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Most don't go into allopathic medicine to do this, but become this. How? How does this happen?

Can you recommend any books on this issue? On the nefarious history of the medical profession, on it's dark side?

Thanks for your comment.

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Ivan Illich's Medical Nemesis is an early classic on this theme, as is Robert Mendelsohn's Confessions of a Medical Heretic. More recent books on this subject matter are Peter Rost's The Whistleblower: Confessions of a Medical Hitman, Jerome Kassirer's On the Take, adn Peter Gotzsche's Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime.

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I acknowledge that I've not read any of this field but it struck me today as I was out walking, that these are the antecedents to transgenderism. This is part of how we got to it, how medical professionals are capable of horribly disfiguring and maiming children. There's a lineage there.

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The first transgender clinic was established in Weimar Germany. Hitler shut it down as he thought it was degenerate. Getting doctors and nurses to murder disabled kids and old people was totally fine though.

Haven't watched this yet but I've heard it's good (if that's the right word): Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm7OGbhHzsI

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Thank you! Added to the reading list!

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They're taught a very foreign concept of ethics than the rest of us. "Utilitarianism." Not Virtue or Kantian as most of us think when we hear the word "ethical," our word, treating others as we wish to be treated, etc. Under Utilitarian ethics *anything*, any lie, any procedure, any intervention or nonintervention is ethical - as long as they can make the claim that it's in service to a "greater good." As they define a greater good. And don't you dare question them on their ethical integrity or if their definition of a greater good is what the masses believe! They are above reproach! They know better; they are better than the rest of us. They say.

So ANY lie and harm inflicted for their definition of a greater good is ethical. And proper. The "Noble Lie." Are you familiar with the Star Trek series/movies? Original characters Spock and Dr. McCoy, aka Bones. Spock the cool, calm, intelligent, logical Vulcan. Bones the emotional country doctor. Medical doctors are now trained to be cold, unemotional Spock's. No more warm, compassionate country Doctor McCoy's.

Take this example I personally sat in the public hearing to witness. Massachusetts state legislature, House Public Health Committee, 2023. The looks on the legislator's faces were stunned and aghast. The bill prohibiting these acts was later passed out of committee. But then went no further in the process. Massachusetts is the home of one of the top medical schools in the world - Harvard. Also Boston University and Tufts medical schools. They didn't want the bill passed. It's how they train doctors. They let their views be known behind closed doors in the very secretive Massachusetts lawmaking process after the hearing. They'll never testify publicly to defend it; it's indefensible to the ears of the unwashed, ignorant masses who might get the wrong ideas about what the practice of medicine really is all about.

"Nonconsensual Intimate Examinations." The "ethical" framing of "Sexual Assault." For a greater good. Utilitarianism. Despite this public hearing it is still legal in Massachusetts and most states for doctors to sexually assault their patients while they're anesthetized, without their consent:

Massachusetts 2023 H.2146 / S.1333

An Act prohibiting nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients

Committee on Public Health, 9/20/2023


(Timestamp Begin 03:24:40 - 03:34:30 End)

Where do you think Dr. Larry Nassar got the idea he could sexually assault all of those Olympic athletes without repercussions in the first place? Medical School!!!:


Utilitarian ethics systems lead directly to "ethical" mass murder and rape. It's trained out of them. Object to it? Gotta drop out of medical school for that. Or tell yourself it's all for a greater good. Depends on the definition of what "is" is? And "ethics."

Wesley Smith wrote a couple books warning of this many years ago. His cautions were well-founded:

Culture of death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America

Wesley A Smith, 2000


Culture of Death, The Age of "Do Harm" Medicine

Discovery Institute, 2016


"Smith warns that future troubles could be tied to the fact that only 14% of doctors today report having taken the Hippocratic oath to тАЬdo no harm.тАЭ Smith even recounts episodes of doctors recommending that the old or sick be denied basic treatments which might potentially save life. This enlightening book unmasks unexpected occurrences in the present practice of medicine, and shines light into a future that many of us might not like."

FF - This is how medical doctors became the biggest early supporters of the Nazi party in Germany in the 1930's, even before they had seized total power. They were same kind of "ethical" as medical doctors are today. As both the books in my first comment caution. They become this because they are trained to become this. They're taught to "ethically" rape us in medical school. And countless other atrocious things I didn't get to sit in a public hearing that exposes them for. This is how it happens. And they have to navigate their consciences to continue in the field, rationalizing and justifying their harmful actions every step of the way. Just like the witnesses testified to in that hearing. Give it a listen. Then reply here with your thoughts and assessment of the testimony. It will help you to understand the real peril we all face from the practice of allopathic medicine.

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Thank you Freedom Fox for your detailed reply. I appreciate it. I will take some time later to read it properly and follow up your references.

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