Wonderfully searing review, Robyn! It gives me goosebumps to read the excerpts from the article in question. As you say, given the authors' significant conflicts of interest, it's no wonder they conclude so; even still I'm shocked to hear doctors (as opposed to government, health bureaucrats and media) speak so openly in such political terms about health and medical matters (and their calls suggesting 'interventions' may be required to increase vaccine confidence among medical practitioners sends a chill down my spine.). As a citizen, and especially as a former nurse, I find this politicisation of our health and medical care absolutely terrifying. Keep up the fantastic work, and thanks for the comment reference too. :)

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022Liked by Robyn Chuter

I couldn't quite believe it, so I had to click on the link. But it was true alright. In Austria you could get a free, 30-minute consultation with a sex worker, dressed in a sexy-nurse uniform if you took the jab. And while 'medical procedures' are a well enough known paraphilia, it's probably the case (but I'm only guessing) they were just horny guys taking advantage of free sex, especially the 14-year olds - 14 being the age of consent in Austria. Though I'm not quite sure why they needed to be accompanied by an adult. Then again, Austria is home to the articulation of certain psychological insights one doesn't like to think about too much, so hopefully the boys weren't accompanied by their mothers.

Still, today's blog was just more evidence of your gift for penetrating, wide-ranging research, which always illuminates.

And just when I thought I'd pegged Bill Gates as the El Supremo of vaccine psychos, after reading your research about the research, I think I'm going to have to downgrade his status to 'first among equals'.

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Two generations have already been gravely harmed by this regimen. May future generations benefit free from needle attacks with excellent health and full cognitive achievement intact.

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"“Trust”. “Belief”. “Faith”. “Vaccine champions”"

The title of the paper says "Imperfect messengers ...". They expect doctors to be mere messengers of the establishment Gods. They don't expect doctors to think for themselves or understand anything. So we have only 10% of the doctors who are capable of thinking.

I wrote about this before the pandemic.

Nobel Prize winning proof that most doctors lack fundamental medical knowledge and thus sicken us with devastating chronic diseases


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I wonder how many of the 10.1% of primary care physicians who do not agree that vaccines are safe, do still inject vaccines into patients/victims? How many believe only the bs19 vax is unsafe but all other vaxxes are manna from heaven?

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I'm a medic and neither myself nor colleagues are rabid pro-vax. I see a case for them in defined groups but to mandate them for all is abhorrent.

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They are transitioning to ChoiceVax, and away from ForceVax. This is good, the freedom position is Choice, the tyrant position is Force.

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Can't we think of another word rather than merely parroting theirs, like "antivaxxers", "anti-vaxxers"?

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