Vaccine is all about trust. Trust in vaccines is like trusting your spouse. If you think your spouse is home cooking you dinner when in fact you discover she’s in a wild orgy with your two best friends, you’ll never trust her again, right? If you think someone is checking the safety and efficacy of the vaccines you are giving your children, but then you find out the people in charge of this programme are nothing but a bunch of greedy fat rats with complete disregard for human life and unbelievable conflicts of interests who would come to the point of allowing a literal toxin (spike protein) to be injected in babies, you kind of lose the trust in the whole thing.

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So well put (and I must admit, the bit about the cheating wife made me giggle, too!).

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Thanks for this. The Spiegel from Germany covered some of the issues around this fake pandemic in 2010 which you might find interesting. Hard to believe people might be skeptical when governments and public health officials act like this.



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Thank you, these are excellent articles. I wonder what happened to the journalists who wrote them? Have they forgotten too, that governments lie, corporations lie, and conspiracies happen every day? The failure of the media to do their job as the Fourth Estate has been one of the major contributors to the catastrophe of the past 2.5+ years.

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Especially liked your last para. In a recent Jordan Petersen podcast, he eloquently described the common man's ability to assess what was good for them far better than the educated elites, who are mostly 'utopian socialists' who hypocritically don't really want to live in the midst of those working class people.

It would be nice , and maybe this is happening , if an alternate network of de-registered doctors would be able to offer their services. Like in the movies where the poor victim has been shot by the government agents and needs a doctor to patch him and not dob him in.

At least the Scandinavian countries established a Pandemrix compensation scheme. They appear to not have pushed these jabs as hard.

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Couldn't agree more with JP. People who have practical skills are far more in touch with reality than so-called 'knowledge workers' whose jobs are, more often than not, what David Graeber called 'bullshit jobs'.

There are moves afoot to develop structures for doctors and nurses who were cast off by the psychopathic system to go back to doing what they love - taking care of people. Their services will be needed more and more as the bitter harvest of these toxic jabs is reaped.

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Aug 6, 2022
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I have no doubt about it. I was told by a former NSW State health minister that the 'health' budget is the only government budget that is accepted to be ever-expanding, and that it would outstrip the revenue of NSW by the mid to late 2020s. Wouldn't be surprised if they get there much sooner now that almost the entire population has been injected with experimental substances.

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Before I became Basset Hound Service Human to 3 precious pups, I was a solo practice neurosugeon. I’m still a physician delegate to the USP. During my undergraduate training to become a licensed pharmacist, I worked part time at a local pharmaceutical industry manufacturing facility.

Without maintaining manufacturing standards for the consistent purity and potency of drugs from batch to batch, and lot number to lot number, there can be no faith in the efficacy or safety of the marketed product. This is especially true when safety and efficacy trials were circumvented and defrauded.

The Warped Speed sloppy jab rollout has justifiably tainted faith in pharmaceutical standards, especially the so-called vaccines. In my humble opinion, this program has basically ruined patent medicine credibility for everyone.

The danger is that the high quality life saving medically necessary treatments will be the baby thrown out with the bad batch warp speed toxic water.

This has been the deadliest mass fraud in medical history and in my lifetime.

Nuremberg sentences may not be enough to end this wicked corruption of the healing professions.

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We owe our son's life to the skill of a neurosurgeon who was able to remove a medulloblastoma from his brain without causing any damage to the surrounding healthy tissue. There are elements of modern medicine that are definitely invaluable and it's just criminal that those doctors who are doing their best to practise good medicine are being dragged into disrepute through 'guilt by association' with those who have sold their souls.

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Great work Robyn! I was only vaccinated as a child too, but never had another vaccine since then. All trust has completely gone in the medico system for me and every time I hear the word, vaccine, I feel a sense of anger. I refuse to go to any doctor and take my daily natural supplements. I think Hippocrates would be standing on his head if he saw the way the medical system has gone.

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I'm not sure if or how the medical profession will be able to win back the trust that it has lost. So many people feel the way you do.

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Thank you Robyn,

That is very encouraging to know many people feel the same way.

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Incisive lucid summary of this devastating scamdemic. Thank you for shining the beacon of light with such well referenced clarity. Our future is precarious.

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Precarious indeed. I used to read history with a sense of 'thank goodness we're past all of that now!' How wrong could I have been?

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Totally awesome article, Robyn!😁. Yes, highly intelligent people that I know still have not caught on to the truth! What a mess!!

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Same here. I've lost friends whom I formerly considered to be really sharp people with excellent research skills. They won't even enter into a discussion about the evidence with me.

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So unbelievable Robyn! I'm really praying that the truth will win in the end. I do feel sad for those who have got lost in the masses!

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Yep, same here. Unfortunately, even my partner to some degree. Loves to throw out the blanket statement about how I read "all these right-wing conspiracy theory" websites!

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“ Larson, an anthropologist by training, has no academic credentials in immunology, vaccinology, virology, evidence-based medicine or health econometrics. Fortunately for her, none of these were prerequisites for becoming the director of the Vaccine Confidence Project”

This made me guffaw. Sounds like someone educated beyond their IQ.

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The Peter Principle in action, perhaps?

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Can you please do an article explaining novel voodoo maths, Tedros variant, that 9 = 6 = deadlock.

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Wasn't that just a classic? And it was 9 AGAINST declaring moneypox a pandemic.

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I have been using that line quite often to my unrequited Aussie penpals in mocking him and those who follow the WHO. I hope if some of them still have the gall to quote WHO that they remember "9 = 6 = deadlock".

I am a bit disappointed not to see any memes on that.

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I'm sure they're coming! The scamdemic has been a goldmine for memers.

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I was never an antivaxxer even though I shunned the yearly flu shots after having a couple that didn't stop me from having two long extended bouts of flu. But now I don't trust any vaccines, for anyone. I just pray that Dr Dolores Cahill is wrong when she said that all the vaccinated would be dead in 3 to 5 years! All my jabbed family totally trust the 'science' and belittle me for my conspiracy beliefs. They're nor usually so rude but the subject seems to bring the worst in them. I've learnt to just keep quiet. They won't ever see the light because they just can't or don't want to.

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Aug 6, 2022
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Hitler said "The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous." I don't agree that most people are unintelligent, but they sure do have the power of forgetting! Honourable mention goes to Wolfgang Wodarg, who energetically pursued the WHO and corrupt governments over the H1N1 fraud and was one of the first to point out that the COVID emperor has no clothes.

I have to make some jokes along the way or I'd drive myself completely mad. Who would have dreamed that so many people who seem intelligent and have impressive qualifications, could be so sucked in by the total nonsense we've been subjected to for the past 2.5 years?

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Aug 8, 2022
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Wodarg was featured in Lilian Franck's excellent documentary about the H1N1 scam, Trust WHO? He's a pulmonologist as well as having served in the European parliament.

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Agree Laine, re brilliant essay and now awaiting Part 2. The total compliance of so many people has me bewildered frankly. I suspect it could be due to the control of mass media

and social media and the bombardment of propaganda. Fear and loss of freedom caused many to accept the vaccine. The way the 'drip feed' scare campaign, accelerated to a full on crescendo did not happen overnight. Something did happen to people's ability to critically think. It is not about health anymore it is about control of everything by the select few. Climate will be next lockdown, then financial....

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The media have played a key role in this. Have you watched James Corbett's 3-part doco on the history of the mass media? It starts here: https://www.corbettreport.com/gutenberg/. It explains so much about the past 2.5+ years!

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No I haven't, but will do so now. At least someone courageous enough to point it out. A few others are doing so too, Lew Rockwell's website highlights a lot of this 'mass hysteria' called media. All about control, now it is monkeypox or moneypox, next it will be climate control.

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Aug 10, 2022
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Agree Laine. Many of my friends and colleagues did just that. Having worked a great deal in the Asian region, and to my despair, on projects with the UN, I saw first hand the underlying agendas at play. It is social engineering towards a global agenda that we had best wise up to fast. Fortunately there is a groundswell of 'awake' people globally building an alternative agenda. The dark before the light will be evident the next 1-3 years as the people take back their power. In Australia and NZ, having on your ID "Up to date with vaccinations" is not what I want.

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Anna, would you be interested in doing an interview with me on your experiences working with the UN, and what you came to learn about the underlying agendas? I have read a lot about the UN's founding, and the forces at play behind it, but it would be great to get a first-hand account.

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Robyn, interested yes, but/and I would need to be very careful with what I said. There is some 'realignment' for the good happening in NY HQ, and in some of the various 'agencies', whose work is exemplary. I am still in contact with several people working there, and the majority have good intent, and do good work. The powers that have infiltrated different agencies are the issue - time for a new model!

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Great, let's chat. You can contact me via my Substack email, robynchuter@substack.com.

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Aug 11, 2022
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WHO has been infiltrated. There are some good pockets within UN, however WEF and corporate philanthropists have jumped onto the SDG's of 2030 for their own gain. The astrological shift from Capricorn into Aquarius (30 years) is breaking down the corporate power, big public entities, technocrat governments to individual, collective, community focused societies - local focused, new exciting technologies for good. The push back requires collective connections and courage. They will resist however and tighten the controls.....

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Aug 5, 2022
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Well done buddy. I'm also eschewing all visits to the doctor and only drug I take is an occasional aspirin. At least the vaccines I had as a child were 'old fashioned' ones that would have been extensively tested.

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Good on you! Health care starts with self-care (healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, meaningful social connection) and in many cases, it's the only health care that's required. I'm hopeful that this will be one of the silver linings of the scamdemic - that once people realise they can't trust governments and authorities to 'look after them', they will wake up to the fact that it's been their responsibility to look after themselves (and their families) all along.

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