Thank you for your research and pointing out other issues the lame stream news never covers. I find my garden grounds me, constantly reminds me of our wonderful creator and disciplines me to exercise and work.

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Couldn't agree more! I spent today outside, building a raised garden bed, and although I'm physically tired from A LOT of sawing, I feel wonderful. There's a special satisfaction in making and growing things with our own hands.

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Thank you so much for such an informative, enlightening and powerful interview.

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Thank you for this!! The scientific fraud that makes up the Cloak of Bullshit around the covid "vaccines" (and other vaccines), with captured regulators who do the bidding of industry and care nothing for the harms, and captured media, research, universities, and agencies claiming expertise and oversight, is similar to the scientific fraud that creates false messaging and feelings around wireless radiation being safe, at levels too small to harm, and nothing to worry about as long as it meets the FCC "safety guideline". The wireless behemoth is full of scientific fraud also ... and the guideline was established in 1991 (rubber stamped in 1996), using cherry picking of studies done in the late 1980s.

https://mdsafetech.org/problems/industry-influence-in-science/ - really great list of resources

And if you're in NYC or want to connect with a grassroots group of good people raising awareness about wireless harms and safer alternatives, please get in touch! - https://newyorkers4wiredtech.com/

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Fantastic resources, thank you.

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Great interview, we need more awareness about the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. While the mutant juice shots may be a catalyst to enable connection to a 5G matrix, once fully operational it's likely every person's frequency will resonate in harmony with the EMR saturating the environment, even the unvaxxed. Just as in the example given about how people meditating together can affect a distressed person, the same effect happens to everyone living under the 'cloud' of EMR. Perhaps the only way to escape its harmful effects are by living in a faraday cage or in a place outside of its reach. Do you think their broadcast signals will be able to entrain populations to be happy while owning nothing?

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