Join me next Monday for a deep dive on the manufactured COVID crisis
Voices for Choices has invited me back on for a deep dive on all things COVID-19 - the historical background to the current situation, the real agenda behind the harmful and unscientific pandemic response, who’s behind it and what their vision for our future is… and most importantly, what we can do to reclaim our fundamental rights to freedom of choice (including what we do or don’t put into our bodies), freedom of movement and freedom of communication.
Here’s everything you need to know:
Start Time
11am Monday, 21st of March (Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney)
10am Monday, 21st of March (Brisbane)
8am Monday, 21st of March (Perth)
2pm Sunday, 20th of March (Hawaii)
4pm Sunday, 20th of March (US West Coast)
7pm Sunday, 20th of March (US East Coast)
Zoom Meeting Details
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 3946 2241
One-tap mobile (tapping the link will automatically dial the number and input the meeting code so you don't have to):
+61871501149,,85939462241# West Coast, Australia
+61280156011,,85939462241# East Coast, Australia
Dial by your location:
+61 2 8015 6011 Sydney, Australia
+61 3 7018 2005 Melbourne, Australia
+61 7 3185 3730 Brisbane, Australia
+61 8 6119 3900 Perth, Australia
+61 8 7150 1149 Adelaide, Australia
+1 301 715 8592 Washington DC, US
+1 312 626 6799 Chicago, US
+1 346 248 7799 Houston, US
+1 669 900 6833 San Jose, US
+1 929 436 2866 New York, US
+1 253 215 8782 Tacoma, US
Meeting ID: 859 3946 2241
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The meeting will not be recorded, so join live if you can!