I’ll be doing a deep dive on this article in the next few weeks, but wanted to put it under my Substack subscribers’ noses asap.
Australian journalist Maryanne Demasi has produced a hard-hitting report on international drug regulators. Australia’s TGA received the worst report card of the six agencies. Shockingly, TGA receives 96% of its budget from industry fees, approves 94% of new drug applications, and does not routinely receive patient level datasets.
Read the article here and I’ll get my take on it to you within the next couple of weeks.
The pessimist in me says “so what”. No one seems to care , the government isn’t going to do anything about it, 4 corners might have done an investigation in years gone by but not now, and it’s only the alt media.
The dude who founded the Cochrane Group, (ironically they kicked him out because he couldn’t be boughten Peter Goetzke wrote a booked called Deadly Medicine and Organised Crime, this was written in 2013 that highlights the infiltration of big Pharma.
Any light you can shine on these drug approval cartels would be helpful, bring it on!