Brilliant summary, Robyn. Fascinating, but wholly unsurprising study results. On a tangentially related note, have you seen the results of Clare Pain's survey asking why Australians took up COVID-19 vaccination? While there are likely confounders related to who completed the survey (which Clare openly concedes), it certainly suggests many people who accepted COVID-19 vaccination did so for reasons entirely unrelated to health. These people, and many, many others (perhaps even a majority?), have been the victims of government coercion of some kind, to differing degrees of severity (but with the same result). I believe that as time goes on and the situation continues to evolve (especially regarding COVID-19 vaccine-induced adverse events and ongoing recommendations or requirements for your umpteenth booster), more people will realise that what they thought was their free choice, was actually the result of government and bureaucratic manipulation masquerading as concern for public health.


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Thanks for reminding me about Clare's survey. I came across it a while ago but hadn't been back to check the results. The degree of unethical coercion applied to people who otherwise wouldn't have accepted an experimental injection is just mind-boggling. I strongly suspect that the only way we'll be able to prevent such a travesty from happening again is if people who were affected by this coercion sue those responsible for it. Holding them personally liable will send a strong message to any politician, bureaucrat, employer, school principal of university vice-chancellor who might consider imposing mandates in future.

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It certainly is mind-boggling. I agree that there must be some public personal accountability if we're to stop this from going further or from happening again. Sadly, the discrimination is continuing with ongoing health mandates, some private sector mandates, and with the ridiculous policy decision to dock the wages of QLD teachers and other school staff returning to work, who remain unvaccinated. :(

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On that last note, you've probably seen RDA's call to action but just in case you missed it, you can contact the minister and the department to let them know what you think of them:

Grace Grace MP (Education Minister) (can you believe that's her real name???)

CALL – (07) 3719 7110

EMAIL – education@ministerial.qld.gov.au

QLD Education Department

Step 1 – Call 137 468

Step 2 – PRESS ‘3’ to save yourself from having to listen to 45 seconds of government jargon

Step 3 – Lodge a complaint as a concerned citizen

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Yes, I wrote my letter to Ms Grace and emailed it on Saturday. I know, I had to double check the name to be sure! At one point in my letter I express my disgust that Ms Grace and her colleagues refuse to graciously acknowledge their mistakes. It sounds like I'm taking the piss using, but "graciously" really did feel like the best word to express my feelings. I may need to lodge my complaint by phone too, thank you for the details on how to do it. :)

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PS. Don't lose the sarcasm, it's desperately needed! :)

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It's keeping me sane :).

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

There is no need nor should any one of us try to redpill anyone. The sheep will discover the truth by themselves, or they will perish along the way. There is a world war of information going on, and it was going their way until omicron was released and collapsed their narrative. This man-made hyperinfectious variant made track-and-trace, quarantines and government-funded testing impossible. It made vaccine passports absurd even to the most stupid sheeple, given they were the ones who were sick with omicron. It made treatment mostly not necessary, even though desirable, because the syndrome is now milder. This was the only way to break the spell most people are under. The way the elites dominate people’s minds is through mass media, which now has to lie like never before to cover up the mess they made in the last two and a half years. Time is on our side, as the the longer we wait, the more people awaken, are injured (which might or might not wake them up) or simply drop dead. I know it is painful to watch and frustrating as there is little we can do, but in the end we win. You should follow Clandestine’s substack, as he is the only one talking about the biolabs and the tribunals in Ukraine. Once it is revealed to the world all the nasty bugs they had in store for us in those labs, this will serve as an excuse to drop the dollar as the world reserve currency and we will face an economic crisis of epic proportions. Strap up, get ready and enjoy the collapse.

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I don't doubt that economic crisis is coming (indeed, it's already here) and that it was actually the driving force behind the scamdemic. Nor do I doubt that there's plenty more nasty biological weapons being cooked up in biolabs all over the world. The involvement of Hunter Biden in the Ukraininan biolabs really raises suspicions about why NATO was so determined to provoke the Russians into invading Ukraine. I'll check on Clandestine.

I understand where you're coming from re trying to redpill others, but so many of us have loved ones whom we don't want to see condemned to premature death or lifelong suffering, and many of my clients have ex-partners who want to jab their children. That's what drives them to want to develop effective strategies for waking up the ones who are still under the spell.

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Biden created it with one simple policy. His determination to eliminate oil. It drop the oil futures up almost immediately and it resulted in a domino effect. Inflation and Ukraine which has led to more inflation.

If Biden has a scintilla of brain matter left he would have pre-empted the war and we wouldn’t be in the pickle we’re now in.

The hypocrisy of these ‘leaders’ is so blatantly obvious. Joe Biden, as recently as four years ago had a Chevy Corvette. He drove it in a guest appearance on Jay Leno’s garage. Now that’s a real fuel efficient car.

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Biden's (or more to the point, Biden's handlers') economic policies have been utterly disastrous, but the financial collapse was well and truly underway before he gained (or stole) office. Many financial analysts including Catherine Austin Fitts have pointed to the 2019 repo crisis as the signal that the dollar was finally collapsing.

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The U.S. dollar has not actually collapsed. The Aussie dollar has dropped significantly to the U.S. and so have others based on commodities like Australia's. You follow the charts both in inflation and oil prices since Biden was inaugurated and he has made bad policies, as you say, disastrous. His clown friends in Congress don't help the situation.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

I hope one of you smart substackers develops a highly effective way to redpill people. I have a friend who is a medical doctor, knows all her stuff but yet failed miserably to redpill her twin sister and both her parents. After that, I gave up. I don’t think there is a way to show someone a truth they are not willing to see.

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You are 100% right about that. If someone is not ready, they can't be reached - but people can abruptly tip into being ready, and we (and they) have no idea when that moment will be. The best approach to me seems to be to keep dripping snippets of information to them and if they express any interest, offer to share more but only if they want to.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

Why read science when you have the "experts" to guide you? Everyone knows that their greatest priority is public health and profits do not factor in at all. Truly, selfless public servants. You can trust the media, the government, and Pfizer without a second thought. When have they ever told a lie?

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This we believe.

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Ah, I see you had a technical issue there with CAPS LOCK for a while.

But I empathise with your sheer frustration with the monumental Covid stupidity that surrounds us all, including my Branch Covidian friends who meet me with the typical 'glassy-eyed stare' when confronted with any blasphemy which departs from the Covid orthodoxy. I've learnt to tune them out by now so I don't blow my (Sub)stack in private or tear out what's left of my receding hair.

And yes, just like some 69% of Australian adults who get all, not just some, but all, their news from the Covid-crazy Establishment media (and that includes the wretched, and direly woke, ABC and the Guardian and The Conversation), my fully-jabbed friends are beyond reach or reason. And they were all anti-Establishment, Stick-It-To-The-Man contrarians back in our uni days!

Thoroughly enjoyed your venting ... and the grand old Aussie vernacular (my parents were the same vintage as yours and they handed down the 'Well, I'll be buggered' gem to myself and it still gets a regular airing, along with 'well, you could've knocked me down with a feather!'


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Isn't it disappointing to see all the old rebels fall into line. Including the supposedly anti-establishment old rockers like 'Sir' Mick Jagger and Neil Young. It's totally wrecked my enjoyment of their music :(.

And yes, I miss the days when one could let out a good old 'well, I'll be buggered!' in a public venue without being suspected of homophobia!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

We are elderly unjabbed in our household.

When we 1st heard that the only solution to the then situation was to wait for a ‘vaccine’, I was flabbergasted by such an ignorant statement. How did mankind ever survive, especially in harsher conditions? How did they ever expect anyone to trust / believe them. I was appalled when it soon became apparent that they were deliberately lying & manipulating. They are the stupid ones. We have each recently had a positive rat which we treated at home & cleared without the benefit of pharmaceuticals in less than a week. They have Buckley’s of gaining our co-operation. Their ignorance guarantees that.

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Good for you! Taking responsibility for your own health instead of mindlessly relying on government diktat is the path to good heath, but also to freedom.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

Thanks Robyn. I agree. Does cause difficulties with some health professionals but not others 🙏. But I do apologise for the intemperate tone in my comment. It does make me deeply angry, the impertinence of the interference in intimate details of our private, personal lives.

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No apology necessary. As far as I'm concerned, if you're not angry at what's been done to people all over the world for the last 2.5+ years, you're just not paying attention.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

"....most COVID-jabbed people don’t read science" because science is "racist, sexist, and bigoted!"

"Well, I'll be buggered." The CCP via its supporters and assets did try to do that to you....(via anal probe tests)

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I stand corrected, and will henceforth abandon science in order to be a Good Person who is anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-bigoted (is that a thing?).

I don't even want to think about that anal swabbing for SARS-CoV-2....

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

Good old Klaus Analswab.. There are 2 camps in science - it requires discernment to understand who is on the up.. But for sure the CDC, WHO etc are not a good source.. It takes time and research.. Love your humor - we simply have to break up the apocalypse with laugh every now and then!

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Gallows humour :).

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Yes I'd like to see the gallows for those criminals..

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I used to be very firmly opposed to the death penalty on moral grounds (the State doesn't have the right to take away human life when no human has the right) but now I'm not so sure. The State has become infested with psychopaths and if we don't remove them, we'll continue to be at risk.

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Yes when I think about the babies it's hard to hold a moral view of these parasites..

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

C’mon, surveying Germans ? These are the people that turned a blind eye when Jews were pilloried. They have laws that dictate the days and times you can mow your lawn. I wonder if the East Germans were surveyed.

I blame the 4th estate. They don’t do any journalism anymore AND it’s been quashed. And also people don’t bother reading anything longer than 25 words.

Lastly, who’s gonna admit that perhaps it’s ‘might not be that safe’ and ‘not really effective’ ? Better to bury heads in the sand. Danes seem to be the only ones that have and might apologise.

Recent discovery that the Canadian transport ban on unvaxed was not based on science isn’t covered anywhere in Canadian mainstream news ... only UK Telegraph and some alt news outlets.

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You raise a really important question - how many of the respondents were from the former East Germany, and were they less likely to have swallowed the government propaganda? I'd be willing to lay odds that they were.

You're 100% correct that the lamesteam media is largely to blame for the astounding level of ignorance of basic facts, in the general population. Just listened to Jordan Peterson's interview with the journalist who broke the story on the lack of scientific evidence for the Canadian transport ban (and two litigants and their lawyer). I wish I could say I was surprised that the Canadian media aren't covering the story, but given that Trudeau has bought them off with gobs of taxpayer money, it's not surprising at all.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

This survey discovered that shit stinks

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Yes, but it's all about getting that stinky stuff under the noses of the people who read the BMJ, so for that I'm grateful.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

Colour me shocked!

Complete inversion of reality 😵‍💫

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Yep, just like everything else related to the scamdemic.

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I don’t know who these Germans were in the survey, but here in Australia, many took the jabs because it was that or their livelihood gone. Many of those were aware of the dangers and the lack of effectiveness. In fact, most who I know did so for that reason.

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I don't think you're alone in that. I know very few people whose primary reason for getting jabbed was fear of COVID.

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