Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

Trying to explain this to people, who are mostly idiots when it comes to science, is not going to work. To truly understand most of this information, you have to have far more than a rudimentary knowledge of biology. An idiot will only drag you down to their level and then attempt to beat you with experience! :-D

WE know that these jabs are all rubbish. WE can read between the lines of these dodgy articles/papers. WE can preach from the mountaintops about it all. But so few will listen, Robyn :-(

There's just no MONEY in what we're offering!!! Maybe if we made people pay heaps of $$ somehow to read 'the truth' about these jabs they might be more interested, ha ha...

Anyway, thankyou for your posts. They are always full of interesting information and a pleasure to read, even if the end result (idiots winning again...) is not so pleasurable!

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

This article is epic in its explanation of the way the magic injections work.. I have bookmarked it everywhere and taken screenshots of the best bits (which is most of it) for sharing.. thanks!

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Excellent. I have nothing of substance to add (how can anyone improve on perfection!) but what I can say is that an anagram of Anthony Stephen Fauci is Chief Phoney Nut Satan. Hope that helps!



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May 8, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

Thank you for all your efforts taken to write this article and giving us more ammunition to make people aware of how they were fooled by the mandates. This is truly a spiritual battle... a test to see if a person uses their intuition, common sense , has faith in the higher power or fall to the purveys of peer pressure, propaganda and group think . Thinking

Outside the box may initially lead one to be in a lonely place as you feel and think different from many around you but it also brings you in contact with such wonderful human minds who can think , analyze, have respect for the immense healing powers of the Mind and body etc etc etc. I feel I have met such beautiful souls since 2020 that I don’t want to go back to the Mainstream way of thinking. It’s ok to be a little lonely but I certainly have a more enriched life. I used to always say to my colleagues why are we just focusing on one instrument of an orchestra.... the immune system Is very complex and we should be enhancing all the instruments not just a myopic focus in IgG when the respiratory virus harbors in the upper airways.. what we need to focus on is secretory IgA. They would like at me like deer in the headlights... these are supposedly very “ intelligent “ people . Thank you for so eloquently explaining the obvious and flaws in the the vaccinology process. God bless you in your practice and May it continue to grow .

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Robyn Chuter

Do you have any posts that help to explain risk ratio and confidence intervals? Or can you suggest another substack writer who deals with that? I’d like to better understand what I’m reading. Thanks!

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Aha, so purified cultures are available. I wonder how the seed viruses were isolated from the patients. I wonder if contamination was a problem. If that first isolation was corrupt, then so is everything else from there on. I can now see why this virus v. no virus debate is so tedious. Fortunately, I have better things to think about:-)

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