Special event: Dr Sherri Tenpenny discusses the new RSV vaccine for pregnant women
A critical discussion on the new RSV vaccine and its addition to the Australian Immunisation Schedule
The Australian Department for Health and Aged Care has announced that from 3 February 2025, the RSV vaccine will be included in the Childhood Immunisation Schedule.
This has sparked questions and concerns among health-conscious families and individuals. What is RSV? How does the vaccine work? What are the risks, and what do you need to know before making a decision?
Next Wednesday, 5 February, in the first-ever special event run by the Australian vaccination education organisation Inform Me, I’ll be hosting renowned expert Dr. Sherri Tenpenny as she provides a comprehensive analysis of the RSV vaccine, including its safety, efficacy, and the broader implications for public health.
What You’ll Learn:
The disease profile of RSV: Who is most at risk?
Insights into the development and approval process of the RSV vaccine.
Key considerations for informed consent and personal decision-making.
In a world of rapidly evolving health information, it’s more important than ever to understand the facts. This event is your opportunity to gain trusted, evidence-based insights from a leading voice in vaccine research and advocacy.
Dr Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board-certified in osteopathic medicine, with a proficiency certification in Integrative Medicine. She was previously board-certified in Emergency medicine, when she worked as a full-time Emergency Medicine physician and served as Director of a Level II Trauma center for 12 years.
The founder of Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, a clinic located near Cleveland, Ohio, her clinic provides natural, holistic approaches to getting well. Their success has attracted patients from all 50 states and more than 20 countries.
Dr. Tenpenny’s authority in the field of vaccines is unparalleled. Over the last nearly 25 years, she has invested tens of thousands of hours of research and writing time to expose problems associated with vaccines. Her expertise is widely recognized, as she is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences and a regular guest on various media platforms, sharing her highly researched information on the importance of informed vaccine decisions.
Wednesday 5 February, 10am - 11:30am AEST/11am-12.30pm AEDT
Online - book your free ticket here.
What if you can’t attend live?
Book your ticket anyway, and you’ll receive a link to the recording after the event (please allow a few days for editing).
Stay informed. Make empowered choices.
I booked a ticket but never received notification of how I could view or participate in the online event. I could not find any such link or information in the booking page https://events.humanitix.com/dejhksw-jfek-lwrq.
The incidence and severity of numerous diseases, not least influenza, COVID-19 and RSV, would be greatly reduced if everyone's immune system had a chance to work properly, which is only possible with 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This has a half-life of weeks to months and is made, over several days, primarily in the liver, by hydroxylating ingested or UV-B -> skin created vitamin D3 cholecalciferol.
The kidneys need about 20 ng/mL 50 nmol/L in order to play their part in regulating calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism, but many types of immune cell can only respond properly to their changing circumstances with a good supply of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which comes from 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L or more in the bloodstream. Neither vitamin D3 cholecalciferol nor 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) calcifediol (AKA "calcidiol") are hormones. They are not signaling molecules.
Please see the research cited and discussed regarding the vitamin D compounds and the immune system at: https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/.
This begins with recommendations from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa on the average daily supplemental intake quantities of vitamin D3 which will attain least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, over several months, without the need for blood tests or medical monitoring:
70 to 90 IU / kg body weight for those not suffering from obesity (BMI < 30).
100 to 130 IU / kg body weight for obesity I & II (BMI 30 to 39).
140 to 180 IU / kg body weight for obesity III (BMI > 39).
For 70 kg (154 lb) body weight without obesity, this is about 0.125 milligrams (125 micrograms 5000 IU) a day. This takes several months to attain the desired > 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This is 8 or more times what most governments recommend. "5000 IU" a day sounds like a lot, but it is a gram every 22 years - and pharma-grade vitamin D costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.
These recommendations are included in a recent article with another professor of medicine Scott T. Weiss and professor of pediatrics Bruce W. Hollis: https:// www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/16/22/3969. All three have been researching vitamin D for decades.
There's very little vitamin D in food, whether it is fortified with vitamin D3 or the the less effective D2. While UV-B exposure of ideally white skin can produce plenty of vitamin D3, this is not available all year round far from the equator - and it always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
The most important first step to resolving numerous health problems, for both individuals and whole populations, is to ensure (by education and support - not mandates) that everyone has the nutritional inputs their immune systems need. Vitamin D3 is the most important deficiency, but boron, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and iron are also important and are generally not found in our diet in sufficient quantities, with the exception of iron for meat eaters and omega 3 fatty acids for those who eat plenty of fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines.
Only then should we be considering the use of vaccines at all, let alone recommending them to everyone, or requiring that they be taken. There may be exceptions for vaccines which protect against diseases such as rabies, which remain potentially severe with a fully functioning immune system.
Every discussion of mass-deployment vaccines should begin with recognition that they are promoted with a trumped up version of observations about current illness severity and transmissibility - and that both of these would be very much reduced if individuals and ideally the whole population had the 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune systems need to function properly.