If allopathic medicine can get everything so blatantly wrong on something so clearly obvious, what else are they also getting wrong?

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It all starts with not having a model of health i.e. what are the preconditions for health, and how does the body work to restore it when it is threatened.

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Yes they really got it wrong in the late 1700s/early 1800s, didn't they? And it only 'progressed' from there!!! :-(

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Good question. While the claims vary (I say approximately 95% of pharmaceutical interventions are unnecessary or are a long way from the best option according to the Hippocratic Oath), a conservative figure is about 40% of all drugs are unnecessary, and 30-70% could be immediately re-reviewed to find undisclosed serious safety risks. Surgical interventions are more difficult to quantify, but i suspect that for things like 'exploratory surgery' about 75% of studies or claims would be unreplicable (as has proven true in the entire field of Psychiatry over the last decade). It would be interesting to document how many Nobel laureates in the field of medicine are shown to be wrong or outright fraudulent. Off the cuff, i'm thinking of lobotomies, Luc Montagnier, HPV and 'Cervical Cancer' vaccines, Louis Pasteur. I say diagnostics and surgeries are the only real triumph of Allopathic medicine - although they also are ridiculously overused, at least they cause less known harms, and are simply wasteful of dollars.

It also depends on how you define 'wrong'. 45 years to identify and share the health risks of smoking is akin to being blatantly wrong in my view, but could also be claimed as 'the speed of science'.



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Dec 2, 2022
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Here it is, thanks - the article is great. To clarify, they only claim 6% of interventions meet all 3 criteria, one of which is to have a positive outcome. They cite regression toward the mean as reason to be skeptical, not cynical, yet their other articles show they are aware of the sorry state of medical science. Add in covid 19 vaccines and cynicism is more than justified.

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Dec 2, 2022
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I went through the same struggle. What helped me understand a little was learning just how indoctrinated doctors are, how biased humans are in general, and how much better economic pressures were at explaining the world than science. "It is difficut to get a man to understand a thing when his salary depends on not understanding it"... my addition would be " it borders on impossible when his investment bias into his careeer, his sense of self worth, and not being an evil advocate of the greatest crime against humanity in decades also depend on not understanding simple verifiable truths about covid shots.

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I think there is an NZ case in relation to this. (For what it’s worth) . As someone who is planning to move to the sunshine state, it’s very sad. The media has been totally bought.

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I'll look up the NZ case. Thanks for the heads-up.

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“Baby Will” I think

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QLD is great - but I couldn't move there. With only one house of state parliament and a history of intense border closures, massive lies from Palaszczuk and such a lack of transparency with statistics, there are just too many red flags! Not that any state is really much good these days, but I still like to do my homework...

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Fair enough. For me it’s a) I like to think there are more like minded people there b) the ONLY state with a council that pushed back (Livingstone) c) they have more energy security and d) maybe just maybe, electoral change might happen. Some miners are pissed off. e) I like warm weather. And f) maybe, it’s so big that the state can only stretch so far , perhaps wishful thinking

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Each state has its pluses and minuses, that's for sure! NSW is draconian when it come to Education. QLD is more lax with kids not needing to be jabbed in childcare (it's left up to the provider) compared to most of the other states (but ACT is still the winner there - if you call paying full fee for childcare with zero rebate a 'winner'!!). The list goes on...and on...

Anyway, I'm not sure that there is ANY good state left in this country anymore, but you seem to have thought it through. Although here's no perfect place to live anymore, for what it's worth, I hope your move works out well for you :-)

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There's no perfect place but having moved to QLD before the scamdemic began, I'm glad we're here. Especially in the rural area where I now live, many people have a healthy distrust of government, an instinct for self-reliance, and are far more likely to vote for political candidate who challenge the status quo.

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Dec 2, 2022
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I think this is the case, yes? The parents' concerns are: "We don’t want blood that is tainted by vaccination,” the father said. “That’s the end of the deal – we are fine with anything else these doctors want to do." Sounds fair enough to me! They want to help their baby - just not with contaminated blood.

So, what does NZ Health do? Goes straight for the throat. It's criminal that NZ Health is trying to challenge the parents' guardianship over this!

Makes you wonder how much of your life is your own these days...like govts think they OWN their citizens or something...?!?!

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Dec 2, 2022
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My hubby has the same blood type as our daughters and I have the same blood type as my son...so should there be a problem for us, we're 'covered' so to speak. However, if we were dealing with the hospital in question, I'm quite sure it wouldn't pass the mark!

Is it a hospital where they do 'science' or where they do 'propaganda'...?? Seems to me they'd do better to find another hospital to do the surgery...or possibly in these poor parents' case, another hospital in another country! :-(

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Nicely done, Robyn! I especially like your pithy summary of the risks and (absence of) benefits. I wish more health professionals would be as forthcoming: "… there are no protective benefits of COVID-19 injections. These novel, experimental products don't prevent infection, don't prevent transmission, don't keep people out of hospital, and don't stop them from dying. They do expose people to a completely unacceptable risk of already-observed harms … . And of course, there is an unknown number of harms that will only emerge in months and years to come, as the full consequences of the deployment of novel technologies with no long-term safety data, onto billions of people - most of whom were at negligible risk of serious illness from SARS-CoV-2 infection - become evident."

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That's really the bottom line here. I'm astonished every day by the inability of most people, at every level of society, to admit this.

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Considering the evidence against vaccination, this is up there as one of the cruelest, shameful responses governments have enacted. I no longer want to give blood (O neg) because I imagine someone Covid injection free may need it and I would happily be ready. I would also give it to someone ‘vaccinated’ …in an emergency, but I also don’t want it wasted - and I’ve read blood is not always used for transfusions?

It was infuriating that I could not work or go to almost all places or access services, but they kept calling for blood donations.

I hope for a day that the health system is decentralised/transformed or at least a parallel structure that is free to provide, as you put it Robyn, a different ‘model of health’.

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Many smart, good people are working on a health system that is focused on actually increasing health. More on this topic in articles to come, I hope.

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Wonderful news!

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It is horrific that an unjabbed person is denied an organ transplant. Is this medical depopulation? The jabs are still under emergency authorisation. They are not approved. Is this a step towards no jab, no medical treatment at all? Why is the Government and NGO organisations having all the say? When will they let the doctors do what they know best? They are the only ones qualified.

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I think you've hit the nail on the head. There's a step by step process to normalise abhorrent medical policies e.g. full-term abortion, MAID in Canada, killing old people with midazolam as they did in UK nursing homes.

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"TSANZ recommends that all transplant patients > 18 years of age be advised to undergo a primary course of 3 COVID vaccinations with a booster 4 months after the third vaccination, as per ATAGI and the NZ Ministry of Health." - this would be enough to kill anyone - especially if you got the right batch. Now that we know there is no contagion protection there just can be no excuse - unless Health is a criminal mafia?

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I did the same. I am in Canada, but if they would deny me an organ, they can't have mine.

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I hear you. I also revoked my organ donor status. I'd been one since I got my driver's licence as well. But not anymore!! I do NOT want a covid-jabbed organ in me thanks very much, nor covid-jabbed blood transfusions. Nor do I think someone should be made to have covid jabs or other vaccines just because they receive an organ. After all the research I've done, I'm drawing the line there.

It is just shocking, when some states now have NO public health orders relating to covid (eg NSW), that there is STILL a requirement for triple jabbing - ANYWHERE.

Aside from the jabs not helping in the slightest, and in fact only making things worse, why, after 3 years on this merry-go-round, would someone need to have the jabs now? If they've not got them by now they're not GOING to get them.

I think if I ever needed a new organ, I'd just get my Will in order and be done with it. When my time's up, my time's up - but I know that's not how a lot of people think.

And yes, Robyn, you are right - there are many supplements one can take to alleviate some of the problems associated with not just organ failure, but general health failure! Perhaps most people with organ failures are already dependent on the medical system, and so they don't think to try something other than what their 'trusted' medico prescribes them...who knows. It was interesting that cannabidiol had such bad effects, though. When we tried it with our Asperger's daughter, it helped initially, then we needed more and more to get the same effects and she started putting weight on. So we stopped. Now we use Metagenics "Neurocalm" and that works really well at managing her anxiety - plus it's natural, and there are no visible side-effects.

Anyway, I was just speaking with a lady the other week who was nudging 200kg, and she needed gastric band surgery because nothing else was working, but at the time, the only place she could have it done was in QLD - where, of course, they demanded 2 covid jabs (should we count her lucky? Organ receivers today are required to have THREE jabs!). She did NOT want them, but she reasoned that if she didn't have the surgery, she was going to die anyway with her weight problem, so reluctantly she had them. She refused to give the jabs to her kids, though, and ironically, her Dr that was pushing these jabs got a covid 'vaccine injury' and missed a lot of work...!

This covid crap has been madness indeed...

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What a tragedy for that poor woman who was forced to go against her own conscience and well-educated judgment to accept experimental injections so she could get bariatric surgery. And it's an even greater tragedy that in all of her struggles with weight, she never encountered a doctor who had the knowledge and skills to help her lose weight healthfully and keep it off. Our medical system is a shambles.

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Issue a Notice of Liability to ANYONE who is denying the transplant establishing a Contract that the individual involved may be liable for all Harm that results from the denial unless it can be shown to be Lawful denial. Make the Claim for compensation very large, ie $100 million per.

And make the Contract self actuating, ie by a set date, then after that offer an opportunity to correct with a Notice of Fault also with a sunset date, then send the bill and start the interest clock ticking on the amount Claimed.

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The problem is that there is no way the transplantation service will enter into such a contract, and contracts can't be established unilaterally. However a notice of liability is definitely a good idea.

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Dec 2, 2022
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I hear what you're saying about not wanting to punish organ recipients. I really struggled to make my decision. In the end, I just couldn't participate in a system of apartheid. I rang the AODR to explain why I was taking myself off the register and to encourage them to pressure QLD Health to change their policy. Obviously that didn't work.

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