I'm sure Albo's joke enquiry will get to the bottom of it! But seriously, why aren't people more invested in this? Is it because so many have been vaxxed they prefer not to know?

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I suspect that's a huge part of it. They don't want to know about the risk that they've subjected themselves, their children, and their elderly parents to. Every day, as I learn more and more about what's in these shots and what they're doing to people, I become progressively more terrified for the future of our species.

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It's a tired old cliche, I know, but ignorance really is bliss for them.

On the other hand, knowledge might just save their lives if papers like this dissuade them from getting any more annual Covid jabs

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I hope so, Phil. Otherwise I wouldn't even bother to plough through these papers and summarise them here.

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I suggest their critical thinking has been impaired. Aside from the acknowledged causes of social media, screens, painkillers, flouride, etc. We should add the likely causes: fear and prion damage. Both caused by the very crimes whose victims now have less capacity to understand.

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The Great Dumbing Down has been going on for decades (probably over a century), and I would wager that the mass injection of an endothelium-destroying, protein-misfolding, amyloid-depositing toxin has sped it up dramatically.

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Thank you, Robyn, for maintaining the rage, and for publishing details of the sellout politicians who are blocking the truth.

And I agree with the previous comments. There's definitely an element of preferring not to know, which I've seen in members of my family who reluctantly succumbed to the mandates to keep their jobs.

Regarding the dumbing down - our poor Naplan results are concrete evidence of that. But pollies keep blaming teachers, while ignoring the elephant(s) in the room (including fluoride and the ever-growing childhood vaccine schedule).

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Any engineer will tell you that a mechanism produces exactly the product it was designed to produce. So if we want to know what the education system was designed to produce, take a look at the product: illiterate, innumerate, entitled, self-indulgent, emotionally dysregulated 'social justice warriors' with zero critical thinking capacity.

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Absolutely! I'm horrified by the direction the education system has taken.

But as a former teacher, with a daughter who's a learning support teacher, I know learning disabilities are at an all time high, along with ADD/ADHD and autism. The 'authorities' have claimed this is because of better diagnosis. What hogwash!

When I began my career in the mid-1970s I had a few students with asthma, a few who struggled with learning, but none with food allergies, or anything that looked like ADD/ADHD or autism - and believe me, it isn't something you could miss. When I finished in 2006, allergies were rife, including various food allergies; learning disabilities had become a significant problem; ADD/ADHD were rife; and numerous students were 'on the spectrum'. (Those with severe autism were mostly in 'Special Schools', though mainstreaming was being encouraged). I worked in low socioeconomic areas my entire career - so that wasn't a factor in these changes.

In hindsight, the downhill slide began towards the end of the 1980s/early 1990s. I began to join the dots when two of my grandchildren suffered vaccine injuries, and I read and researched everything I could get my hands on about the topic. That's when I learned that childhood vaccine schedules started increasing about that time, once vaccine manufacturers were no longer held liable for vaccine injury.

I'm not saying vaccination is solely responsible for this decline (fluoride and various other toxins children are exposed to certainly contribute) - but there seems to be a lot of evidence that they are a big factor. Though Thimerosal (a mercury-based preservative) is no longer used in most childhood shots, aluminium adjuvants are a common ingredient. As you no doubt know, both are neurotoxic. But of course,' health authorities' continue to deny any links.

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My primary school years were the late 70s-early 80s, and I finished high school in '89. My memory of those years is in full agreement with your observations. I recall one kid in my entire 13 years of schooling who had anaphylaxis, and that was to bee stings. There were kids who regularly got sent to the principal's office for misbehaving in class, but it was generally acknowledged that most of them came from troubled homes and they were acting out.

I definitely remember kids who were 'quirky' and whose poor social skills put them on the outer, but they sure as hell weren't hand flapping or toe walking or stimming! There was a 'special school' where the kids we unkindly referred to as 'spastics' went, but they were afflicted with conditions like cerebral palsy or, very rarely, congenital rubella - not autism.

The vaccination schedule in the early 1970s consisted of 3 x DPT shots and a couple of oral polio vaccines. The measles vaccine was introduced in 1970 but neither I, nor my older brother and sister, got it. I don't think any of my classmates had it either, because it was still a relatively common event for a kid to get measles. And no one cared two hoots about it. In fact, most kids relished the chance to stay home for a week!

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Totally agree!

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I think it was Peter Halligan who skewered the causation issue thusly: "maybe the deaths caused vaccines?"

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