I have Morgellons and high dosage iodine supplements in the form of SSKI and Lugol's solutions have been promoted as a "cure", though I know no one who was actually "cured". Instead SSKI and Lugol's did inhibit the skin extrusions of Morgellons sometimes for long periods though when discontinued, Morgellons visibly returned.

I knew this was likely a dangerous protocol but your article has confirmed my layman's thoughts. Now I know what to say to other Morgellons sufferers.

Thank you, Robyn, and, yes, iodine has never been so interesting. Thank you for your great work.

God Bless.

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Apr 20Liked by Robyn Chuter

Very interesting comments of yours below. And, I objectively agree with what you are saying. Iodine, *like other supplements*, can/do bite i.e., make a person feel worse. I have a few examples of folks I know who've been bitten by Lugol's and other iodine sups. Too long to get into here.

Your advice on how to get more iodine 'the right way' is right on, too. Good job, per the norm for you. Common sense and staying as objective as possible.



• "And finally, stay the hell away from kelp supplements, Lugol's solution and other high-iodine preparations"

• "In any case, Lugol's is not intended for use as an iodine supplement …… "

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Apr 19Liked by Robyn Chuter

I've read many articles about iodine over the years and none even come close to this excellent article, thanks Robyn!

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Your command of the topics you write about is immensely impressive and valuable! Thank you for the time you take to research and share with us. I am also grateful for the shout out 😉

Curious your thoughts on a personal experience with a patented iodine product in America. During COVID, before I awoke, I bought into the minimizing viral spread by ‘disinfecting’ the oral and nasal passages. I did so at the end of every workday with an iodine nasal spray and oral rinse. I was trying my best to not get sick…which I never did and you know I did not take any experimental injections.

The molecular iodine that I was using had been tested in a biolevel 3 lab in Utah and had been shown to kill the SARS CoV to virus in vitro. For the approx two years that I did this, I had a weird skin condition on my shoulders and arms that presented when working out or exposed to sunshine. No one could figure out what it was but it resolved when I stopped using the iodine.

With my recent research into the oral biome and antiseptic rinses, I am wondering if there could possibly be some connection. There were some other things that could have contributed…I was also taking Ivermectin twice weekly. The pharmaceutical kind, not the horse paste 🙄

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