The paper is great. I had seen several of these microscopy studies as they came out, and it is good to have them all in one spot. The theories that arise from the microscopy are the darkest and most disturbing ones. There's no way to imagine that the potential tech involved is going to do anything good inside people. I am going to set aside time to watch the interview tomorrow.

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David has done an enormous service to humanity in pulling all these papers together and pointing out their strengths and weaknesses, and the types of research that need to be done to replicate them. His other major contribution is filling in the back-story to the biosecurity state apparatus, which helps to make sense of the strange objects and processes observed both in the vials and in the blood of injected people.

Part 2 is going to be a wild ride.

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I think it would need electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence on the isolated unusual structures to determine what they might be. If organic, then XRF will probably show nothing. If inorganic, XRF will tell you what (non-organic) elements are present, especially of the more geometric unusual structures, and reduce the level of conjecture and throw some light on the subject.

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Any estimate of the costs involved, and do many labs have the equipment to carry out XRF?

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Any decent university Chemistry department especially one that does analytical chemistry, should have this type of equipment as should specialised contract analytical laboratories. I’m out of this area these days, having been retired a while.

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So what's needed is for academics and lab professionals to step forward and carry out these analyses, documenting the chain of custody, and then writing up their findings for publication... which could put them in line for prosecution if their country's contracts forbid independent investigation of the products (as is the case in the US and probably many other countries), or censure by their institutions or loss of business for their lab. I think the only form of protection for them is if so many of them agreed to participate in such investigations that it would be almost impossible to prosecute, discipline, sack or censure them all.

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That depends of course of what they actually find and what it is. Here is a picture of cholesterol crystals if that is of any use. SEM stands for Scanning Electron Microscopy. Should you come across any images with STEM in part of the description, that refers to scanning transmission electron microscopy. SEM and STEM are of course much higher magnification than standard lab microscopy. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=ysOIP0hc&id=7C93AA044F1DCAD059601EA231779E174BB54234&thid=OIP.ysOIP0hcxRsjQSemqVmNmQHaFg&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fimages.fineartamerica.com%2fimages-medium-large-5%2f1-sem-of-crystals-of-cholesterol-science-photo-library.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.cac3883f485cc51b234127a6a9598d99%3frik%3dNEK1SxeedzGiHg%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=669&expw=900&q=microscopy+cholesterol+photograph&simid=607995034073464807&FORM=IRPRST&ck=38841C40A0A5B14A2B2B05521A151913&selectedIndex=12

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This is so disturbing. Currently we have the baby Will situation playing out in NZ, where the parents wish for unvaccinated blood be used for his urgent surgery will be overrode by the NZ Health authorities. So sad. I am very disturbed, and outraged.

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Outrage is the appropriate response to the unconscionable behaviour we're seeing from politicians, officials, the medical profession and for that matter, most teachers and lawyers.

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Yes it is. And just this moment PM Ardern has announced a Royal Commission to critique the govt response to the handling of the pandemic to learn and prepare for future pandemics. Am sure this will be open and transparent (not). Agree with you in regards the medical profession, officials, politicians, and most teachers, lawyers plus some businesses still requiring two vaccines. They will keep pushing their agenda as long as they can. Where can one get unvaccinated blood I wonder??

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SafeBlood (https://safeblood.net/en/) is working on this but it will be years before the service is up and running esprcially in Australia and NZ.

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Thank you. No operations planned for 3 yrs hopefully.

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What is needed is for we the people to look long and hard as to why the governments of the world are in lockstep with one another in destroying our freedoms. It is well said that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. This must be carried out by each and every one of us lest all is lost. We all have a part to play in standing up for our precious liberty - at least what we have.

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100% agree. None of us can overthrow this antihuman cabal on our own, but mass civil disobedience and peaceful noncompliance with every imposition can do it. I think the Global Walkout (https://globalwalkout.com/join-the-walkout/) is on the right track with this. But we need massive numbers of people committing to using cash, closing their accounts with big banks, supporting local farmers and small businesses, interrogating school principals on curriculum, and all the other steps, for it to work.

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Thanks so much to both of you. I have been loathe to engage with this topic, as it had previously come across my radar in contexts which were disingenuous (ie. the worst of Telegram alarmism with no context), or made no effort at triangulating, expanding, critiquing or moderating any claims - which is a strength you each possess, and demonstrate here admirably.

It's interesting to note that the implications of this are dramatic for those of us following the great awakening: Scope for a worst case scenario goes from "Evil Depopulation plan" to "Evil plan to use our loved ones as zombie soldier slaves". And yet, only radical explanations of wild conspiracies have ever fit the available observations and data. One more theory with rational and robust supporting evidence is not even rocking the boat at this stage. Sigh.

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It's just not possible to come up with a benign explanation for the COVID-19 injection roll-out, and even the moderately disturbing explanations are looking less credible as time goes on.

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When is Part 2 going to be available please? Part 1 has been removed from Youtube.

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Within the next couple of days. You can watch on Odysee https://odysee.com/@EmpowerTotalHealth:5/David-Hughes-interview-Part1:2 if you want more control over the video player.

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"If I were a research scientist without ethical boundaries ... "


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Your post really jibes with something Robert Malone said in this interview https://www.bitchute.com/video/oeb0Gh1TLnWt/, to the effect that the psychos running this operation actually believe that mRNA technology will help them achieve their transhumanist dreams of escaping the bounds of biology and reengineering their own bodies. But how to iron out all the bugs in the technology before they use it on themselves???? Easy - experiment on the peasants. Just like the Nazi and Japanese doctors carried out horrific experiments on POWs and concentration camp inmates, the results of which were integrated into the US space and biological warfare programs, while they quietly pardoned the monsters who carried them out (or even sanitised their records and parachuted them into positions of influence, as in Operation Paperclip).

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Each person needs to be awakened to the fact that people are not being treated or considered equals. The effort to emphasize diversity, equality, inclusion is all a ruse.





I was half way through a masters program with the intent to enter the mRNA technology field nearly 15 years ago. So glad I quit the program to pursue family interests instead.

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mRNA technology is of itself neutral and has the potential for good uses and bad uses. What mRNA is and does is has been known for over half a century. We just didn't have the technology to exploit it then. In biochemical terms it is to protein synthesis as punched tape programs were to 1960s/70s computers, a set of instructions. It is simply the code for how cells make proteins. Who is using it and what for is the key question. Tricky when the technology advances quickly and ethics/legal frameworks are playing catch up.

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We, the public, are given almost no information on who is using it and for what, so we have zero chance to participate in the development of ethical and legal frameworks.

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Jesus christ I left a huge comment then it deleted it when I subscribed..

I'll leave patent number 10702600

Basically it links to medical journals to which link to other ones..

It's inarguable that they didn't know the following..

1. T and b cells get shredded including memory ones...

2. Heart and other organs would be damaged more than the vires...

(Hence you catch covid it prints spike proteins for a short time period unless it's long civid... the so called vax prints for months on end....)

3. It disarms you immune system within 4 to 6 weeks so your body accepts the printer.... hence you have aids for maybe a month..

4. Severe risks of seriouse illness heart cancer liver brain.............

5. Bones are depleted in every mouse hence endless shredding of cells to print damaging cells... literally shortening your life span.. its inarguable to say anything different...

6. The mice used for pregnancy were not the correct humanised mice used for vaccines and were bred yo be resistant to spike proteins so those 8 mice are void.......

7. Um k2 why were humanised mice having signs if heavy calcification in arteries and vien.

Ahhh like is thus gonna be blamed on soda or something in future?

Or is someone going to point out the obvious..

8. Mice had clotting...

9. Mice had heart attacks.

10. There is no more mice alive from experiments.. like none...all died long before lifespan . Allocated mice died before scheduled dissections... um.....

Anyway it took me an hour to write in my horrible grammar and I not gonna try it again..

Just pointing stuff out ..

They also knew it doesn't offer any protection.. for anything...

You can cut you self with a knife and get a immune response that won't turn your immune system off for gods sake...

What a crazy world

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All these health effects are horrific, and may be attributable to the spike protein, other effects of injecting mRNA, lipid nanoparticles, contaminants etc. The really dark possibility (as if that litany of adverse effects that you listed isn't dark enough) that David is bringing attention to is the possible use of black technology to achieve the kind of control over human beings that the CIA was aiming for in its various projects such as as MK Ultra, detailed in The Minds of Men documentary that I linked above.

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Thanks for your work. Just as a reflection, I could not watch the video because you kept interrupting your guest. After the 4th or 5th interruption, I had to stop. Good luck.

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It's a pity that your intolerance for clarifying questions caused you to miss out on David's exceptionally valuable information.

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This is a good interview - if you're still half blind. Covid has never been shown to exist. Why are these people talking as though covid is real? And not even mentioning the other narrative of terrain theory? Why is this term not being mentioned? Are we stay on this merry-go-around? Why did Dr Hughes take 3 years to notice something was wrong? Some of us knew the day covid was mentioned back in March 2020! Why does the good doctor not know that even the theory of germs is being challenged HEAVILY today, and no mention of it. Yet they keep talking as though covid is real. Is this a continuation of a psyop? To deflect us from knowing about 5G - which is probably the cause of the so called "covid". Let's see if anyone mentions this gorilla in the room which has to be mentioned or we'll never get to the bottom of this. And enough lives have been lost for us to stay on the same merry-go-round.

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I encourage you to read this article by A Midwestern Doctor on the debate re existence of viruses: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/thoughts-on-the-existence-of-viruses

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I am fed up with ill-mannered, bad-faith actors from the 'viruses do not exist' camp wasting my time. I am not obliged to respond to your interminable repetitions of long-disproven tropes, and any further abuse by any of you will result in permanent banning. Why don't you do something useful to the freedom of humanity with your apparently copious time and energy instead of constantly antagonising those of us who are trying to educate and inform the public?

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Yet another of the 'viruses do not exist' crowd demonstrating that you are, in the words of A Midwestern Doctor, a bad faith actor. Either that or you were unable to comprehend the article. I have no interest in further fruitless discussion with you people. Steve Kirsch attempted to set up a debate but the no-virus side pulled out. That tells me everything I need to know.

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Yer its in the patent to . There are synthetic bio weapons and markers set. It's reffered to as track and trace technology. As we know they are not disclosed properly in the patent properly and are reffered to ..... which is why they are..


It's a beta test.

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I was wondering when you were going to cover this topic. Interestingly, even Spectator Australia, which is readily available in newsagents and libraries reported on it this month.


Probably the most worrying aspect for the unvaccinated is the shedding of GO, which has been found in the blood of unvaccinated children, along with the knock-on effect of damaged blood cells. Presumably, their vaccinated parents are the source of the contamination; but, if that's the case, then it seems there's no escaping this technology.

Because of the high number of vaccinated people, many of whom are now getting about unmasked, it would appear the unvaccinated, especially those circulating in more crowded areas like supermarkets and public transport are also at considerable risk of contamination. I also doubt masking the vaccinated will be of any help since the shed GO will likely pass through masks.

There have also been unconfirmed reports that GO is going into the manufacture of condoms and tampons. If true, there's no need to think too hard about what it's doing there.

Another related point of interest is there are apparently independent researchers claiming there is no mRNA in the Pfizer and Moderna vials, only GO, heavy metals and the odd parasite. What are we to make of that claim?

And apart from the toxicity of graphene oxide in the body, there's also the associated Bluetooth codes phenomenon to ponder.


What do you think of the proposed naturopathic treatments for those who've taken the kill shots, like infra-red saunas and glutathione? I've never seen glutathione either alone or in combination with other supplements available here in Australia. Only the glutathione precursors - glycine, cysteine and glutamine, which are available separately.

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I've been reluctant to dive into this topic because microscopy is so far outside my field of expertise, and people with the expertise that I lack, and whom I have no reason to distrust, have lined up sharply on opposite sides of the argument.

What impressed me about David Hughes is that he is so willing to engage with critiques of his work and to update his views as new information comes in. That's exactly the mindset that scientists are supposed to have, but apparently most don't (and David's academic background is not in science).

The graphene oxide question remains unresolved for me. I've seen analyses of the vials that indicate that it's not present, others saying that it is, and then critiques of the methodology of those that claim to have found it.

I think it's highly likely that some of the vials are 'blanks', devoid of mRNA either deliberately or because of a sloppy manufacturing process or because the mRNA broke down due to improper storage.

David referred to the nanoprocessor idea in his description of self-assembling structures in either the vials or in the blood of injected people, that responded to 4G. I completely agree with him that these findings need to be replicated in reputable labs by appropriately-credentialled and experienced scientists before we take them as givens, but I'm very open to the possibility at this point.

Will infrared saunas and/or glutathione help? I have no idea. Heat (and cold, for that matter) activates heat shock proteins which are part of the body's self-defence system, which in theory should increase cells' ability to eject foreign material (as would fasting), but I've seen no research verifying this theory.

Likewise, glutathione is the body's primary endogenous antioxidant, and hence crucial to self-repair, but will it work against such an unnatural toxin? I hope so, but I don't know. (BTW glutathione can easily be ordered from the likes of iHerb but I'm more inclined to boost endogenous production through, for example, increasing intake of cruciferous vegetables - e.g. see https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/food-beverages/cruciferous-vegetables.)

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Nov 14, 2022
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As David pointed out, we really have no idea of the extent of technologies that they/them/those have been developing over many decades. I'll be the first to admit that I was one of those who dismissed the whole concept of chemtrails as the province of tinfoil hat-wearing nutters, until the last few years. Since we moved to a rural area, I've seen them in the skies overhead countless times.

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Nov 13, 2022
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You probably won't be surprised to learn that I didn't sleep well after interviewing David. You're spot on in calling the implications 'unfathomable'. I'm seeing more and more clients with health problems that mysteriously began soon after they got their shot. I don't know how much I'm going to be able to do to help these people. It's just overwhelming.

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Nov 22, 2022
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Holy cow, that was hard to watch. I've seen most of the footage separately, but watching it all together really magnifies the impact.

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