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That's very strange, because the link works for me (I just checked it again). You can just click on the link to AMD's article and then click on the link for Comments, to find it.

As you know, being offended is actually a vocation for a good chunk of the population these days 🤣.

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Quite correct Robyn, agree entirely. A case of "Don't know how to respond or if I can be bothered to, so I will just say its you opinion get all huffy and offended and not bother then". In Aussie speak its a cop-out for a brain being put to sleep (by whose brain it is). I do wonder why some people think they have life or is this arrogant or egoistic? Can I go back to my insanity now please?

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This whole BS of "well, I'm just speaking my truth" drives me nuts. There isn't "your truth" and "my truth"; there's "THE truth". Many truths aren't easily discernable and we can spend our whole lives inching closer and closer to grasping them, but it's the commitment to doing so that distinguishes the moral person from the virtue signaller. When it comes to developing opinions on objective questions, it's vital to put the effort into discovering and verifying matters of fact. People can know the same facts and still reach different opinions on them, but if believe things that are factually untrue, any opinions that you form from these false notions are fatally flawed.

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