Thank you once again Robyn for the time and energy you put into your writing and for no other reason than goodness of heart and an innate need to educate and protect. If only these qualifications were mandatory to become a politician. It is unfortunate that society is made up of the stupid teaching the stupid and the sheep following the sheep but let us rejoice in the realisation that we have educated ourselves beyond this zombie state. Stay strong and free people…it is our god given right.

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I firmly believe that the human spirit inherently seeks truth and freedom, but it is unfortunately all too easily subverted by individuals who understand the weaknesses of our species and are driven to exploit them, to enhance their own power.

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I hope you know what a great resource your well-reasoned, well-articulated writing is - we appreciate it!

My theory is that there is malice at the top and scattered at various levels of bureaucracy, but that there are also many stupid/incompetent/lazy policy makers who don't bother to check or understand the data or engage in any sort of evaluation of their decisions, but rather just do what some other bureaucrat tells them to because that's easier for them. Or because they have been bribed or threatened.

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I think you're spot on, Anita. That's been my experience in dealing with bureaucrats - they delegate the responsibility for actually THINKING to those deemed "experts", absolving themselves of any culpability for the outcomes of their policies. My local MP told me it was "above his pay grade" to even try to read and understand science - or for that matter, a layperson's summary of said science, with which I provided him so that he could grasp the fact that PCR testing is useless for detecting infection.

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Dec 4, 2022
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Yep. I might add that he had previously been mayor of the city. Yet apparently he isn't capable of understanding how a PCR test works and why it's unsuitable for diagnosing illness when run at >35 Ct (not to mention in people with no symptoms).

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Thank you Robyn, brilliant article. Keep it up, because us folks who do not have a voice, really appreciate your frank and truthful information. It reinforces our opinions and beliefs.

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We humans are inherently social creatures, and it's written into our DNA that when the group we belong to is moving in a particular direction, following them feels safe, and moving in the opposite direction feels dangerous. The people whom I believe are behind this scam know this, and it's why they invest so heavily in creating and reinforcing a narrative that every politician parrots, and every mainstream media outlet pushes out relentlessly. The goal is to make us feel isolated and cause us to question whether "they" are right and "we" are wrong.

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I'm just waiting for Tom Cruise to star in the movie, ' COVID CRAP '. Screenplay accidentally written by Scott Morrison and Daniel Andrews.

I'd say they're collaborating now because they're certainly not doing anything else of worth !!

Keep up the good fight Robyn

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The political Left-Right divide is an illusion designed to distract people from what's really happening - the systematic removal of all our fundamental human rights and freedoms. As Upton Sinclair wrote of the Republican-Democrat two party illusion, they're just "two wings of the same bird of prey".

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And as usual, the Bad Cat makes the point way better than me: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/horseshoe-theory-and-the-politics

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Incredible article Robyn! Keep it up!

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Thanks Kathleen, I will!

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Bloody briliant, nothing else to be said

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Thanks Gavin, I wish I didn't have to say anything else but the propaganda from the other side keeps getting pumped out every day!

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A lucid description of what has occurred and lies before us. Certainly the people are waking up but on reading comments to newspaper articles it is obvious that many are still driven by fear and propaganda which generate hysteria. Your writing is important because it reminds we critical thinkers that we are not alone otherwise we'd feel like a character from Neville Shute's highly popular novel and movie On The Beach where the final stand for humanity was on a beach in, of all places, Tasmania. Please keep it up to maintain our mental health!

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I wonder how many of those comments are genuine and how many are generated by bots and troll farms? On the other hand, I still encounter plenty of people who - gobsmackingly - are still buying the official narrative.

But we are not alone. "They" want us to believe that, so that we lose hope, but the rapturous public response to the Canadian trucker convoy, and the sparks it has lit around the world, are proof that we're not a "fringe minority". Truck Fudeau :).

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For those who have not heard of it, I highly recommend The X22 Report (https://x22report.com/). Dave puts out very informative reports 5 or 6 days a week. He used to be on Youtube until they kicked him off for telling the truth too often.

I consider Robyn and Dave to be essential resources in the ongoing attempt to understand this great evil that has descended on us.

There is an interesting analogy that just occurred to me. In the War of the Worlds, the Martians and their red weed had pretty much covered the world. Our salvation came in the form of our invisible allies, the diseases that are common on this planet. In a similar way we are being saved by the Omicron variant which is spreading natural immunity around the world.

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The fact that it was bacteria that defeated the Martians while humans' puny efforts were swept aside by the invaders' superior technology actually inspired one of my articles on the gut microbiome: https://empowertotalhealth.com.au/the-universe-within-part-1-meet-your-gut-microbiome/.

I hope you're right about the Omicron variant. However, Mathew Crawford has been building out a hypothesis on Omicron's origins (see https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-omicron-hypothesis-part-1, https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-omicron-hypothesis-part-2, https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-omicron-hypothesis-part-3 and https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-omicron-hypothesis-part-4) which is greatly concerning. There is something very fishy about this "variant" which followed a completely different evolutionary trajectory to all the others that have appeared so far. We cannot afford to let our guard down now.

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Oh Nathanial.

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This has definitely been a planned, well-funded and coordinated top-down operation of malicious intent, all countries have been tightly singing from the same song-sheet. The parasitical conductors lurk in the shadows, some say they aren’t even human. It’s certain that their brand of oppression has been in play for centuries. They will surely have contingency plans if the pandemic doesn’t deliver their expected goals and objectives.

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We certainly don't know who is truly behind this - the likes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are just front men for the real string-pullers. As for them not being truly human, they appear to be lacking in qualities that we categorise as "humane" such as compassion and empathy.

I'm sure you're right about the contingency plans. As the COVID narrative is plainly collapsing all around us, they're seamlessly transitioning to the next phase of the crisis - climate lockdowns, cyberattacks, supply chain disruptions and hot wars in the Ukraine and Taiwan are all on the table. Heck, I wouldn't even rule out a staged alien invasion, given the flurry of activity around UFO disclosure. See https://www.corbettreport.com/how-to-fake-an-alien-invasion-video/ for James Corbett's analysis of preparations for the great alien invasion false flag.

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Robyn. What to say? You are completely spot on. As usual I think its a case of "follow the money". The funding of covid...from WHO...?? Unfortunately I think The harms done by this covid "over reaction" are irreversable and in saying that is part of the plan to change the way us plebs think socialise shop travel school and the way we work and our jobs in general.

We must ensure to continue fighting these radical changes. Its getting a bit tough and Im a bit jaded but You and others like Rebel news RFK jr Sen Rand Paul in usa and some of the pommies n europeans are gathering up some momentum and keep us all informed and hopeful of and end to the bloody tyranny.

Hopefully this qld govt inquiry may prompt some boffin to back off on our restrictions. Keep up good work

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"Follow the money" is pretty damn hard to beat as a first principle of investigation!

I totally agree that the societal damage is all part of the plan. It's a plan that has been unfolding for decades, and perhaps over a century. Our self-reliance and our traditional support networks (extended families, faith communities, close-knit villages and so on) have been systematically undermined, leaving us vulnerable to the promise that the state will take care of all our needs. It's the Fabian socialist strategy - killing people with kindness.

I know it's tough to keep on fighting but we have no choice, if we want to be able to live with ourselves. Take heart from those who are achieving victories, whether large or small, and keep connected with like-minded people who understand the gravity of our current predicament.

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The end-game is all about total World power and control of course. Covid a massive distraction and trojan horse for many things to be set in train to finalise decades of planning.

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I would have dismissed such claims as baseless "conspiracy theories" two years ago, but everything I've learned since then tells me you're right. I feel for all the people who've been shouting about this for years, and even decades - Eustace Mullins, G. Edward Griffin, Antony Sutton, and more recently Alex Jones, James Corbett, Aaron and Melissa Dykes and so many other independent media voices have been trying to sound the alarm through their books and media productions. Now, at last, their message is reaching people like me, who were busy looking after their families and pursuing their careers, heedless of the machinations of the invisible puppeteers. If I can "wake up", so can others, so let's take hope from that.

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Excellent article! Here's my take on the reasons behind this Global coup https://kimsscratchpad.blogspot.com/2021/08/collapse-and-re-birth.html

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Yes, I believe we're facing civilisational collapse. But while resource depletion is a major factor, I'm not convinced it's the only driver. The acceleration of the 4th Industrial Revolution (obsessively championed by Klaus Schwab via the WEF, although it's clearly not his idea; he's just the Bond villainesque mouthpiece), which will render the vast bulk of the human population entirely obsolete, presents a major management problem to the would-be controlling powers. Previously, large populations were required to till the fields owned by the aristocrats, work the machines owned by the nouveau riche industrialists, and shed their blood on the battlefields to enrich the bankers who backed both sides, knowing they couldn't lose no matter who won the war. Now food can be produced with minimal human input, the factory machines largely run themselves, and wars are fought from hundreds or even thousands of kilometres behind the battle front, using drones and guided missiles. The vast majority of humans are no longer needed in order for the uber-rich to maintain and increase their wealth, but there are nearly 8 billion of us on the planet. How will the would-be powers manage "their" human resources when there's no use to which all that energy, ingenuity and drive can be put? Large numbers of humans who aren't channelling their energies into productive activity are dangerous to those who seek to control the world and everything in it. Not all of them will be satisfied with being hooked up to the Metaverse to earn crypto by performing meaningless tasks, a la patent #060606. No, the human population must be drastically reduced in order to remove the threat of uprising against the elitists, and the "climate crisis", with resource depletion as back-up, are the philosophical rationales for these mass cullings. It's for the good of Mother Earth, the would-be rulers proclaim, that we limit (or preferably eliminate) human reproduction, de-industrialise developed countries, and hinder the industrialisation (and hence the lifting up out of brutal poverty) of developing countries. Our unelected rulers, of course, will keep their private planes and yachts, which they sorely need in order to transport themselves around the world to conferences where they decide on our future - without any input from us, it goes without saying.

The plan for weaponising the natural concern of humans with the ecosystem that sustains us, was laid out by the Club of Rome in The First Global Revolution, in 1991:

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."

This is the playbook that's been followed ever since. It's just a rehashing of Malthusianism, tweaked to fit in with twentieth- and twenty-first-century sensibilities.

Of course, we face grave environmental threats, including the contamination of our agricultural land, rivers, oceans, food supply and the very air we breathe, with countless chemicals produced by the industrial behemoths who have taken over the production of the basic necessities of life from the smallholders who cared for their land and its water systems as irreplaceable resources; the release of genetically engineered crops and animals into ecosystems; the contamination of the entire planet with plastics; clear felling of rainforests to run beef cattle owned by a handful of massive agribusinesses; and countless other crimes against our planet. But the environmental movement has been co-opted such that these concerns of the early "greenies" have been shelved, replaced by a singular focus on "climate change" as the greatest existential threat to humanity (at least, until a certain "novel coronavirus" with an infection fatality rate in the same range as a bad seasonal flu wandered onto the world stage).

The "biosecurity state" described by Giorgio Agamben is a key pillar of the new global management system that our would-be rulers yearn to impose on us - the individuals they disparage as (their) "human resources" - and the COVID-19 crisitunity was manufactured to usher it in.

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Incredibly well summarised and written Robyn. I can feel the level of incredulity you must have about this whole (and geez I want to swear) farce. You must find it so frustrating talking to some (most? I hope not) people day to day. I have just been...communicating shall we say (Okay in the end it did get to ranting) at people on various facebook posts that seem so intent on pushing the agenda. Usually I have better things to do with my time but this is pretty dominant right now because it does affect everything. I get the people who went along with the whole thing to keep their job and feed their family, but I just can't stomach people who, with a thinly veiled (sometimes not thinly veiled) attitude of (supposed) intellectual superiority pushing the whole mask wearing, lock down and double, triple thing, hard. It has the potential to do my head in. Well done for doing what you do. Personally I think Tom is probably one of the biggest nobs on the planet but I gotta say I do enjoy a lot of the movies he has done. Magnolia is one of my favourites.

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Yes, it's certainly frustrating talking to people who, by society's standards, are well-educated and intelligent, but have "drunk the Kool-Aid" on this COVID-19 nonsense. Many people who have studied cults have discovered that intelligence and education are no protection against the allure of cult leaders and cultic dogma. In fact, those who have attained status and wealth in the knowledge economy may be more susceptible to cults because the whole essence of a cult is that those inside the cult have special knowledge that those outside the cult lack.

Circumstances in my life have lately led to me having a lot of contact with blue collar workers - tradesmen and owners of small businesses that provide goods and services in the more "blokey" realms of life - and I have observed that they're far more sceptical of the narrative than the supposedly better-educated white collar workers. The Canadian trucker convoy is the perfect illustration of this phenomenon - blue collar workers who have the insight to recognise, and the courage to name, that which the white collar workers won't let themselves see or recognise.

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Go Robyn,you "good thing"👍

For me this is one of your best yet.

By the way, I love all you post.

(I have borrowed one of your descriptives to use myself "steaming pile of dog shit" 😊.

My best wishes for staying sane and safe,


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My community here on Substack is helping to keep me sane! Thanks for reassuring me that I'm not just yelling into the wind.

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I absolutely agree that the evidence speaks for itself. This is malicious intent, genocide on the worlds population

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It's increasingly hard to deny that reality.

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I agree about Operation Bluebeam, can't rule that out for a second as well as all the other manufactured crises you mentioned. Given that the string-pullers are totally devoid of compassion and empathy, is it possible they are even biological humans? Is AI running the show or perhaps coneheads and giants from beyond Antarctica? 2 years ago I would certify myself as insane for making such comments:)

I believe that Orwell was story-telling, 1984 was explaining what had already occurred, it was not a prediction. The string-pullers control his-story and this obscures the true-story of our recent past including the previous reset. This cover-up is currently being exposed, it's likely a big reason for the next reset.

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I think we're all being forced to consider possibilities that would have seemed outlandish 2 years ago.

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