A great opening quote, Robyn! The ferreting-out of it alone merits a page of elephant stamps.

The Steven Crowder video has a lot of intrusive background noise. Try this version instead, which is quieter. It also features some UK covid villains and a running commentary by GB News' Bev Turner. (22m)


Another video by Turner, this time giving Gates and Blair the treatment. (5m)


With your post and the Turner videos we've got a mini-festival of female, sardonic wit on our hands.

But look at this drop kick, insulting our intelligence with his fake, keeping-us-all-safe spiel. Who's going to keep us safe from the likes of you, mate? Or, more pertinently, who you get your riding instructions from? Because it sure ain't us who are telling you to flip the switch to totalitarianism. And it ain't about sovereignty as you claim. We see what you're up to. If it were about sovereignty we wouldn't be falling into line with other countries under globalist capture. Why don't you try and organise a public debate? Is it because you know you'll lose? Is a beat-up censorship attack your only option left to shut us up? (0.42m)


One of my favourite historical examples in the keeping-us-safe manoeuvre comes from the French Revolution: on 28 July 1794, Robespierre, the driving force on the Committee for Public Safety, was accused of tyranny. He was arrested in the early hours of the following morning and guillotined without trial later the same day. With one fall of the blade The Terror was over. So there you have it: the guy running the public safety racket was also the guy running the Reign of Terror campaign, where no-one felt safe. Neat. But was his execution a vindication of the long-standing belief in the purifying virtue of tyrannicide that stretched all the way back to the Ancient Greeks? No doubt there were revolutionaries who thought so; but the French are a complicated lot, especially when they go the full revolutionary berserko. Still, a tyrant got it in his well-deserved neck.

The Roman statesman Cicero is generally regarded as tyrannicide's most distinguished advocate; he was a man of strong republican sympathies who opposed autocracy and tended to get up the noses of autocrats like Mark Antony. He was also well-read in Greek philosophy and especially Stoicism, which was just as well, because in the aftermath of Julius Caesar's assassination—another autocrat, and in the period of civil unrest that followed, Cicero himself had become marked for assassination. On the run, he was eventually captured and beheaded by soldiers under the command of Mark Antony. Stoic to the end he made the effort to cooperate with the soldiers in their gruesome task.

A review of a recent book on Cicero's political philosophy, which notes some philosophical problems with tyrannicide:


Wow! Something from their ABC that's worth reading: I like Cicero's remark to someone he was trying to arrange a meeting with: "If you have a garden in your library, we will want for nothing." Also rendered as a quote: "If you have a garden and a library, you have everthing you need." So much more enticing than Clown Schwab's miserable effort.


In any discussion of online safety in Australia, and its abuse, one name stands out: Julie Inman Grant, a sort of one-woman KGB (Karen Goes Bonkers) overreach outfit, fully paid for by the ever-generous Australian taxpayer to prosecute the globalists war against free speech and get us back under control. Don't you just love paying for the privilege of being lied to by globalist scum, ably assisted by their narrative-enforcing mouthpieces: the puppeticians, as Neil Oliver calls them; the bureaucrats; the bought-and-paid-for lamestream, corporate media; the censorship industrial complex; the fact-chucker industrial complex; and the many doctors and scientists with too many conflicts of interest actively engaged in the corruption of science.

Inman Grant's job is actually keeping children safe online, but it's often remarked by her critics that it's an underperforming organisation on that score, and that's not even mentioning her failure to protect children from the psychological harm of the climate catastrophism scam or the covid scam, which managed to kill or injure a great many children in the service of transferring taxpayer wealth to Big pHarma bank accounts.

It's not a recent episode of The Other Side, but it does have some useful stats on the fact-chucker industrial complex, as well as a segment on e-karen. So get out your voodoo doll and bag of pins for that one, take photos and send them to globalist organisations, which apparently just love occult shit, though they'd probably prefer you sent children instead, as far as I'm able to discern. But what would I know, I'm only a conspiracy theorist spreading misinformation. (10 m)


A journalist rebukes e-karen for being too far up herself.(1.20 m)


P.S. I didn't get to read the JFK stuff. The print size was excessively small and light-toned (I'm reading it on my mobile). Even after swivelling, it was still just as bad. And for whatever reason, it wouldn't finger-spread either.

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I'm always very careful to properly source my quotes because so many well-known quotes are misattributed! I actually came across a Reddit thread regarding that quote, on which one Redditor mentioned that the answer given by White House policy analyst Barbara Honegger, who was in the room when Casey spoke these words, had been removed or hidden.

Sorry about the poor legibility of the screenshots. When I get a free moment, I'll try to take them again.

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It would certainly have been interesting to see that missing Honegger quote. Who knows now whether it was genuine or not.

It took me a while to read the long Michael Shellenberger link. And it seemed even longer when one's life comes with constant interruptions; still, it was good to have all that information in one place.

I was reluctant to add any more to its length at the time, and disinclined to go digging around old Subtack posts so I could give a detailed mention of the Biden emissaries who were sent out to the big tech companies to do their mafiosi schtick; that is, make the tech giants an offer they couldn't refuse, because the Biden gang didn't like all the counternarrative truth on their platforms.

And then there was the Judge Doughty ruling and the SCOTUS overruling and the appeal which is still pending when the First Amendment came into play in the courts.

Here's an account of John Kerry's jaunt to the World Economic Forum in late September. The globalists are not happy.


Neil Oliver discusses it in his latest monologue.


Dr Aaron Kheriaty's reflections on censorship and propaganda during the covid years is also a good read.


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"It would certainly have been interesting to see that missing Honegger quote. Who knows now whether it was genuine or not."

It's genuine, all right. Just click the link for that quote - it'll take you to the archive.org page https://archive.org/details/cia-director-william-casey-disinformation-program-quote-soruce/mode/2up on which Barbara's reply has been saved.

"The globalists are not happy." Well, that's the best news I've had all day 🤣. And the biggest laugh I've had in a loooong while was the Bad Cat's description of John Kerry https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/reaching-consensus-about-consensus-f87:

"if ever there were a contest to find the living avatar of the phrase “the clothes have no emperor,” i’d pick john kerry and pit him against all comers.

i’m not sure there is an emptier suit in all the beltway.

it’s like someone did a gain of function experiment on patrician stupidity and entitlement, slapped a politician haircut on top, jolted the neck bolts to life, and sent it tottering down the hill towards some unsuspecting heiress."

You're welcome.

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I couldn't quite work out what you were trying to convey to the reader about what Honegger said, but it seemed as if she had made some sort of supplementary comment/remark, which got put on the record but someone later removed, so naturally the reader thinks she must have said something that someone else probably thought was best erased. I never thought the quote by Casey was dubious, and never thought that all Honegger had done was merely confirm what Casey said. And that it was simply the confirmation that got removed.

That bad cat post was definitely a good laugh. For some reason I haven't received a bad cat post for several weeks. There have been a few posters who just stopped sending during the last year, including Eugyppius.

Speaking of ridicule I'm sure you saw Rebekah Barnett's post yesterday where it looks like the Victorian Goverment is now looking for some way to censor ridicule. I'm momentarily speechless!

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I've been meaning to read that part of the book review that critiques Cicero's position on tyrannicide and say something in response, but I keep getting ambushed. A couple of articles, then, instead.

St.Thomas Aquinas, who was influenced by Cicero, also had something to say about Tyrannicide:


The English philosopher John Locke was a huge Cicero fan. The last part 'Resisting Tyranny' is the most pertinent, but it's a worthwhile read overall:


Two very accessible videos about tyranny and oligarchy, and how they operated in Ancient Greece, that still resonate today:

The timeless truths about tyranny according to Aristotle:


What Aristotle knew about oligarchy that we forgot:


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I engaged with the Debunkbot on 9/11 but thought I'd get a summary to screenshot which I didn't. Replies weren't interesting. It just spouted the propaganda. Also, you can't even reply properly as you can't make paragraphs, you can only write in a continuous stream.

Cannot believe Dr Jay Varma. Zero sense of morality whatsoever but then arrogantly thinks he knows science and it was still OK for him to enforce jab mandates and the other BS. It's interesting to really get a sense of who these people are. OMG!

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Steven Crowder's comment was spot on: the hypocrisy of these people is not the issue. It's that they very obviously weren't scared of the thing they were telling everyone else to be scared of. They weren't overwhelmed or confused; they knew. They're power-crazed psychos. I try not to be a vengeful person because it's corrosive to the soul, but if some New York firefighters or police or basketball players who lost their jobs because of this low-life caught up with him in a dark alley, I wouldn't cry for him.

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Yes, but at the same time, why do people indignantly defend these psychos?

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Very similar phenomenon to the way victims of abusive relationships defend their abuser. It's inexplicable to most of us.

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That's a good way to look at it.

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Very interesting, Robyn, but before I go back and read the article more carefully there's a fundamental issue that needs to be clarified.

9/11 wasn't an "inside job" per se and nor was the alleged JFK assassination (or RFK's) and the evidence shows that a number of events known by some as "false flags" are not "false flags" per se.

False Flag: Event where Group A accuses Group/Individual B of Crime C that Group A has really committed.

What really happens: Group A in cahoots with Group/Individual B STAGES Crime C. False flags are really 100% psyops.

Alleged false flags such as Pearl Harbor, the 1967 USS Liberty attack by Israel, 9/11, the post 9/11 anthrax attacks, JFK and RFK's assassinations, the 1980 Bologna Station bombing and the 1995 Oklahoma bombing were events where the alleged death and any injury were faked.

And this makes perfect sense.

They kill people when they want to kill people like now but they don't kill people when they only want us to BELIEVE in their deaths. Alleged false flags are really 100% psyops.

9/11 was simply a demolition job. Did they want real planes? No they didn't. Did they want to kill and injure people? No they didn't.

They just wanted us to BELIEVE in plane crashes and death and injury. They wanted to TERRORISE us and if they do things for real where they just want us to BELIEVE then they're not doing their psyop job properly. Psyops are all about duping and mind control not doing things for real ... unless wanted, of course.

The notion that people were killed for real on 9/11 is simply preposterous. Quite a large number of people needed to be involved including media personal and emergency responders and most importantly demolition crews. Demolition crews aren't going to be persuaded to bring down buildings without fully evacuating them first ... for a mere TERROR S-T-O-R-Y. Yes, thousands upon thousands of health professionals can be coerced and propagandised to inject people with toxic substances that injure, maim and kill them but that's on the back of 200 years of fraudulent medical "science".

But they obviously WANT to kill people now - they didn't want to kill them on 9/11 and so they didn't.

Apart from anything else, how could they keep hiring crisis actors for events if they killed and injured for real?

They 100% know that a certain percentage of the population will reject their 9/11 and JFK nonsense stories ... but the secondary narrative they push out discreetly is also a complete load of cobblers ... just like the "biolab" secondary narrative for covid - as soon as I heard "biolab" I knew it was a secondary propaganda stream from understanding the secondary propaganda stream for 9/11.

This is an eye-opener: Jackie Kennedy's phone conversation with Lyndon B. Johnson two weeks after her alleged widowhood commenced. You won't believe it.


My post, Are false flags a thing? - https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/are-false-flags-a-thing

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