This is brilliant Andrew. I admire not only your knowledge on the subject, but also your tenacity in not just letting those pathetic replies go. The fact that you followed up with even more succinct and damning evidence and references, is truly admirable. God Bless you. Thanks also to Robyn for making this public. Let's see if you get another reply.

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If any of these elected representatives are doing a fraction of the research that Andrew is doing they would hang their head in shame...it's so obvious..sadly its not about following the science, but the money. Fantastic effort Andrew and thanks for your continuing work Robyn

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Thanks so much for the effort you put into your well researched and considered contact with this elected representative of the people. It is shameful they do not appear to have the will, nor the capacity, to do likewise. At no point in this sorry saga could we believe they are representing us and not their party and their political career?

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Andrew thanks for your contribution to clarity on this not medical crisis. I seriously doubt that the other party read all your correspondence given their pithy response. Could I suggest you continue on your path of enlightening these useful idiots and copy "Empowered" to keep us abreast. In the meantime I will take your correspondences, amend them slightly and redirect them to my local mis-representations.

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That's great, Sandy! Let's keep peppering these pathetic shills with messages of discontent with their total lack of representation.

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Top job Andrew. Looks like none of the pollies are able to answer anything themselves.

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Thank you so much for your efforts Andrew. It is very much appreciated and we are 100% supportive of you.

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