What happens when clinicians and researchers uncover data that contradict the dogma that all approved vaccines are "safe and effective"?

They will identify the following culprits:

1. Putin

2. Trump

3. Climate change

4. Whistling

5. Gardening

6. Sleep postures

7. Unbridled laughing and crying

8. Riding elevators

9. Tea

10. Wages, post codes and parents

11. Shower habits

12. Falling asleep with the TV on

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You forgot referees' whistles.

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4. Whistling

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Wasn't there some ridiculous story about soccer players suffering from heart attacks because of refs' whistles? But I'm sure whistling is equally dangerous. How about whittling?

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However, those dozen are sufficient to explain 95% of the dead and injured.

This is a serious question: do those people conduct and accept conducts like that in private? Would go continue to patronise an eatery that gave them Delhi belly, for example?

I just cannot believe people continue to lie with a straight face, knowing that some knew that they are lying!

And why people continue to listen to such liars.

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What is whittling?

Dr Chant advised that bunga bunga was dangerous re covid but not mpox....

Her advice was: "you chant bunga bunga!"

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"Whittling may refer either to the art of carving shapes out of raw wood using a knife or a time-occupying, non-artistic process of repeatedly shaving slivers from a piece of wood. It is used by many as a pastime, or as a way to make artistic creations." I'm sure it must be dangerous.

Isn't 'chant' just the most appropriate name for this high priestess of mumbo jumbo?

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Now I remember that word! Thanks. Just that I had not seen it in written form.

To wit: you need to whittle down your infor base a little :)

She chant be pleased with your sledge.

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They do the same things in regards to other globalist lies, such as global warming. I know a professor who has his salary cut down by 80% because he spoke against man made climate change.

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A similar thing happened to a professor at James Cook University who pointed out that the Great Barrier Reef is not dying, but is actually thriving. As I recall, he was sacked.

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This just goes to show that universities are mostly fraud, and the people who actually want to discover new stuff have to be rich and do it in their spare time, as it always has been.

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Pretty much.

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Christopher Exley, a true hero. Brillaint again Robyn, can't wait for part 3!

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He is indeed. I think you'll enjoy part 3 :).

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Thanks, Robyn, for guiding me safely into the Bad Lands of the 'anti-vaxxers'.

For decades as a lefty troublemaker, I had been highly sceptical of governments' every word (including 'the' and 'and', to steal a phrase from Dorothy Parker) and my default position re Big Pharma was to distrust them because of their monumental greed, capacity for cover-up, corruption of science and suppression of scientific debate but I had always cut the industry plenty of slack when it came to vaccines which sounded so conceptually intuitive and which had the big public health halo effect (cf the moral tale of the alleged vaxx-caused eradication of smallpox). Besides, I wouldn't want to be associated with kooky 'anti-vaxxers'. But, boy, has Covid been a real eye-opener on the vaccine front, too. Your well-researched, and entertainingly-written articles, are now a prime go-to source for the forbidden truth.

I like your note that the shingles vaccine "had only become necessary as a result of introducing the chickenpox vaccine. Because Science™.". Got to hand it to the pharma suits - that's some business model allright. Nice to know that my episode of shingles some years back (which I would never want to relive) was a gift of the chickenpox vaccine!

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Chickenpox is a non-event for practically every child who gets it (my kids had it aged 6 and 2, and sailed through it). Shingles, on the other hand, is a damn nasty condition. One of my aunts went blind from shingles.

And yes, vaccines have long been a sacrament that could not be questioned by any person who wanted to remain socially acceptable... but not anymore!

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Ah, yes, the famous chickenpox parties for kids which were held so they could all contract the non-event disease, and get it over and done with. Our older generations certainly had a lot of folk wisdom that has sadly become passe in this age of hyper-medicalisation.

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Great article, identifying another professional who highlights issues with vaccines, being targeted by the powers that be in order to prevent safety issues being brought to the attention of the public. Thank you, the more people who are made aware of this the better.

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There are so many scientists and doctors who have identified serious safety concerns but when they try to bring them to public attention, their voices are stifled. The COVID scam has resulted in many 'respectable' doctors who never questioned vaccines before, beginning to scrutinise them more critically.

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F’ing outrageous. I believe Elsevier is being sued by Peter Mccullagh too

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Legal action is the only way to force the people who have colluded with this scam to confront what they've done. I'm in favour of civil cases that hold them personally liable for damages resulting from their actions.

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I once heard a very wise man say the academic/scientific establishment is more corrupt than the political establishment. I thought he was crazy, now I know he is right.

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The corruption goes all the way to the top. That's largely what part 3 is going to be about :).

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Brilliantly researched article. The vaccine fraud is slowly being revealed!

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There's so much evidence that's been accumulating over many years (decades, even centuries) that most people haven't even wanted to look at. But now that many have sadly been harmed by the COVID-19 injections, and others have had their suspicions raised by the obvious fraud and malfeasance, a lot more people are willing to look behind the vaccine curtain.

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Yes, and our CMO, was adamant that there were mutations taking place on pizza boxes, and don't touch

the football if it comes into the crowd:!

Or another particular favourite of mine, is the claim of cognitive ability of the viral entity, waiting in

the corridors of the Hotels, to ambush the unsuspecting victims:

Or the ability to know if you were sitting or standing , beyond five kilometres from your home after

5 p.m. at the golden arches: Wow, the Science is settled:

Yet when valid and considered discussion is suppressed, to criminalise,, open and critical debate,

over a dogma, that only survives because of media and so called legislative compulsion, which in its

embryo stages of fear and chaos , was successful, now the deviance is being corrected, by the

natural means of inquiry:

There is no merit , in the ruthless use of cheap emotive diatribe and threats , times up we see the crime:

The Drug manufacturers have their protections, from liability, which any reasonable man or woman ,

would see as being untrustworthy and dishonest, but Governments, and Business Executives, C.E.O.'s

are not , and these must be bought to account for the cause of harm , and gross negligence, as to

Duty of Care. and to having the personal qualifications to determine that an invasive medical procedure

is safe and effective: and to claim to have any sanctity of decision by cause of Coercion or threat,

to invade and assault and trespass on another's property, their bodily integrity , there is no claim of right

to make such a claim, with or without Informed Consent:

Great job , again Robyn .

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Sure is a clever virus, isn't it? Unlike our politicians and "public health" bureaucrats.

There are people at every level of both the corporate and public sectors who have blood on their hands.

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Yes, clever, a programmed event, with the players such as our CMO, selected by virtue of personality traits, the players on cue, uttering the same script on a world wide basis, as robotic trolls.

Blood on their hands, indeed, and too stupid and ignorant to realise the reality of their actions, this is the real Tragedy, of this.

This was planned with all the people in place, and the drugs and the method authorised in 2016.

Snow White, needs that kiss to wake up.!!

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Have you seen this recent post by Toby Rogers? https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-cdcs-failure-to-use-multivariate/comments

None of my 3 were given vaccines as children, although they did have homeopathic versions. They never had any of the common "illnesses" that their classmates had - ADHD, asthma, allergies etc. Unfortunately as adults they've all been triple jabbed. Moral of the story, if you don't want them for your children, educate them why!

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Thanks for sharing Toby's post. I can almost feel his visceral horror and the shock of betrayal, just by reading his words. And he's 100% correct. The so-called "science" that "proves" that vaccines have no association with autism is a complete joke. Except it's not funny at all that so many children have been, and continue to be, irreparably harmed by these dangerous products.

I'm so sorry your kids fell for the propaganda, despite the way you raised them. I feel so fortunate that my own two kids (21 and 17) are adamantly opposed to the jabs and the regime that is pushing them. They were both born at home, and never vaccinated as kids, and we had many conversations with them about the choices we made.

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Yes mine were born at home as well, I should have had the conversations. My 2 boys were both mandated for work, one's at the ABC, one works for a health fund. No problems / symptoms so far. I just hope that at least one of the jabs they had were placebo, and that their immune systems are strong enough to cope with it as they were not suppressed (like the majority) with childhood vaccinations. I hope that one day they will let me start balancing them around it (I'm a kinesiologist / Neuro-Trainer and we have effective protocols that work)

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Glad they are both OK.

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Oh boy, working at the ABC!!! Talk about being in the belly of the beast...

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This just makes me sick to my stomach when I think of the many kids with ASD and related dysfunction that I have met and treated over the years. To think that even a fraction of these may be linked to vaccination given this type of despicable fraud is just pure evil!

How any of these monsters sleep at night is beyond me, far out the sheer depth of this horror is so much worse than I ever could have imagined.

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What profession are you in? I would be interested to know how you approach treating these kids.

And yes, I don't know how the people responsible for this ongoing atrocity sleep at night. But I guess psychopaths aren't really bothered by those concerns.

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Hi Robyn, I am a chiropractor so I am generally not treating such kids directly for these symptoms, often MSK presentations and also trying to help them with anxiety etc through stimulation of PSNS and other neurological activation. However I have treated many and seen many others attend while I’m treating their parents. I have always felt such empathy for these kids and especially those whose parents struggle with the emotional disconnect that can present at various levels, it has rocked me to the core to see the lies that we have all been told and the fact that vaccines may have been an environmental trigger in some/many of these kids. I have always been highly skeptical of the western medical establishment/big pharma but it’s so much worse than even I thought!

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Thank you for helping these kids. You're so right - they, and their parents, suffer so terribly. It's criminal that the potential causal role of vaccines in autism has never been fully and properly investigated.

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Fabulous piece! Thank you 😊

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Aug 12, 2022
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I suspect - and hope - that they've overplayed their hand, and in so doing have prompted a crisis. How that crisis will play out, I dare not predict. And it's not the only crisis that we're facing. I truly believe we are reaching, or already at, a civilisational crisis point. The global financial system is breaking down/being deliberately destroyed, and ditto for the food system, education system, and pretty much every other system that people rely upon. The technocratic order that "they/them/those" clearly wish to impose on us cannot succeed in the long run, but it could cost a lot of lives before it collapses under its own weight.

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Aug 12, 2022
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And spend time outdoors in nature to restore a sense of perspective :).

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