"Who could have seen that coming..." very funny. Made me laugh as sad as it is. I look at people who've used Ozempic and they look terrible to me. I look at people who've had botox or "cosmetic filler" injected into their faces and they look equally terrible like plastic dolls.

I like the way people look. In all variations and ages. It's sad people feel so out of control and frightened they need to do weird things to their bodies. Like trans.

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I'm a bit prone to black humour. Especially in these strange times we live in.

I always assume that people who feel compelled to have their bodies altered by some external agent, have a hole in their soul that they just don't know how to fill.

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I loved it. Made me laugh and I needed to laugh. Nothing wrong in it imo. Sad for these misguided people, but not for your joke.

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Don't worry, I totally got you.

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Jul 15Liked by Robyn Chuter

I'm inclined to agree.

Except in the case of genuine disfigurement, that seems a different situation to me than "I want to be more beautiful".

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Oh yes, I have nothing but admiration for plastic surgeons who help people who've been disfigured by burns etc to recover their self-esteem.

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Jul 12Liked by Robyn Chuter

When you don't watch/consume any main stream media for a while, and then you do, particularly anything with Hollywood people in it, it quickly strikes you how weird they look. But even American broadcasters with their fluorescent blinding white teeth and hyped-up hair.

Also, I had to visit a "rich" suburb of my city. Walking down the street, I couldn't help but be struck by how odd the women's faces looked. Of course, there were ... I don't even know what to call them... places where you get injectables and the like done... there were plenty of those shops. There aren't any at all where I live! (Thankfully!)

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You know things are bad when people don't want to look like people anymore!

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Jul 15Liked by Robyn Chuter

The best description I've come across for Hollywood people and celebrities is that they "age sideways".

Yeah, sideways into some weird other-world!

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I'll never forget Mungo McCallum's acid-tongued description of Blanche D'Alpuget's facelift looking like it had got stuck between two floors 🤣.

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That is hysterical!!! I love it!

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Blanche didn't, according to eyewitnesses.

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Jul 15Liked by Robyn Chuter

This morning I briefly wondered about the normalisation of plastic surgery and its contribution to the acceptance of radical surgery to "change genders".

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Interesting, had never thought about that.

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I've had Morgellons/CDB for over twenty years and it's destroyed my skin especially on my face. I had to deal with where my worth lay. In my looks? It's been hard with all the societal pressures on women, but I am reaching the point where I can truly say I no longer judge anything by its' cover. Because that's just stupid and most of time entirely wrong. We are so much more than how we look. I feel for people who don't know that, yet. It also helps me cut to the chase with people. When I come across someone who judges me by my face, I can move on so much more quickly than before. It's a blessing.

Thank God there are none of those shops where you live. And I know what you mean about how strange people look who have done these useless things to themselves.

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Sorry to hear of your suffering but glad you've reached a philosophical position about it.

Yes, compassion for those for remain trapped in the "appearance is everything" doom spiral. It is certainly not a nice place to live in any way.

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For me this just hits again and again on the propagandised indoctrination that the human body is a machine and can be assessed and treated in a reductionist and mechanistic way by treating ‘symptoms’ with a drug as opposed to seeing that the human body is an amazing, innately self-regulating, self- healing organism and needs none of this toxic shit if only we gave it the right inputs of nutrition, sleep, quality hydration etc.

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100% this ^^^^. Provide the prerequisites for health and remove the causes of disease, and the body can overcome most illnesses. If modern medicine was only used for cases of trauma and other acute situations, while lifestyle medicine was used for everything else, we'd pretty much have hit the jackpot.

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Jul 12Liked by Robyn Chuter

Not sure when the official switch date was for big pharma to run completely unregulated publishing false data and research experimenting on the human population but we are here...

What do all the people who work for the FDA do?

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I think they sit around polishing their resumes, counting down the days until that big ol' revolving door will turn and they'll start their high-paying job in a pharma company that they used to 'regulate'.

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Jul 15Liked by Robyn Chuter

and big fat retirement checks!

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Jul 13Liked by Robyn Chuter

Robyn, I don’t know if I’m anywhere close to answering your question, but what stands out to me is what you said about not getting to pick and choose which effects from drugs we get. And this quote, "As with any drug, ... therapeutic benefits are inseparable from adverse effects,” makes it clear that it’s well known. It seems that in all these cases the “cure/treatment” is at least as bad or worse that the condition the drug was ostensibly designed to treat. In the case of statins, the disease it is meant to treat is made worse. Should we call this pharmaceutical carpet bombing?

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Bingo! Drugs don't have 'side effects', they just have effects. And when they're being used to 'treat' conditions caused by poor diet and lifestyle choices, the people taking them are very likely to end up in a downward spiral of drug-side effect-drug to treat side effect-more side effects - repeat repeat repeat.

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Jul 12Liked by Robyn Chuter

Yay! My 5 year old kid has never had antibiotics!

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Good for you! That's one strong, healthy kid you're raising there!

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Jul 15Liked by Robyn Chuter

Nice to learn of something I've done right! (Instead of the reverse! - e.g. vaccines!) Well, actually he's never had need of antibiotics so it was more accident than design, but I'll take the win!

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Jul 15Liked by Robyn Chuter

Funny, no mention of the blindness issue in the latest Fairfax article lauding these drugs. What a surprise! And oh, there are benefits we hadn't even dreamed of!

“There are studies showing these drugs have been good at preventing some major health outcomes that we may not have been predicting,” - University of Sydney diabetes researcher Professor Stephen Twigg.


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Plenty of benefits for Prof Twigg's bank account, I would imagine, if he gets in good with Novo Nordisk the way he has with AstraZeneca (search his name here: https://www.disclosureaustralia.com.au/search/#search)

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I have no doubt of it.

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Excellent article, Robyn. Your ability to put all of this information together in an articulate format to educate others is a priceless gift to us all! Thank you for time, talent and treasure!

I am not sure if I have the proper link of these listed meds and their unintended side effects other than they are grossly overprescribed and interfere with our bodies natural functions, especially metabolism which is downstream from a proper functioning gut biome. I am anxious to hear your response!

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I don't claim to have the only right answer to this question, but you're pretty much right on target, from my point of view!

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I think of myself as one of your students. You’re an amazing educator!

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I am most honoured!

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Jul 12Liked by Robyn Chuter

What could possibly go wrong! I always advocate that lifestyle and diet are the key factors for a healthy life. Rockefeller should be strung up - if he was still alive! The whole medical model is totally wrong headed. I can say that as a 70 year old wholefood plant based vegan of 50 years. I am on no medications and have good to excellent BP, cholesterol and weight status. Screw drugs - except in extremis - eat well, live well - be well. That should be the starting point. "Philsveganrecipes.com"

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'But where do you get your protein????' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

You are 100% right - diet and lifestyle are key to lifespan and healthspan. Yet people have been chasing silver bullets for all of recorded history. Our species seems to have some weakness - too many of us want something for nothing!

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Sheesh, are those bloody endotoxins in every pHarma concoction?

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I have not found an injectable where endotoxin is not present. It has even been measured in dental surgery water supply lines.

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Well that's bloody scary.

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Jul 12Liked by Robyn Chuter

Who knew that statins were racist ?

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Well, everyone I don't like is literally Hitler, so it stands to reason, right?

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