What part of "I am now a permanent vaccine refusenik after your creepy, desperate jab-in-every-arm psyop" do these ridiculous people not understand?

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^^^^ this 1000%.

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Just when you think the agenda couldn’t get more disgusting and evil…

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Yes, and it's been that way for a long time. At least as far back as 1952, when Bertrand Russell, wrote, in his book The Impact of Science on Society,

"It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. But in his day this was an unattainable ideal: what he regarded as the best system in existence produced Karl Marx. In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship. Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”

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My god! After a long period of feeling there is no hope I am feeling more optimistic that we will find a way to defeat this dystopian plan…. We simply have no choice if we want to continue to exist as a species at this point

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I'll be writing more about this in my next post. I think this flurry of 'vaccine hesitancy' research is a very positive sign. They/them/those are getting very worried that we plebs just aren't buying their BS.

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can't wait to read it!

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OMG I gotta read that book ASAP!

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ok,have downloaded kindle sample. once i've read that will purchase hard copy! (this is my book purchasing harm minimisation strategy... ha ha.... the harm being to my budget .... ha ha)

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I use archive.org to avoid sending myself broke. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.351235

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"At least as far back as 1952"

Way before that. 100 years?

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I obviously could be wrong about this, but I don't think that the deliberate use of vaccines as a tool of population control (in both senses of the world) goes back as far as the mass deployment of dangerous and ineffective vaccines. The medical profession attached itself to Jenner's smallpox vaccine and refused to acknowledge its dangerousness and ineffectiveness out of hubris. Later, the burgeoning pharmaceutical industry began to see vaccines as a profit centre. And some time later, they/them/those began thinking about vaccines for population control. How long before Russell wrote his book this happened, is hard to say.

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Terrific piece! Had to post it in the comments section of some other substacks!:)

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Thank you so much for sharing it. I really appreciate that!

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The intentional manipulation to make us adopt demonstrable falsehoods and accept self harm is INFURIATING! Whatever happened to INFORMED consent! In the world of contracts this behavior is called FRAUD. It is FRAUD when you INTENTIONALLY LIE to someone with the purpose of inducing him or her to RELY on the lie to his or her detriment. Even worse when the liar is holding oneself out as a fiduciary or expert or professional or otherwise as being worthy of trust.

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The abandonment by so-called "health care providers" of the principle of informed consent is one of the most disgusting elements of the scamdemic, but of course it began much earlier, with the established vaccine schedules. I spent an entire semester studying the history of medical experimentation and the development of the principle of informed consent, when I was doing my Honours degree. But I'll guarantee you that 99.9999% of academics involved in teaching programs like this, are totally OK with vaccine mandates.

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A beautiful synopsis of 'idiocracy' and the covert (even overt) coercion that has been played out these past 4 years, and even before this. When we outsource responsibility, avoid critical thinking for oneself, then we pay the consequences. SO stop and think. Thank you Robyn.

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Well said - we MUST take responsibility for our own decision-making rather than lazily relying on the pronouncements of 'experts'. If even 10% of the population had done this during the scamdemic, the-powers-that-shouldn't-be would never have gotten away with what they did.

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What an inordinate amount of blah those 'researchers' use in their discussions. I just can't be bothered with all that fill. It fails to contribute to their 'argument' and alerts us, or rather, emphasises our alertness, to their deception and academic failure. The dishonesty makes me really angry, an emotion I've struggled with from the beginning of the deception in March 2020.

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I was always told by my high school English teachers that the worst thing you can do when writing an essay is to waffle. But that's exactly what academics do!!!

I totally get why you're angry. It's not just that those who presume to govern us lied to us; it's that the vast majority of the population went along with the lie. And most of them are STILL going along with it.

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Before they even get to step 1, HCPs are to "presume vaccination". Telling a person that specific vaccines are recommended for them, or even worse, telling parents "your child will be getting" x,y, and z, is really pushy, and a lot of people are uncomfortable pushing back.

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Yes, I spotted that too and had exactly the same reaction as you. There's not even the pretense of informed consent.

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Yes, the use of the psychological technique of Motivational Interview to convince people to get medical interventions they don't want is so unethical and pure evil. It is only ethical to use techniques like that if the person has agreed to their use to help them with a behavior they *want* to change.

I discovered this unethical use several years ago when I came across an app for "health care workers" that was based on Motivational Interview and was recommended for HCPs to learn how to convince parents to let their kids receive HPV vaccines.

Ah, I see now why they changed the name from Motivational Interview. There is no "respect(ing) a person’s right to make informed choices about changing or not changing" in this new technique.

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I didn't know about that app. How utterly disgusting. I wonder if the founders of MI are aware of this highjacking of their technique.

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Here is a video from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommending this app for health care workers so they can “avoid pitfalls” in conversations about the HPV vaccine.


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I'd like to see a doctor try and tell me that vaccines are good for my health. There are so many more options beyond the allopathic model that don't poison you and actually support the bodies knowledge of how to heal. Unbelievable!

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The fundamental problem with medicine is that it has nothing to do with health. Doctors don't learn about health and how to promote and restore it; they learn about disease and how to treat it. Two very different things.

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Their MINDSPACE and SAGE, their BIT and SBST/OES Behavioral Scientists (BS'ers) have been doing this whole "overcome vaccine hesitancy" for a long, long time, but on steroids since 2020.

And they were wildly successful during the first two years as orchestrated, sophisticated "fear amplification" BS campaigns, aka "terrorism," overwhelmed rational thinking. Many actually shared their glee among themselves about exceeding their expectation. While a few, like those cited in Laura Dodsworth's 'State of Fear' were horrified at how easy it was to pull off.

That's the thing about massive BS campaigns, they're really only effective when paired with fear. When fear dissipates so does their ability to influence. Which is why they need and will create fear. Monkeypox, bird flu, swine flu, solar flares, aliens, whatever it takes. And tilt the playing field with censorship, punitive measures against truth tellers, declaring them dangerous, domestic terrorists, or asocials, criminally insane. Just like Nazi doctors did in 1930's-1940's Germany.

Just remember, medical doctors in the US/UK/Australia today are cut from the same cloth of man as German medical doctors nearly a century ago.

Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, October 3, 2012


"During the Weimar Republic in the mid-twentieth century, more than half of all German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, surpassing the party enrollments of all other professions. From early on, the German Medical Society played the most instrumental role in the Nazi medical program, beginning with the marginalization of Jewish physicians, proceeding to coerced “experimentation,” “euthanization,” and sterilization, and culminating in genocide via the medicalization of mass murder of Jews and others caricatured and demonized by Nazi ideology. Given the medical oath to “do no harm,” many postwar ethical analyses have strained to make sense of these seemingly paradoxical atrocities. Why did physicians act in such a manner? Yet few have tried to explain the self-selected Nazi enrollment of such an overwhelming proportion of the German Medical Society in the first place."

Odds are your doctor who follows the "crack team" advice would have been an early member of the German Nazi Party. And is quite content to practice the same type of "medicine" as Victor Brack and Rudolph Brandt. On you.

Get out of the allopathic medicine system. Find natural healers. Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Ayurvedics, Herbalists, TCM, holistics. They're the ones who really want to heal you. Not aid and abet your untimely demise.

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It would be interesting to see if any research has been done on the prevalence of psychopathy within the so-called healing and helping professions.

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I think the study about Nazi doctors published by legal psychiatrists dances around it. That said, I think it's pretty easy for a god complex to be prevalent in the field. Whether or not psychopaths self select into the profession or the profession itself enculturates a psychopathy in practitioners would be useful to try to isolate in any research.

I know that when one enters the field, in medical school, they are trained to believe that treating patients like this is acceptable:

Massachusetts 2023 H.2146 / S.1333

An Act prohibiting nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients

Committee on Public Health, 9/20/2023


(Timestamp Begin 03:24:40 - 03:34:30 End)

I sat through that hearing. It was revolting. Even the committee Chair was beside herself, not believing there even needed to be a new law passed to prevent it. A complete lack of care or concern for other humans. Bodies are just pieces of meat to be experimented on. Utilitarianism. That's the ethics the profession is guided by. Harms to individuals acceptable in service to a declared and debatable collective greater good. Nonconsensual sexual assault linguistically justified as "medical examinations" for training purposes. Go in for knee surgery. Have a speculum shoved inside you and a dozen students poking around your cervix while you're anesthetized. Deemed ethical in medical school. The bill, now H. 4293 is still sitting in the Massachusetts House awaiting another committee hearing. Who knows if it'll even pass. We're revolted. Those with god complexes don't care, greater good and all. Individual consent be damned.

Ethics. It comes down to ethics, what *type* of ethics are doctors governed by? The Hippocratic oath itself is an intention of ethics for medical practitioners. "First, do no harm." How many readers know that today fewer than 14% of physicians take the Hippocratic oath? It's not a coincidence. Utilitarian ethics, like those taught in medical schools around the nation is enculturated in the profession. Whatever psychological make up a student has going into the profession it won't get any better once they're in it. They get to play God. "Ethically." Their definition of ethics. Not ours. Which is why so many of them eagerly joined the Nazi party in 1930's Germany.

To be a doctor working to advance the condition of humanity - as they believed it should exist -into master and inferior races, determining who lives and who dies must sound alluring to the psychopaths in the profession. Those who were psychopaths when they went in. And those who were trained to be psychopaths once they were in it.

Wesley Smith wrote some books about what was happening in the US in the past two decades. And Australia, Canada and the UK, too. This is the source of the diseased practice of medicine today. Legislation like the Massachusetts bill is just trying to treat a symptom.

Hippocratic Oath abandoned:

Culture of death : the assault on medical ethics in America

Wesley A Smith, 2000


Smith's Follow up book:

Culture of Death, The Age of "Do Harm" Medicine

Discovery Institute, 2016


"Smith warns that future troubles could be tied to the fact that only 14% of doctors today report having taken the Hippocratic oath to “do no harm.” Smith even recounts episodes of doctors recommending that the old or sick be denied basic treatments which might potentially save life. This enlightening book unmasks unexpected occurrences in the present practice of medicine, and shines light into a future that many of us might not like."

Ethics. Bioethics. Corrupted by the Utilitarian version of those words. Kant and Virtue must come back into ethical vogue if we want OUR concept of ethical practitioners in the healing and helping professions.

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I would like to share this 5 minute video with that crack team of psychologists: https://rumble.com/v4i2k7k-im-still-alive.html

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Say it with me now: "It's just a coincidence."

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