The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was revealed as a hoax in 1921. Stop spreading this divisive nonsense on my Substack, or I will delete all your posts and block you.
Robyn superbly written as usual. I have been lazily waiting for someone to explain "why" this vax is any different. Talk about spin...they had us non mrna spike vaxers believing this one may be ok....whoa...just as bad . Wont be getting this either. Curiously though... I think i may have had it. Took about 5 days start to finish...high fever with hot n cold body aches, mild headache, fairly fatigued but worst was a severe gut pain...which when "passed through" ended the illness...or was it what I thought...a bad case of giardia/ fine now but how would I know. ?? Lol. Not going to any docs. Anyways novax on novavax!!
I had very similar symptoms about a month ago, minus the gut pain. And my headache was a humdinger! I'll be getting an antibody test done soon, just to check whether I had "it" or some other random lurgy. I'm pretty sure though that my immune system has earned its stripes against the 'rona :).
Your repeated blaming of 'the Jews' for all our current problems, as if all Jewish people think alike on these matters, is testing my patience. I prefer not to censor the comments section, but if you persist in making comments that slander an entire group of people for wrongdoings committed by a tiny percentage of them, I will delete all your posts and block you. Your willing embrace of the divide and conquer strategy makes you part of the problem, not the solution.
I was persuaded by my GP to get Novavax because "it has no known heart effects!" - and due to having heart and lung problems, and being over 60. I had the first injection on 21 February this year, and within two days I had no energy, and have progressively got worse with all the symptoms of myocarditis since then. I reported to the GP, and she gave me a temporary exemption until I see my cardiologist, but I will NOT be going back for another no matter what they say. I was just starting to do really well after a heart attack in July 2020, had enough energy to see me through the day. Now I am in my chair most of the day, my blood pressure and heart rate are elevated, I am constantly short of breath, and have an ache around my heart. That’s apart from a severe worsening of the heart arrhythmias I usually suffer. So much for this “safe” vaccine! I will be telling the cardiologist that “my anxiety levels about this vaccine are so bad I am absolutely terrified of having a second one.” Thanks for the information! Mel
Mel, I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's just disgusting that you were misled to believe this experimental product is safe. Has your GP reported your adverse reaction to DAEN? If not, this absolutely needs to be done. If your GP won't do it, you can report to DAEN yourself. I highly recommend also making a report to VaxxTracker - link here
Thanks Robyn, but for those of us whose livelihood depends on being vaccinated this is the safer alternative it sounds like - to keep the medical and corporate gestapo away.
I had my first novavax shot on the 9th of March (aspirated). Within 10 minutes I had a frog in my throat which persisted for the whole day. Three weeks later I caught covid (in the middle of isolation now). I don’t believe the vaccine helped or made it worse since my whole family got covid and I was the last one to get it. Seems my natural constitution is still working as expected.
Will see an immunologist next week to see what he says. I hazard to guess it maybe the soap tree sap. Or coincidental as I was pretty stressed by the whole thing.
My heart goes out to you and to everyone who has been faced with this terrible choice: jab or job. I hope you are right and that Novavax will be safer both in the short and long term, but the fact is, we just don't know. That's why vaccine development typically takes 7-10 years - and even then, it can take years and even decades of postmarketing surveillance (which isn't done properly anyway) to detect adverse effects.
Thank you Robyn. Agree. Can’t know the long term effects until the appropriate time has passed. Having said that, if I find I have an allergy to soap bark sap, will not get the second shot and refuse to get AZ and Pz. See how it goes.
And so people are aware I work for Woolworths who mandated all staff be vaccinated by the end of March. To date they have lost 2.2% of their workforce over the mandate.
Sharing this in hopes it affects peoples shopping habits. Apparently Woolworths is better at making my health decisions than I am.
The funny thing they hired a “chief medical officer” who makes Fauciaan like pontifications but never with any data. Challenged him more than once in company town halls to provide data but never has. It’s all CNN like talking points.
I'm doing my best not to give Woolworths any of my money! I prefer to shop at locally owned stores. Not many options in the small town where I live though.
Of course :) I am a cyclical gen-x and even I would have said, until the pandemic, Woolworths was a good employer to work for. However, my cyclist and distrust of corporate entities is born true yet again. Is what it is!
The vaccine group had almost DOUBLE the incidence rate of neoplasms as the placebo group (0.95 vaccine vs. 0.51 placebo).
Ditto for immune system disorders (1.05 vaccine vs. 0.51 placebo).
And reproductive system and breast disorders were also worrisomely elevated (2.00 vaccine vs. 1.25 placebo). That one is notably concerning because the table shows the increase is concentrated in the younger age group. Alarmingly, the FDA briefing document ( - Page 67) shows 25 miscarriages compared to 41 live births.
I only have 1 (as in one) example of a person being stabbed with Novavax (or whatever).
His 1st shot: 4 days later Shingles on chest/back. Lasted 1.5 months. Doctors, per the norm, blew it/him off. "Stressed? Anxious? Depressed? Sexual Problems? Because no way did this Healthy and Beautiful vaccine cause Shingles. Impossible. And, Shingles is indicative of an emotional disorder"
His 2nd shot: Caught "Covid" 2 months later. Like Shingles, this lasted about 1.5 months. Symptoms lingered another month after that.
Doctors: "Thank God you were stabbed two times. Otherwise, you would have died!!"
Sound familiar?
All in all, 1) he didn't die. 2) His head did not fall off his body (NO decapitation), 3) nor did blood spurt from all orifices after the 1st stabbing. Nor the 2nd.
Therefore, being objective and taking all into consideration, I'd say this is a VERY safe and effective vaccine. I recommend it 👍
To be fair, I don’t know that you can actually state this w certainty since the control groups in the studies in different countries/series were removed from the trials once those people were also given the jabs. But how convenient this is for them to have done this. It’s “almost as if” this was premeditated on their part so the truth could not be discerned (stated w extreme sarcasm of course). When I was a resident (1990-1993) doing some research, the continuing collection of data from the control group was always considered essential to making any conclusions about effects studied and statistical significance of anything while performing a trial.
The purposeful malfeasances and mendacity seen throughout the CoVid scamdemic will leave the trust placed in physicians/doctors on par with lawyers, pharma officials, and politicians.
Well, so they are a failure then. Well summarised for us laypersons, Robyn. And as for ATAGI – what a joke, and not a funny one.
I have a friend who has had the Novavax solely on the basis that it will enable him to get the Big Green Tick of government approval enabling him to travel overseas to see his son whom he has not seen for the two years of the Covid mania (he trusts the slightly better safety profile of Novavax – which, as you show, may be more urban myth than vaccine reality. I have my fingers crossed for him.
Back in October 2021, the weekly RACGP survey ( found that 55% of GPs have “encountered patients who say they are ‘waiting for Novavax’” on a daily basis and 16% once a week. So, on the demand side of the equation, there are a lot of vaxx holdouts hoping for something less disastrous than the mRNA and mDNA goo). The survey doesn’t ask whether the GPs may be contributing to this demand by subtly suggesting that Novavax will be the answer to their ‘hesitancy’.
The survey is a fascinating insight into the Covid-mindset of the average Australian GP – whilst 54% think there should be no restrictions on prescribing ivermectin, 52% support mandatory Covid jabs in the workplace! (a conflict between a relatively liberal attitude to safe and effective treatments and an authoritarian ‘Get the vaxx or get the axe’ job mandates).
It's staggering to me that GPs still support jab mandates when every single one of them must have seen dozens of "fully vaccinated" patients getting COVID in the last couple of months.
Very good point, Robyn. Yes, it's just mind boggling that so many of the vaccinated are getting COVID! Are these people blind, or, just don't want to see?
As I said to my wife the first time I actually looked at the details, it's just another chimeric concoction. The only real difference is that in this particular case we know the excipients and adjuvants are dangerous rather than being hidden behind claims of proprietary secrets
Hi! Thanks for writing this, found it quite useful. One thing I want to add is that I discovered while doing my own research on the Anthrax vaccines program being used for Operation Warp Speed is that injected lipids (ie. the cholesterol nanoparticle) actually have major issues in of themselves. I tried to give a summary of all of that in here:
Thank you too. I am going to edit the anthrax article to link back to this post (you posted some necessary information I wanted to share I felt didn't fit within my post). Please keep the content within this article indefinitely and let me know if you take it out so I can remove the link if it changes.
It will definitely remain, and I may even add more as I find additional sources. Thanks for pointing me to Vaccine A. I love the collaboration that's happening here on Substack! This story is far too big for one person to cover.
So Novavax starts with a synthetic viral protein based upon insilico synthesis of what someone thinks is the spike protein on a supposed coronavirus SARS-Cov-2. They mix this with a protein based nanoparticle made from an insect. Then they mix this with a nanoparticle from a Soapbark tree called Matrix-M. So now you have two nanoparticles mixed together and they want to inject that into my body to save me from a supposed coronavirus that has a 99% survivability. Sorry, no dice.
Damn right. Interestingly, our sold-out TGA has revealed that Novavax is more likely to cause myocarditis than the mRNA shots: "Myocarditis is reported in around 1-2 in every 100,000 people who receive Comirnaty (Pfizer), around 2 in every 100,000 of those who receive Spikevax (Moderna) and 3-4 in every 100,000 people who receive Nuvaxovid (Novavax)." ( So much for Novavax being a safer option!
Thank you Robyn for taking the time to do this in-depth research into yet another useless Covid vaccine. I'm with you and have always been part of the control group. I do however trust Prof Nikolai Petrovsky and had enrolled to be part of his clinical trial but after contracting Covid a few weeks ago and getting over it in three days thankfully there's no need for any injections!
If it looks like a spike, feels like a spike, it is a spike. What's coming out more and more is that the massive injection program is causing immune imprinting. Targeting repeatedly one antigen when there are 30 plus antigens that make up SARS CoV-2 is irrational. No wonder cases and deaths are rising in 2022.
Funnily enough, my Sydney GP, who is somewhat 'awake' and gave me a script for Ivermectin before it was banned in Australia, forcing users to import it from India instead, was saying back then that Novavax was the safe alternative and worth waiting for. I nodded to keep him happy but had no intention of even considering it.
However, after I saw him for my 4 month medical exemption after catching Covid in January 22 , he didn't mention it or suggest I get it or any of the available useless and and unsafe products being offered. Maybe he was thinking 'why bother' because I was completely recovered from Covid within 36 hours, having taken 4 Ivermectins, a few Colchicines and followed the nasal / mouth irrigation routine with 1% Betadine. He also had the good sense to prescribe Vit D, NAC, Quercetin and Vit C. I'll keep them all on hand in case the psychopaths in Wuhan release a new virus that mutates enough to break through my naturally acquired and superior immunity.
Sounds like your GP might have been red pilled too! It's hard to imagine how any health professional with 2 functioning brain cells let, and an ounce of integrity, could still be believing anything they've been told about the whole COVID debacle.
Why are all of these inoculations targeting the spike protein? This protein is the most toxic and mutable part of the virus. Why would we want our body producing it? We know it doesn't stay near the injection site and can travel throughout the body wreaking havoc where ever it goes. It's rapid mutation rate makes it an excellent candidate for eventually escaping our body's immune response. Rather suspicious that all these companies chose the same part of the virus to induce an immune response.
I agree, it's highly suspicious. I've heard some vaccinologists say that the spike protein is a reasonably good target from the point of view of it being the part of the virus that the immune system encounters first (unlike the nucleocapsid protein which is only revealed once the virus has entered a cell) but as you correctly point out, the spike's high mutation rate means it's going to escape vaccine-induced immunity quickly. Tbh I don't think that any respiratory virus is a good candidate for vaccines, for this reason, even for 'true believers' in vaccination.
Just another saponin adjuvanted killer shot like this one:
SHINGRIX vaccine is unsafe and its approval must be revoked
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was revealed as a hoax in 1921. Stop spreading this divisive nonsense on my Substack, or I will delete all your posts and block you.
Robyn superbly written as usual. I have been lazily waiting for someone to explain "why" this vax is any different. Talk about spin...they had us non mrna spike vaxers believing this one may be ok....whoa...just as bad . Wont be getting this either. Curiously though... I think i may have had it. Took about 5 days start to finish...high fever with hot n cold body aches, mild headache, fairly fatigued but worst was a severe gut pain...which when "passed through" ended the illness...or was it what I thought...a bad case of giardia/ fine now but how would I know. ?? Lol. Not going to any docs. Anyways novax on novavax!!
I had very similar symptoms about a month ago, minus the gut pain. And my headache was a humdinger! I'll be getting an antibody test done soon, just to check whether I had "it" or some other random lurgy. I'm pretty sure though that my immune system has earned its stripes against the 'rona :).
Your repeated blaming of 'the Jews' for all our current problems, as if all Jewish people think alike on these matters, is testing my patience. I prefer not to censor the comments section, but if you persist in making comments that slander an entire group of people for wrongdoings committed by a tiny percentage of them, I will delete all your posts and block you. Your willing embrace of the divide and conquer strategy makes you part of the problem, not the solution.
I was persuaded by my GP to get Novavax because "it has no known heart effects!" - and due to having heart and lung problems, and being over 60. I had the first injection on 21 February this year, and within two days I had no energy, and have progressively got worse with all the symptoms of myocarditis since then. I reported to the GP, and she gave me a temporary exemption until I see my cardiologist, but I will NOT be going back for another no matter what they say. I was just starting to do really well after a heart attack in July 2020, had enough energy to see me through the day. Now I am in my chair most of the day, my blood pressure and heart rate are elevated, I am constantly short of breath, and have an ache around my heart. That’s apart from a severe worsening of the heart arrhythmias I usually suffer. So much for this “safe” vaccine! I will be telling the cardiologist that “my anxiety levels about this vaccine are so bad I am absolutely terrified of having a second one.” Thanks for the information! Mel
Mel, I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's just disgusting that you were misled to believe this experimental product is safe. Has your GP reported your adverse reaction to DAEN? If not, this absolutely needs to be done. If your GP won't do it, you can report to DAEN yourself. I highly recommend also making a report to VaxxTracker - link here
As Robyn said, absolutely disgusting!! I am appalled at the lack of ethics and lack of care shown by the current health care system.
Shows how corrupt the medical profession has become over the last couple decades.
For sure! Absolutely disgraceful!!
Thanks Robyn, but for those of us whose livelihood depends on being vaccinated this is the safer alternative it sounds like - to keep the medical and corporate gestapo away.
I had my first novavax shot on the 9th of March (aspirated). Within 10 minutes I had a frog in my throat which persisted for the whole day. Three weeks later I caught covid (in the middle of isolation now). I don’t believe the vaccine helped or made it worse since my whole family got covid and I was the last one to get it. Seems my natural constitution is still working as expected.
Will see an immunologist next week to see what he says. I hazard to guess it maybe the soap tree sap. Or coincidental as I was pretty stressed by the whole thing.
My heart goes out to you and to everyone who has been faced with this terrible choice: jab or job. I hope you are right and that Novavax will be safer both in the short and long term, but the fact is, we just don't know. That's why vaccine development typically takes 7-10 years - and even then, it can take years and even decades of postmarketing surveillance (which isn't done properly anyway) to detect adverse effects.
Thank you Robyn. Agree. Can’t know the long term effects until the appropriate time has passed. Having said that, if I find I have an allergy to soap bark sap, will not get the second shot and refuse to get AZ and Pz. See how it goes.
And so people are aware I work for Woolworths who mandated all staff be vaccinated by the end of March. To date they have lost 2.2% of their workforce over the mandate.
Sharing this in hopes it affects peoples shopping habits. Apparently Woolworths is better at making my health decisions than I am.
The funny thing they hired a “chief medical officer” who makes Fauciaan like pontifications but never with any data. Challenged him more than once in company town halls to provide data but never has. It’s all CNN like talking points.
I'm doing my best not to give Woolworths any of my money! I prefer to shop at locally owned stores. Not many options in the small town where I live though.
Of course :) I am a cyclical gen-x and even I would have said, until the pandemic, Woolworths was a good employer to work for. However, my cyclist and distrust of corporate entities is born true yet again. Is what it is!
Excellent work Robyn! I won't be introducing myself to this vaccine either! Thank you so much for all your hard work!
You're most welcome. It's good to have some company in the control group :).
Here are some alarming facts about the supposedly "safer" Novavax:
Source- Clinical trial NEJM publication (Supplementary Appendix, Table S14): - see page 48
The vaccine group had almost DOUBLE the incidence rate of neoplasms as the placebo group (0.95 vaccine vs. 0.51 placebo).
Ditto for immune system disorders (1.05 vaccine vs. 0.51 placebo).
And reproductive system and breast disorders were also worrisomely elevated (2.00 vaccine vs. 1.25 placebo). That one is notably concerning because the table shows the increase is concentrated in the younger age group. Alarmingly, the FDA briefing document ( - Page 67) shows 25 miscarriages compared to 41 live births.
Far less safe than just getting infected, especially with the currently-circulating strain.
I only have 1 (as in one) example of a person being stabbed with Novavax (or whatever).
His 1st shot: 4 days later Shingles on chest/back. Lasted 1.5 months. Doctors, per the norm, blew it/him off. "Stressed? Anxious? Depressed? Sexual Problems? Because no way did this Healthy and Beautiful vaccine cause Shingles. Impossible. And, Shingles is indicative of an emotional disorder"
His 2nd shot: Caught "Covid" 2 months later. Like Shingles, this lasted about 1.5 months. Symptoms lingered another month after that.
Doctors: "Thank God you were stabbed two times. Otherwise, you would have died!!"
Sound familiar?
All in all, 1) he didn't die. 2) His head did not fall off his body (NO decapitation), 3) nor did blood spurt from all orifices after the 1st stabbing. Nor the 2nd.
Therefore, being objective and taking all into consideration, I'd say this is a VERY safe and effective vaccine. I recommend it 👍
Sadly, all too familiar. The doctors' gaslighting is quite frankly unforgiveable.
To be fair, I don’t know that you can actually state this w certainty since the control groups in the studies in different countries/series were removed from the trials once those people were also given the jabs. But how convenient this is for them to have done this. It’s “almost as if” this was premeditated on their part so the truth could not be discerned (stated w extreme sarcasm of course). When I was a resident (1990-1993) doing some research, the continuing collection of data from the control group was always considered essential to making any conclusions about effects studied and statistical significance of anything while performing a trial.
The purposeful malfeasances and mendacity seen throughout the CoVid scamdemic will leave the trust placed in physicians/doctors on par with lawyers, pharma officials, and politicians.
Thank you for you excellent work, Robyn!!
Well, so they are a failure then. Well summarised for us laypersons, Robyn. And as for ATAGI – what a joke, and not a funny one.
I have a friend who has had the Novavax solely on the basis that it will enable him to get the Big Green Tick of government approval enabling him to travel overseas to see his son whom he has not seen for the two years of the Covid mania (he trusts the slightly better safety profile of Novavax – which, as you show, may be more urban myth than vaccine reality. I have my fingers crossed for him.
Back in October 2021, the weekly RACGP survey ( found that 55% of GPs have “encountered patients who say they are ‘waiting for Novavax’” on a daily basis and 16% once a week. So, on the demand side of the equation, there are a lot of vaxx holdouts hoping for something less disastrous than the mRNA and mDNA goo). The survey doesn’t ask whether the GPs may be contributing to this demand by subtly suggesting that Novavax will be the answer to their ‘hesitancy’.
The survey is a fascinating insight into the Covid-mindset of the average Australian GP – whilst 54% think there should be no restrictions on prescribing ivermectin, 52% support mandatory Covid jabs in the workplace! (a conflict between a relatively liberal attitude to safe and effective treatments and an authoritarian ‘Get the vaxx or get the axe’ job mandates).
It's staggering to me that GPs still support jab mandates when every single one of them must have seen dozens of "fully vaccinated" patients getting COVID in the last couple of months.
Very good point, Robyn. Yes, it's just mind boggling that so many of the vaccinated are getting COVID! Are these people blind, or, just don't want to see?
I think Upton Sinclair put it best: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
As I said to my wife the first time I actually looked at the details, it's just another chimeric concoction. The only real difference is that in this particular case we know the excipients and adjuvants are dangerous rather than being hidden behind claims of proprietary secrets
As a social worker in Public health
I had no chioce but to take the jab
9 months now vacinne injured
Don't touch any of these vacinnes
I'm so sorry you were put in this terrible position where the only way to keep your job was to take an experimental product.
Would you be willing to share what happened to you, either in this forum or privately?
Robyn, thank you for the detailed post. Any chance you will write one for the Sanofi + GSK vaccine?
I haven't found much info on it yet but if there's interest from more of my beloved Substack subscribers, I will look into it.
Hi! Thanks for writing this, found it quite useful. One thing I want to add is that I discovered while doing my own research on the Anthrax vaccines program being used for Operation Warp Speed is that injected lipids (ie. the cholesterol nanoparticle) actually have major issues in of themselves. I tried to give a summary of all of that in here:
Updated with this invaluable information - thank you once again.
Thank you too. I am going to edit the anthrax article to link back to this post (you posted some necessary information I wanted to share I felt didn't fit within my post). Please keep the content within this article indefinitely and let me know if you take it out so I can remove the link if it changes.
It will definitely remain, and I may even add more as I find additional sources. Thanks for pointing me to Vaccine A. I love the collaboration that's happening here on Substack! This story is far too big for one person to cover.
That's a very good point. I'll add that to my article.
So Novavax starts with a synthetic viral protein based upon insilico synthesis of what someone thinks is the spike protein on a supposed coronavirus SARS-Cov-2. They mix this with a protein based nanoparticle made from an insect. Then they mix this with a nanoparticle from a Soapbark tree called Matrix-M. So now you have two nanoparticles mixed together and they want to inject that into my body to save me from a supposed coronavirus that has a 99% survivability. Sorry, no dice.
Damn right. Interestingly, our sold-out TGA has revealed that Novavax is more likely to cause myocarditis than the mRNA shots: "Myocarditis is reported in around 1-2 in every 100,000 people who receive Comirnaty (Pfizer), around 2 in every 100,000 of those who receive Spikevax (Moderna) and 3-4 in every 100,000 people who receive Nuvaxovid (Novavax)." ( So much for Novavax being a safer option!
Thank you Robyn for taking the time to do this in-depth research into yet another useless Covid vaccine. I'm with you and have always been part of the control group. I do however trust Prof Nikolai Petrovsky and had enrolled to be part of his clinical trial but after contracting Covid a few weeks ago and getting over it in three days thankfully there's no need for any injections!
Congratulations, you have the best "vaccine" ever - natural immunity!
If it looks like a spike, feels like a spike, it is a spike. What's coming out more and more is that the massive injection program is causing immune imprinting. Targeting repeatedly one antigen when there are 30 plus antigens that make up SARS CoV-2 is irrational. No wonder cases and deaths are rising in 2022.
Funnily enough, my Sydney GP, who is somewhat 'awake' and gave me a script for Ivermectin before it was banned in Australia, forcing users to import it from India instead, was saying back then that Novavax was the safe alternative and worth waiting for. I nodded to keep him happy but had no intention of even considering it.
However, after I saw him for my 4 month medical exemption after catching Covid in January 22 , he didn't mention it or suggest I get it or any of the available useless and and unsafe products being offered. Maybe he was thinking 'why bother' because I was completely recovered from Covid within 36 hours, having taken 4 Ivermectins, a few Colchicines and followed the nasal / mouth irrigation routine with 1% Betadine. He also had the good sense to prescribe Vit D, NAC, Quercetin and Vit C. I'll keep them all on hand in case the psychopaths in Wuhan release a new virus that mutates enough to break through my naturally acquired and superior immunity.
Sounds like your GP might have been red pilled too! It's hard to imagine how any health professional with 2 functioning brain cells let, and an ounce of integrity, could still be believing anything they've been told about the whole COVID debacle.
Why are all of these inoculations targeting the spike protein? This protein is the most toxic and mutable part of the virus. Why would we want our body producing it? We know it doesn't stay near the injection site and can travel throughout the body wreaking havoc where ever it goes. It's rapid mutation rate makes it an excellent candidate for eventually escaping our body's immune response. Rather suspicious that all these companies chose the same part of the virus to induce an immune response.
I agree, it's highly suspicious. I've heard some vaccinologists say that the spike protein is a reasonably good target from the point of view of it being the part of the virus that the immune system encounters first (unlike the nucleocapsid protein which is only revealed once the virus has entered a cell) but as you correctly point out, the spike's high mutation rate means it's going to escape vaccine-induced immunity quickly. Tbh I don't think that any respiratory virus is a good candidate for vaccines, for this reason, even for 'true believers' in vaccination.