against this tyranny. The events of the past two years have completely altered my political philosophy. I have no desire to be IN government; I just want government the hell OUT of my life. I see no role for the state in providing schooling, medical treatment, or any other social good. Once the state gets its tentacles wrapped around the institutions that provide any type of good or service, it perverts them to fulfil its own agenda which is decidedly not that of the people it is supposed to be serving. I'm far more interested in committing my time, experience and resources to building alternatives to everything the state currently provides - alternatives that truly serve the good of the people - than trying to reform the institutions that we have from within government (a fool's errand, as all the good-hearted people who've entered politics have discovered). While we might see the school system, the "health care" system, the social welfare system etc as being broken, any engineer will tell you that a system works as it is designed to work. These institutions work against us. So let's just walk away from them, and build our own.

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Yes. I can see that. So true. I read an article on nat news and a commenter said pretty much the same thing. If you take away the influencers..ie big pharma big mining big tech etc then there is fairly straightforward governance geared towards providing those basics and little incentive for them to garnish the pollies electoral funds. They bugger off n look for otherways to "invest".

Maybe they would then start using their dosh to build private hospitals unis schools n manufacturing..instead of relying on govt to do it. Could work here but you need a strong govt to enforce it......nah Im dreaming..

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Yes lets do this globally not just in Australia.

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Excellent article Robyn!

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Thanks Chris, please make use of it in any way you see fit. And if you'd like to drop the QLD Premier, Health Minister or Chief Health Officer a line, I'm sure they'd love to hear from you. Oddly enough, they won't write back to me.

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Another awesome article👏

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Thanks Melissa! How has COVIDmania affected your practice?

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